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Re: bard teaching bug 04/06/2015 10:45 AM CDT
>if you keep your combats in line with it, you can sort of train it in combat,

I'm curious how you do it. I sometimes do it by putting up Sanctuary in combat and making a safe zone.

>On an unrelated note, more of you guys should come and participate at spar events.

I have thought about it. It's tough breaking that wall of inertia though. I'm not particularly high circle (which I know is okay but nobody likes to feel like the little guy), and also I don't want to look like a total idiot for not knowing what I'm doing.
Re: bard teaching bug 04/06/2015 10:54 AM CDT
> Compared to all the other guild skills

Performance isn't our guild skill. A good analog is Thievery: we care most about it, but it's open to all.

> And it's weaponized with SCREAM CONC.

The 3.0 combat changes made Scream Concussive worthless. It uses a terrible damage template and doesn't benefit from overkill mechanics. Behold 1500 ranks of Performance vs. a rank 0 critter:

Inhaling deeply, you focus your energy and unleash an ear-splitting shout directed at a heggarangi frog. The concussive blast lands a light hit (1/22) against a heggarangi frog's left arm!

The reason it was so good in 2.0 was accuracy overflowing into damage.

Contrast this with Scream Havoc, which was always worthless. :)

Scream Defiance is great, though.
Re: bard teaching bug 04/06/2015 10:54 AM CDT
>I'm surprised to hear people say Performance is a drag to train - if you keep your combats in line with it, you can sort of train it in combat, and otherwise, it's just spending some time with an instrument. Compared to all the other guild skills, it's pretty easy. You can train magics while you're playing, or at worst if you don't have a weather proof instrument, you can train Utility with Care. And it's weaponized with SCREAM CONC.

I wouldn't call performance a guild skill, and I dislike training it on any character. I just find it boring to train and with little practical use, but I'm not a huge fan of fluff skills. Being able to play a flawless concerto IG just isn't terribly exciting to me. It might be more fun to train performance if it did other stuff but I can't think of a good niche that isn't already filled by a spell.

Regarding the concussive scream, my understanding was that it was going to become based on another skill in the future, TM I believe.
Re: bard teaching bug 04/06/2015 11:10 AM CDT

I didn't feel it was doing much in the way of damage, but was pleased to see it training performance.

It'd be a shame if it just became a quirky TM ability. The 10s CD seems a pretty reasonable way of preventing it from being op, though the damage template being so flimsy is disapointing.
Re: bard teaching bug 04/08/2015 12:53 PM CDT
>Regarding the concussive scream, my understanding was that it was going to become based on another skill in the future, TM I believe.

The discussion that I recall was basically that screams were going away and scream concussive would become a pre-cast TM spell similar to Blufmor Garaen.
Re: bard teaching bug 04/08/2015 01:49 PM CDT
>>The discussion that I recall was basically that screams were going away and scream concussive would become a pre-cast TM spell similar to Blufmor Garaen.

This is what I remember too. Can't speak to the mechanics similar to BG, but last mention had it becoming part of the magic system instead of an ability.
Re: bard teaching bug 04/08/2015 01:58 PM CDT
This is from the 2013 Bard meeting. Full log here: https://elanthipedia.play.net/mediawiki/index.php/Post:09_Apr_13_Bard_Guild_Meeting_Log_-_04/10/2013_-_11:56

Raesh says, "Screams are going to become a spell called Thunderous Voice."

Raesh says, "Which is going to be a... sort of Dragon's Breath like spell."

Raesh says, "That's the best way to think of it."

Raesh says, "It'll do a lot of what it does now, but it will be TM based."

Raesh says, "So you'll put up Thunderous Voice."

Raesh says, "And while it's on you if you get stunned it'll fire off what's basically defiance now."

Raesh says, "And break the stun and burn a charge."

Raesh says, "Or you can scream at people and burn a charge for damage."

Raesh says, "The current plans it that there will be metaspells that will enable some other screams beyond those two - possible an AoE or something like that."

Raesh says, "Details on those metaspells aren't pinned down."
Re: bard teaching bug 04/08/2015 03:10 PM CDT
That's still, generally, the idea. We need to figure out what we actually want Bardic Lore doing however. I'm not terribly happy with a lot of the original plans now that we've had a few more years of game evolution, 3.0, 3.1 and a lot more experience under my belt.


"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
Re: bard teaching bug 04/08/2015 03:29 PM CDT

> That's still, generally, the idea. We need to figure out what we actually want Bardic Lore doing however. I'm not terribly happy with a lot of the original plans now that we've had a few more years of game evolution, 3.0, 3.1 and a lot more experience under my belt.

Can I also request that if these become spells due to the ease of creation, can we make them zero slot spells or meta spells automatically granted/quested at the appropriate circle? At least then they'd feel more like abilities rather than spells.
Re: bard teaching bug 04/08/2015 03:35 PM CDT
The idea is not that screams remain abilities, but use spells. It's that they become spells (Slot cost and all) because what they're doing should be a spell. It should use TM. It should use Debilitation. It's clearly using magic - no matter how hard you think you can actually scream at someone.

Bardic Lore would, instead, power more suitable new abilities that make more sense as a lore skill.


"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
Re: bard teaching bug ::Thread Over:: 04/08/2015 04:05 PM CDT

As this is no longer about a bug, or teaching and more a discussion on spells, let's move the discussion over to a more appropriate topic and end it here.
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Re: bard teaching bug ::Thread Over:: 04/13/2015 02:13 PM CDT

:: raises pitchforks and torches for the loss of Teaching in Combat ::

:: also does the same for the loss of pulses for Faenella's grace. Actually Liked this part of the spell and gave others an "oooh, this exists" kind of feature. ::
Re: bard teaching bug ::Thread Over:: 04/13/2015 02:48 PM CDT
> also does the same for the loss of pulses for Faenella's grace.

You mean the special messaging when it speeds up a pulse? Because it's still speeding up pulses.
Re: bard teaching bug ::Thread Over:: 04/13/2015 03:16 PM CDT
It actually does it in a more consistent and predictable way (And also works if the caster isn't the teacher).


"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
Re: bard teaching bug ::Thread Over:: 04/13/2015 03:39 PM CDT

::still is mildly displeased about the lack of teaching random things in combat. Was one way she got into groups.::
Re: bard teaching bug ::Thread Over:: 04/13/2015 04:01 PM CDT

> ::still is mildly displeased about the lack of teaching random things in combat. Was one way she got into groups.::

How can anyone turn down a bard for groups (that's a thing?) thanks to naming of tears? With barriers stacking, name is a unique and fantastic spell that everyone wants.
Re: bard teaching bug ::Thread Over:: 04/13/2015 04:15 PM CDT

I'm talking pre circle 50 here. People loved my teaching and use of Lilt, as I could teach things that they could not normally do in combat. Like first aid, something NOONE likes to train.
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