I've always thought the bolts of cloth in the drawer and shelves in the archway had something to do with the clothing. I suppose you could say I've spent soo much time in the Leth Deriel shop that I've seen GM's show up and pick them up, study them and put them back down.
look on shelves
On the walnut shelves you see a dusty leather book entitled "Performance Patterns", a leather-bound book filled with dress patterns and some books on pattern-making.
You've gained a new rank in your knowledge of elemental magic.
get book
You pick up a dusty leather book entitled "Performance Patterns" and examine it but see it is something you shouldn't mess with and set it down.
look in cabinet
In the hardwood cabinet you see a shallow drawer, some bolts of flower-printed cotton, some bolts of speckled wool and some bolts of cool-hued silk.
look on manne
There is nothing on there.
look on second manne
There is nothing on there.
go arch
look on table
On the work table you see a fretboard, a half-finished lute, a set of instrument strings and some pieces of sanded flamewood.
go doorway
look on manne
On the wicker mannequin you see a scarlet and cobalt blue striped jester's hat with tiny gold bells.
look on second manne
There is nothing on the mannequin.
(if I remember correctly should have been on each mannequin a jester's hat, tabard, jester's shirt, and jester shoes, and they always should have matched. Then the shop would circulate the suits out. So sometimes it'd be black and white, or blue violet ombre, or scarlet and blue or scarlet and gold or green and gold. But it would swap and change. Now it seems to be broken (again). So someone needs to go do shop fixing and repairs again. Sorry.
oh and the halfling woodcarver is not supposed to be stuck in the doorway room. He was meant to travel up and down in the main areas as I remember because you need him in the practice room for Bards to learn a bard ability from him. (I can't remember which one)
Low trunks
oh and at least one of the trunks is missing. Like entirely gone from that room. One held trews inside, and men's shirts on top. The second trunk was for the Lady bards and held skirts inside with blouses on top. The third one also missing, I believe just held an assortment of jester hats inside and bardic jewelry on top.
I also thought there used to be items on the trunks for sale as well, and the jewelry trees that sold the pendants are also completely missing.
Now with the new lumber system out I fully expect instrument crafts to be here or around the corner? Don't make me hold my breath again. Holding it 20 years ago was bad enuff!
It's Gunnhaedor now.