Re: Name spelling 06/13/2004 04:10 PM CDT
For quite a while, I was just referred to as "The V GM"...well, as long as Vaschon wasn't around.

Harder-to-spell name = more of a pain for the other GMs to kill.

Not that that's stopped Vaschon or Quarel in the past few days.


"Reject me not, sweet sounds! oh, let me live,
Till doom espy my towers and scatter them.
A city spell-bound under the aging sun,
Music my rampart, and my only one."
-Edna St. Vincent-Millay
Re: Name spelling 06/13/2004 05:00 PM CDT
> Harder-to-spell name = more of a pain for the other GMs to kill.

Anyone so that needs a bit of attention gets <crtl-C>ed...if they are truely near and dear to my heart I include them in macros. If I absolutely loathe them I add their name to my kill script....that way I remember EXACTLY what I wanted to do to them <G>

- Tathlenia
Re: Name spelling 06/13/2004 05:24 PM CDT
What's a kill script Tathlenia and can I borrow it?

And if Kate is a McDonalds's sandwich, please make her a McChicken, they taste they best. :)
Re: Name spelling 06/13/2004 07:28 PM CDT
>What's a kill script Tathlenia and can I borrow it?

Tathlenia see's a young warmage named "Combust" walk by.
(I'm serious about the name, been seeing many like it lately and it's worrying me)

Tathlenia reaches into her thigh bag and pulls out a bunch of papers labeled "kill script"

Tathlenia carefuly studies her script, memmorizing the keys to Combust's demise.

Tathlenia knocks Combust flat with Demriss' Resolve.

Tathlenia pulls out a bottle of naphtha and vigerously douses Combust.

Tathlenia begins Phoenix's Pyre.

Tathlenia merrily watches as Combust beings stirring just in time to notice the flames consume him.

Tathlenia walks off, whistling merrily, satisfied that she's helped someone achieve everything Combust's parents had hoped for when naming him.

- Tathlenia
<no people were harmed in the making of his post, though I've been seeing many names like Combust lately and it's starting to bother me>
Re: Name spelling 06/13/2004 08:47 PM CDT
I had to kill someone once who kept running around town. He was a bard hater/killer, and I couldn't catch him, but I saw him running by alot. So what I did was set up a script with his name in it, so that when it matched that name, it'd fire my arrow(already had it out). What I did then, is run all over town very fast(easily done if you know your way around), and I had him dead in no time. lol.

Troubadour Raziaar
Re: Name spelling 06/14/2004 12:17 AM CDT
<<And if Kate is a McDonalds's sandwich, please make her a McChicken, they taste they best. :)>>

Oh, gods, the jokes, Matrina, and I can't say them here or else be squished and yelled at by Redryn.

McKatelee ~ would you like fries with that?
Re: Name spelling 06/14/2004 09:25 AM CDT
You may feel like McDonald's Kate, but no one ever mistakens you for an arch. Do I truly look that much like a piece of scenery?

~Achrennight, not Archen or Archren... but Achren.
"Sweet desert rose
Each of her veils, a secret promise
This desert flower
No sweet perfume ever tortured me more than this"
Re: Name spelling 06/14/2004 12:22 PM CDT
I've been a slew of them.. 'Jastina', 'Jastema', 'Jasitsma', 'Jastiema', and my favorite and the most common, 'Jastime'. It's an "A", dammit! There was also a very creative concoction once, but I've forgotten it by now. I think there was an 'i' every other letter, though.

To be ultra-technical, the "J" is a "Y" sound. Ooo no. Complexities.

Regardless, it's easy.. double-click on the name in question, ctrl+c, ctrl+v, voila. I've gotten used to it as a mentor.. some of the novices have some choice names with a billion or so vowels.

Especially those rotten Elotheans. ;X
Re: Name spelling 07/09/2004 11:38 AM CDT
>You may feel like McDonald's Kate, but no one ever mistakens you for an arch. Do I
>truly look that much like a piece of scenery?

I plead the fifth, because I honestly /would/ be incriminating myself on this one.
