As you may know, I've portrayed Leilond as one who is constantly training in hopes of becoming something better. He shoots for what is often times referred to as "unattainable", but to him, anything is possible if he puts his mind to it.
Coincidentally I am of a similar mindset and have finally come to a point in my life, now that I've finally moved out on my own(I'm 21 in case you were wondering), where I've decided to give up unnecessary luxuries in order to focus on my mental, physical and spiritual training--my path to enlightenment.
Unfortunately, I do not think I will be returning until I am able to shoot a hadouken from the palm(s) of my hand(s). As this will obviously take some time to accomplish(I'm currently only up to mastering hand blocks), I wanted to wish you all the very best in my absence.
Make no mistake, we are all connected through the pulsing melody of fate. I will return.
~Leilond - Mirrored Soul to Walter (Lee)