My conflict with Excitement/Amarian/? 06/10/2004 07:33 PM CDT
Today, the delightful Halfling Bardess Shia walked.

Before she walked she left all her possessions on the Crossing Bard Guild shelf.

During that afternoon, a succession of "novice" bards grabbed a bunch of her stuff each, ran out of the room and logged off in front of Katrinai and I over a period of an hour or so. Neither of us have seen so many novice bards walk into the bard guild like that on a quiet afternoon. I theorized that they might all share the same mind, but who knows.

One person who did this was Excitement. Once she grabbed a bunch of stuff, I asked her if she would take some things out of the containers and put them back on the shelf for other Bards to have. She put three things back on the shelf and immediately logged.

Then Harlehafarle came, took stuff, left, and logged.

Then Glow came, took stuff, left, and logged.

I had stuck their names on my highlights to see the pattern of logging in and logging off. Glow logged in for a few minutes and then left. Then Harle logged in. Then Excitement logged in and ran out of the Bard Guild before I could have a word with her. I run out the Bard guild and see her joining Harle's group and then they ran. Being the already steamed up one after watching an hour of this go on to Shia's remains, I shot Excitement but didn't exactly expect her to die in one hit. She dies and I get jailed. I got out of jail and tried to find Excitement in game but couldn't find her. I didn't see her log out, so I ran to Tenderfoot Inn. There was Excitement all rerolled up as Amarian wearing the same thing as Excitement.

I had a chat with her and told her my reason for shooting at her and how I felt about her grabbing most of Shia's stuff on the shelf. She said that it didn't matter because she didn't have the items anymore. I pointed out the fact that she was wearing all of Excitement's stuff. She apparently didn't realize that. Is this believable or not? I don't know. I asked her if she was willing to put most of it back onto the shelf and keep a few items for herself. She then said something how I shouldn't have killed her for that.

You know. She has a point, but Shia's been a friend of mine for years and years. It really burns me to watch someone do that to her items.

I told her that I didn't like seeing a bunch of newly rolled up bards take stuff from the shelf and just run off. Amarian said that Harle was merely a friend and not her. I'll concede to that because it could very well be the truth. Maybe it's a group effort of two instead of one?

Anyways, Amarian then runs out and I can't find her again so I decide to drop the issue and just return to the Bard guild. Amarian then rerolled herself into someone else whose name I don't know because I didn't bother to find out.

So to Excitement/Amarian/Who knows who..

Take stuff off the shelf if you will, but don't take twenty items at once. And if you want to take the stuff, wear it proudly. Don't reroll your characters because you're afraid that someone knows your name. Sell dead Shia's items if you want for coin. Just know this.. Shia was far better a person than you seem to be. Maybe her items will have a positive effect on you.

Re: My conflict with Excitement/Amarian/? 06/10/2004 10:26 PM CDT
Shia walked?

::just cries::
Re: My conflict with Excitement/Amarian/? 06/10/2004 10:30 PM CDT
She seemed satisfied with her decision. She told me she was happy with it, she wanted to leave. Wasn't willing to put account on stasis, so I guess its her decision and it was what she wanted. I refused to take any of her items, as I don't like taking items of friends who are leaving, but it pisses me off to see some newbies all of the same person(no doubt) take em all just to likely get rich quick. It'll take great restraint for me not to kill them over and over again as I see them and risk lockout.

Troubadour Raziaar

"If there is no God as you say, then in the end I lose nothing. But if there is a God like I say, in the end you lose everything."
Re: My conflict with Excitement/Amarian/? 06/10/2004 10:33 PM CDT
Yeah, we've seen that happen with the Empath shelf, too. Someone comes in, cleans up all the neat stuff, walks out, then another one arrives, rinse and repeat ad infinitum.

It's something that should peeve off most of the good people in the game. Especially if someone left those items on the shelf specifically so that someone brand new to the game and/or the guild could have something neat.

Heck, I'm to the point where I'm almost embarrassed to take something off the shelves these days. Both of my characters are 20th+ circle, and have not-exactly-pitiful bank accounts. So unless there is something that is really neat, as well as fits for my character, I won't touch it. Unless there's a shelf-harvester around. Then I'll grab as much as I can to save until after they get bored, then put it back.

Heck, just about everything my bard owned when I started her was bought by my empath specifically for that purpose. And now I wonder why my poor empath has such a low bank balance. Two player-made weapons and a set of tanned leathers will do that, I guess. And seeing as how I retired around 5 characters when I dropped from premium, I still have enough gear left over to outfit two more newbies with weapons and armor, having already done so with 3. I just leave it stowed in my vault until someone comes along that fits the description. (Oh, and my roommate loaned the clothes to me for her as well. Remember, ladies. Being a killing machine in battle is meaningless unless you look darned good while doing it.)

Admittedly, when someone walks, they don't have the option to do that, and few people have the remaining vault space to, either. But sometimes, especially with nice, expensive, and rare items, the extra effort to arrange a holder is worth it.

Amagaim; the player of,

That or make you a first circle Empath who must work 24/7 in the Infirmary, with access only to EWH, while Jourok reads bad poetry and microeconomics of third world nations in his full accent.
--- SGM Auriane
Re: My conflict with Excitement/Amarian/? 06/10/2004 10:51 PM CDT
Shelf harvesters.

That's a great word for it. I really really loathe shelf harvesters. Especially in the Bard guild since most bards are pretty good about taking things from the shelf. They might take some neat objects, but they always donate what they can too. I know I've taken quite a few things off the shelf, but whenever I'm vault cleaning or find something neat that isn't really me, I try to donate to the shelf.

It's just easier to give something straight to a novice you know I guess.

Re: My conflict with Excitement/Amarian/? 06/10/2004 11:24 PM CDT
It was me.

Hello everybody. My name is Kystrk, and...I have a problem.
Re: My conflict with Excitement/Amarian/? 06/11/2004 01:17 AM CDT
I only ever really take items off of it that struck me as neat. Little novelty items to me. Last thing I took off was a small pirate doll. And that was a LONG time ago. Being a pirate is a broken dream of mine :-P

And Kystrk, if you did that... you SUCK. More so than you already do, and hereby considered a form of life lower than dirt.

Troubadour Raziaar

"If there is no God as you say, then in the end I lose nothing. But if there is a God like I say, in the end you lose everything."
Re: My conflict with Excitement/Amarian/? 06/11/2004 07:19 AM CDT
Sorry Kystryk, but I don't believe that for a moment. You're a pain in the butt sometimes, but not like that. Not unless you suddenly developed a huge fetish for girl clothing and dolls.

Re: My conflict with Excitement/Amarian/? 06/11/2004 08:23 AM CDT
>Not unless you suddenly developed a huge fetish for girl clothing and dolls.

He looks really cute in his pink pinafore, with the gingham checked apron.


Kystryk is a pretty, pretty princess.

AIM: Ysselt
Re: My conflict with Excitement/Amarian/? 06/11/2004 08:51 AM CDT
<<Being a pirate is a broken dream of mine

Mine too, but I keep the dream alive!

Swashbuckler Squall
Re: My conflict with Excitement/Amarian/? 06/11/2004 12:48 PM CDT
If I reminded everyone that I had only one y in my name, it would just make people spell it wrong more, wouldn't it?

Hello everybody. My name is Kystrk, and...I have a problem.
Re: My conflict with Excitement/Amarian/? 06/11/2004 01:23 PM CDT
You've never known a mispelled name until you've had mine... I've got a list laying around somewhere counting how many mispells i've seen of it. Everything you can imigine. :-P

Troubadour Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaziaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar
Re: My conflict with Excitement/Amarian/? 06/11/2004 04:22 PM CDT
I can't spell your name, thats why it's highlighted in game.


You're still a pretty pretty princess. <3.

AIM: Ysselt
Re: My conflict with Excitement/Amarian/? 06/11/2004 07:12 PM CDT
apparently, some people think i'm jaeborn. they get little help from me when they ask for it.

Jaebom --is it really that hard to tell the difference between m and rn when the font has a FIXED WIDTH?!
Re: My conflict with Excitement/Amarian/? 06/11/2004 08:05 PM CDT
>Jaebom --is it really that hard to tell the difference between m and rn when the font has a FIXED WIDTH?!

I'd say that depends on what font the person is using for their front end :) I know I don't used the standard fixedsys font and haven't for years now.

~Azimee Ta'Shiza
~Gypsy Songbird
~Tinbird In Training

An in-character look at plat:
Re: My conflict with Excitement/Amarian/? 06/12/2004 03:58 PM CDT
No one can ever spell my name right. And I'm not quite sure why.

- Teh Ninja, Korsik.




(Korsik dragon)
You exclaim, "Rawr! Fire!"
Re: My conflict with Excitement/Amarian/? 06/12/2004 11:18 PM CDT
<< No one can ever spell my name right. And I'm not quite sure why.>>

people can't spell there (their, they're) right, so don't feel bad. My name gets slaughtered all the time. The worst is Mckatelle - I feel like a McDonald's burger. Mooooooooo.


~~And music with its silver sound shall swiftly rend redress~
Re: My conflict with Excitement/Amarian/? 06/13/2004 01:38 AM CDT
That's why we call you Kate you silly thing....

Re: My conflict with Excitement/Amarian/? 06/13/2004 01:55 AM CDT
Will always be Mckatelee in my eyes :-)

Troubadour Raziaar
Re: My conflict with Excitement/Amarian/? 06/14/2004 12:36 PM CDT
I donate when I can to the shelves in the Crossing and Haven. It's been a few gweths, armor, and other sorts of things because of the war, and I'd like the novices to be supplied with a means to help themselves, even if it's just to hear warning of an attack so they can get inside.

I'll take excessive things off of the Crossing shelf and hike them to Haven -- Haven is hardly stocked, except with junk most of the time. I can't say I really need anything anymore that I can't buy (or have a sister dig through a vault ;P ).

Maybe something should be implimented like the Ranger shelf (and I think the Warrior Mage shelf..), where you can only grab something expensive once in a set time.. at least others would have a chance throughout the day. I'm not sure if a container with expensive things inside would count as 'one' item, though. Maybe something else implimented where you have to be a non-novice bard (30 days, or 4th circle) to grab things off of the shelf.. would it really be that much of a problem if the bards sitting around were able to take stuff of the shelf and gave it to a novice if they asked (and looked like they needed it)?

I always make sure, though, to take things out of containers, unless it's a huge bunch of herbs, lollipops, food, etc. You don't really need to see 'a yelith root' a billion times.

Some people are insane with the fluff, and others are just plain insane. The fact that whomever this person was (in all forms and all accounts) had to come in and do something rather childish is a bit bothersome to read about, especially since I see a lot of novice Bards while mentoring, and they have nothing themselves and can't find anything of use on the shelf because greedy people feel the need to take it away from them.

Again, what Shenney said.. I can only hope Shia's items make YOU a better person. But it's doubtful. :/
Re: My conflict with Excitement/Amarian/? 06/14/2004 01:38 PM CDT
The best bet for anyone who truly wants to donate items to younger players is to drop it in the chute at Jadewater Mansion. I can't tell you how, but just know that it's just more efficient that way.

Mentor Larzul VonMarn

"That's the most foul and cruel-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on!" - Tim the Enchanter
Re: My conflict with Excitement/Amarian/? 06/14/2004 03:09 PM CDT
The point of the shelf is to get the items to young bards, not young players in general. Sometimes we want our items to go specifically to a certain guild. Thats why sometimes I take stuff to the clerics guild donation trunk.

Troubadour Raziaar
Re: My conflict with Excitement/Amarian/? 06/14/2004 04:45 PM CDT
Normally though, the Bard guild honestly doesn't have a problem with the donation shelf. The young bards know that the shelf is there for them and they use it when they need it. It's definitely out of the ordinary for us to get hit by a shelf harvester, and I'm guessing it's only because there was a lot of expensive, rare stuff there. Most bards who hang around the guild are happy to be generous with novices too, if they see that the novice really needs it and isn't too lazy to hunt. Plus, unlike the donation chute at Jadewater, the shelf is open to bards of all levels. Just because you're 20th circle doesn't mean that you might not want to grab something off the shelf once in a while. You use the shelf less when you circle more, but there's always those once in a while times when you see something really nifty. It just comes with the understanding that you donate what items you can as you get older too.

Re: My conflict with Excitement/Amarian/? 06/14/2004 05:32 PM CDT
Each method has it's own reasons. But, if you feel that putting good items out in the open for anyone to come, take, and sell is a good idea, then do it. Hey, maybe you want them to sell it. But, when you leave things out in the open like that, people are going to snag things like you saw. Now, in the ranger guild, once you reach a certain circle, you cannot get anything off the shelf. Perhaps they should set you up like that in that guild of yours.

Mentor Larzul VonMarn

"That's the most foul and cruel-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on!" - Tim the Enchanter
Re: My conflict with Excitement/Amarian/? 06/14/2004 06:00 PM CDT
I dont think the problem here is higher circle bards. Most definately not. We have alot of honorable people, everyone I know pretty much is. I think it has to do with throwaway characters. I think there shouldnt be a circle max, but rather a circle minimum for grabbing stuff off the shelf, just so someone at least has some development in their character. Until then they could always ask an elder for something off the shelf <shrug> it wouldn't be a high circle or anything.

Troubadour Raziaar
Re: My conflict with Excitement/Amarian/? 06/14/2004 06:38 PM CDT
No need for mechanics. Just a swift chop to the throat, and a drag into DS.


A deafening trumpeting sound echoes through the area as a rosewood flute thunders in.

A rosewood flute tries to coil its trunk around you but misses.
[You're nimbly balanced and in better position]
Re: My conflict with Excitement/Amarian/? 06/15/2004 08:13 PM CDT
It's easy enough to roll up a novice to take items off the shelf to sell if you wanna think of it that way. Most bards who actually hang around the guild aren't the type to sell stuff off the shelf anyways. It's just not that type of guild. Rangers might have that problem as well as other guilds, but bards tend not to.

Re: My conflict with Excitement/Amarian/? 06/16/2004 08:50 AM CDT
>Each method has it's own reasons. But, if you feel that putting good items out in the open for anyone to come, take, and sell is a good idea, then do it.<

Thank you for giving us permission to use our guilds shelves as we see fit.

While occasionally it is a problem for someone to either A: decide they should have everything themselves or B: someone decides they know what other people need or don't need and "cleans" the shelves. Both of which piss me off to no end and which if I am in the guild when it happens I will point blank point out how tacky it is.
Luckily it doesn't happen often. And if I was dead set on a harvester not getting it I would pass it out rather than shelf it.
Changing the shelf to prevent older characters from getting things from it would in my opinion be counter productive. I often put things I think would be fun for other peoples RP on the shelves as well as drinks that pile up in my backpack. I don't expect those things to only go to novices. I put things on the shelf often expecting anyone who needs or wants them to have them. Dropping stuff into the mentors pot to hand out to well is fine for general stuff or things I don't see as RP tools I guess. However, the idea is to share things with other bards..not just needy ones (at least for me). If the goal is to give to other bards..Then drooping them in the mentor's stash sort goes against that.
Besides as far as truly new bards go (and players in general for that matter) I would rather have the enjoyment of helping them out personally to make sure that they have what they need myself And not pass that enjoyment and the friendship building it can bring on to someone else.


Looking for my husbands wonderful armor?
Re: My conflict with Excitement/Amarian/? 06/16/2004 10:32 AM CDT
I agree that the shelves shouldn't have a maximum requirement on them. It would be rather embarassing for a higher circle bard, who accidentally put their favorite instrument on the shelf because they were tired/fogged/not thinking and then have to ask a novice to retrieve it for them. Granted, it would be funny to watch, but I'm forgetful, and I know it would be my luck to have that happen to me.

"Sweet desert rose
Each of her veils, a secret promise
This desert flower
No sweet perfume ever tortured me more than this"
Re: My conflict with Excitement/Amarian/? 06/17/2004 10:30 AM CDT
So.. forget the circle requirement then. ;P No need to get all weird at Larzul for making a suggestion.

I'm still wondering if it would be possible to have a timer on the shelf (like the Ranger shelves, minus the circle requirement), relative to the appraisal of the specific item. If I stuck one of my instruments up there that appraises for about 2.5 plat, and someone were to take it down, they'd have a timer on them as to when they can take something else off of the shelf, because they picked something expensive. I'd say that anything that appraises for less than 5 silver free for all, anything a gold with a ten minute timer, etc. Something like that, I don't know how that works. I mean, if you saw someone keep rolling up characters, coming in, plucking something from the shelf, rerolling, plucking something off the shelf, rerolling, etc., it should be reportable as an annoyance, because hell, it'd annoy me if I were sitting there quietly watching this go on for quite some time. Annoyance = consent, especially if you ask them to stop, or they're being quite rude about it (i.e. dropping three of the most un-attractive, un-useful things ever on the shelf when asked to leave some things for other players).

More times than not, people know what they're grabbing, especially in the case of someone who decides to roll up throwaway characters and pluck everything off of our guild shelves. It's disturbing to know that people scavenge to an insane degree. It'd be even worse if that person was a friend of the person who walked, and decided to reap what they didn't sew. Half of the stuff is probably locked away in a vault somewhere, ready to be sold, or just gathering dust -- I know when I buy stuff from traders, most of the time I end up vaulting it and wondering why I bothered in the first place. :/

Dropping things in the mentor chute will eventually return the items to the bard guild shelves (especially if they're of a bardic nature, i.e. instrument cases, instruments, instrument supplies, elemental charged cambrinth, etc.), if they're seen fit for our guild. They're not permanently lost in the depths of Jadewater, I promise. Young players who aren't of the bard guild tend not to receive bardic items, either, so there's no need to worry about a novice Paladin having a magnificent crystal fife and a huge instrument case, while the novice bard is stuck with some heavy plate and a mace.

- Jastima
Re: My conflict with Excitement/Amarian/? 06/17/2004 06:50 PM CDT
Perhaps having another area for placing items that would be closed to novice bards. Maybe an instrument cabinet needing a key that Silvy would bestow on the bard that reached a pre-determined level. I've seen the shelves get looted in the past and it always made me angry at the greed that others displayed. It's just plain tacky. I've kept things in my vault and given them to younger bards I felt deserved them. Sometimes this worked, and sometimes it didn't. I certainly hope Amarian, etal is proud of being selfish and inconsiderate of other novice bards.
