GM Summary - Bard Teaching 031411 03/15/2011 10:33 AM CDT
>>Would someone mind posting the summary of the GM stuff?

Per your request please see below! Huge Thanks goes out to Raesh for stopping by :)
*Note: I fixed some typos and re-arranged some of the conversation so it flowed in a more sensical manner.

}Raesh says, "For those who haven't met me, yes, I'm GM Raesh. I'm in charge of Lore development and Kaldars."
}Raesh says, "Which, for the time being, means I'm the acting Bard developer."
}Raesh says, "Vaeldriil is still your advocate, that hasn't changed."
}Hennesy asks, "So that means if we don't like the changes we blame you?"
}Raesh says, "I just know there's been some confusion on that in the past."
}Raesh says, "If you don't like the changes, I'll be surprised."

}Jerodan asks Raesh, "Any spoilers as to anything special the Taleweavers will be getting?"
}Raesh says, "On release all of the Heritages will have roughly the same thing: A Heritage Hall, a joining quest, a small shop, about 30 levels to advance through and roughly 9 or so cosmetic perks."
}Raesh says, "The Feat system, as I've discussed in the past, is the last thing that will be worked on in the current development plan."
}Raesh says, "Since before that happens we need Heritages, all the major 3.0 stuff, the mojo rewrite, the rewrite of all your abilities..."
}Raesh says, "So while that's a Heritage "thing" it's really not part of the Heritage release, if you follow."
}Raesh asks, "Not sure if that really answers your question or not?"
}Jerodan says, "Sort of. I was looking for more of a maybe a special verb they'd get or skill. But that's satisfying information."
}Raesh says, "Actually..."
}Raesh says, "I have this all fully approved, so I guess I can provide a little more detail on what sort of perks you can expect."
}Raesh says, "As mentioned, they're going to be cosmetic."
}Raesh says, "But eventually you'll earn four titles, 3 "enchanced" fluff verbs, a weapon swap, access to a Heritage only shop."
}Raesh says, "And a few ways to indicate your membership, like a joining gift or a tattoo."
}Jerodan says, "Exactly what I wanted to know."

}Raesh asks, "Next question?"
}Leilond says, "Right, so you mentioned the mojo rewrite. Do you have any additional details on that? The last I recall, we were still trying to hammer out what mojo was "officially" and how we interacted with it."
}Leilond says, "How we would need to act to restore it, what depleted it, etc."
}Raesh says, "Well."
}Raesh says, "Mechanically I know basically how it's going to work."
}Raesh says, "Thematically I have a draft of it that I like, or I wouldn't have written it, and Vaedriil is on board."
}Raesh says, "But it hasn't made it through all the official channels yet."
}Raesh says, "So I'm going to have to keep it a little close to the vest still on details."
}Jerodan asks, "Is it going to be the way the public observe us, that's how a GM explained it to me once upon an assist?"
}Raesh says, "No."
}Raesh says, "Essentially mojo as you know it is going to die however."
}Raesh says, "The system is deeply flawed."
}Hennesy asks, "'There will be way to check it though?"
}Raesh says, "Both thematically and mechanically."
}Raesh says, "Yes."
}Raesh says, "You will still have a "power pool" for lack of a better term I can use right now."
}Raesh says, "And you will still be able to measure it through PRACTICE (with a silent option, since I know you're going to read a log of this Terra stop emailing me about that!)."
}Leilond asks, "Are you going with the dual "mojo" system? One pool for our social level, one pool for our abilities?"
}Raesh says, "Generally speaking however."
}Raesh says, "Not... quite."
}Jerodan says to Leilond, "I'm not entirely sure it was ever "officially" mojo since the only time I assited about it the GM kept calling it Bardic Polish."
}Raesh says, "So scoping out a little bit, since as I said I have to play it a little close on details at the moment."
}Raesh says, "Yeah."
}Raesh says, "That's one of the problems with mojo."
}Raesh says, "Basically every GM who's worked with it has called it something new, and given it their own spin."
}Raesh says, "Bardic Polish was either the first or second, but by no means the last."
}Raesh says, "Anyhow."
}Raesh says, "Generally speaking though, the new concept is going to be fairly simple."
}Raesh says, "It'll be a two pool system."
}Raesh says, "One of them generally reflects your standing within society."
}Raesh says, "This should move fairly slowly."
}Raesh says, "It's... roughly analogous to a Paladin's soul."
}Raesh says, "You do good things for society, they like you more."
}Raesh says, "This could involve accusing necromancers, performing, acts of charity... writing a particullarly scathing poem about Vorclaf's latest fling."
}Raesh says, "It's not all goody-goody stuff."
}Raesh says, "But generally, how society sees you. If society hates you, well, that's a problem as a Bard."
}Raesh says, "Anyhow -- that's going to be fairly slow moving, and it won't directly power your abilities."
}Leilond asks, "What will it influence, then?"
}Raesh says, "It'll influence the second pool, which is your what you'll actively draw abilities from."
}Raesh says, "It'll change how big that pool is, how fast it naturally recovers and so forth."
}Raesh asks, "The idea is if you scream at someone, why does society hate you more?"
}Raesh says, "I mean, maybe if you screamed at our poor dead Vorclaf..."
}Jerodan asks, "Based off the accusing necromancy thing would it assume that it would help with performing "social favors" like that?"
}Raesh asks Jerodan, "Sure?"
}Jerodan says, "I guess a better way of asking that would be. Better the people like you, more likely they'd believe your accusation."
}Raesh says, "Possibly."

}Raesh says, "Anyhow."
}Raesh says, "The active pool is the one most people will care more about."
}Raesh says, "Which will be closer to what the mojo pool is now."
}Raesh says, "That's the one that's going to go up and down frequently to power your abilities."
}Raesh says, "And you'll be using those abilities, since that's the bulk of what Bardic Lore does."
}Raesh says, "So my goal is to both make the current (And new) abilities useful."
}Raesh says, "So, to use the dreaded scream example."
}Raesh says, "While, in essence, they're going to get nerfed by moving away from the vocals skill -- and I plan to fix a slew of bugs."
}Raesh says, "It something you should be able to use as a regular tool."
}Raesh says, "As opposed to a few shots of it and then you have to go play a song."
}Leilond asks, "Ahh, nice, so more like spells and mana?"
}Raesh says, "A little, yes."
}Raesh says, "Not quite that fast though."
}Raesh says, "Currently I'm planning recovery to be largely passive, the rate depending on how much you and society are getting along."
}Raesh says, "But active recovery is not out of the question."
}Raesh says, "That's something likely to show up in the Feat system."
}Gridaksma says, "Sounds almost like a ranger bonus."
}Raesh says, "I won't matter where you are."
}Raesh says, "If you scream in town or in the woods, it's the same."
}Raesh says, "So you won't have to find a "good mojo" room or anything like that."
}Raesh asks, "Clear as mud?"
}Valkri asks, "Do any screams get a bard tossed in the pokey? if in the justice areas?"
}Raesh says, "Screams will be the same as any other attack."
}Raesh says, "In the eyes of the law."
}Leilond says, "More along the lines of Inner Fire probably."
}Raesh says, "Somewhat, yes, though Inner Fire is a weird example since I'm somewhat behind on what's going on with barbs."
}Raesh says, "So I didn't want to use that as a comparison."
}Raesh says, "Really it's the most like the current Paladin system."

}Lupdels says, "Would the pool dealing with standing and how society views ups more closely align with normal concepts of good vs. evil, or just simply justice, obeying the law, etc."
}Raesh says, "That's a complex question."
}Raesh says, "Law is part of society."
}Raesh says, "Generally speaking -- a law abiding Bard is going to be better off than a non law abiding Bard."
}Raesh says, "HOWEVER."
}Raesh says, "If you had a corrupt dictatorship or something..."
}Raesh says, "That is recognized as such by something other than a few players."
}Raesh says, "I could certainly see law breaking working out quite well for your social standing."
}Raesh says, "Likewise, if you are the law breaking type."
}Raesh exclaims, "Location location location!"
}Raesh says, "And being found innocent would be a good thing too in general..."
}Raesh exclaims, "So bat those baby blues at the judges, he knows you didn't steal that paperweight!"
}Zlynn says, "It seems this pool is the opposite of necros and social outrage, i kinda liked the fact we got mojo from playing instruments."
}Raesh says, "Yes, in many ways it's the social flipside of what a necromancer goes through."
}Raesh says, "Mechanically I don't know how true that statement will be."
}Raesh says, "But from a thematic PoV it's accurate."
}Zlynn says, "As long as the 'pool is not forcing us to be in town all the time to please the 'critics or whatever the consept is."
}Zlynn says, "I like sitting in the woods under a tree playing my lrye badly."
}Raesh says to Zlynn, "No, not at all."
}Raesh says, "Honestly, it shouldn't take too much work to make sure society likes you."
}Raesh says, "There will be a little "What have you done for me lately?" going on."
}Raesh says, "But as long as you aren't actively getting yourself in trouble, it shouldn't be too burdensome."
}Valkri asks, "I only kinda like Leilond now. What can he do to make me like him more?"
}Raesh says to Valkri, "Not answering."

}Lupdels asks, "How's that recall scavenger hunt going?"
}Raesh says, "I'm a little behind on looking over the recall scavenger hunt submissions."
}Raesh says, "There's a few I need to double check the status of."

}Raesh asks, "Right. Other questions?"
}Leilond asks, "Oh, so with the rewrite of all of our abilities--Do you plan only on converting our existing abilities, or do you think you will be expanding/diminishing on some of them?"
}Leilond asks, "Or creating new ones entirely?"
}Leilond says, "Looking at Bluffs and Screams in particular."
}Raesh says, "All existing abilities will be converted."
}Raesh says, "Some may not make the cut, but most will."
}Raesh says, "There will also be a number of new abilities."
}Leilond exclaims, "Ohh yeah! Evokes!"
}Gridaksma says to Vaeldriil, "EVERYONE."
}Leilond asks, "Could you elaborate on that?"
}Raesh says, "The idea is to have a hoalistic set of abilities."
}Raesh says, "That are useful and work together."
}Raesh says, "Okay, so, Evokes are really simple."
}Raesh asks, "You know Perc History?"
}Raesh says, "They're turning into Evokes."
}Raesh says, "Really it's mostly a terminology change."
}Raesh says, "I do plan to get a significantly larger number of them out there."
}Raesh says, "But it's mostly being done for mechanical reasons, and to divorce the system from the magic system."
}Raesh says, "Since it will be Bardic Lore based (Recalls will remain Scholar)."
}Leilond says, "Hmm, it sounded as though we would have combat evokes as well."
}Raesh says, "Ah... no."
}Raesh says, "Not sure where that came from."
}Raesh says, "Evoke isn't really a new ability, it's just a new name for an old ability."
}Raesh says, "That said, it should be the first part of the recall rewrite I'm working on to come out -- it's my next planned release."
}Raesh says, "Though I don't have an ETA on it yet."
}Leilond says, "I thought you had mentioned us retroactively creating a pot hole that enemies would trip over or something."
}Raesh says, "I'm fairly sure that was a player suggestion."
}Leilond says, "Oh, drat."
}Raesh says, "Sorry to disappoint."

}Raesh says, "Hopefully you will find some of the new abilities interesting and useful however."
}Raesh says, "Screams and Bluffs make up part of that ability suite, but not all of them."
}Raesh says, "The existing screams will mostly be changing under the hood."
}Raesh asks, "The existing bluffs will be seeing some more significant changes since right now they're... awkward?"
}Raesh says, "But I can't go into details yet."
}Raesh says, "Bluff dead is going to remain about the same, other than fixing some bugs with it and maybe making it a little more useful."
}Jerodan asks, "From my experimenting the tall tale bluffs we have are pretty much always unbelievable, is there any chance that we can make them a skill/stat contest so that if we got the charisma and performing skill they will honestly believe we are a King from Albania visited to try to win the Kaldar back to their homeland?"
}Raesh says, "Ah...."
}Raesh asks, "You're talking about Bluff Amaze right?"
}Jerodan says, "Yeah."
}Jerodan says, "Well, no."
}Jerodan says, "Not amaze."
}Jerodan says, "But bluff <play/critter> <option> : emperor, sister, lanival, all those tale talls you can choose from."
}Jerodan says, "To try and make someone believe that is what you are."
}Raesh says, "Oh, yeah, those."
}Raesh says, "As far as I know those are purely fluffy options. I may tinker with them when I'm in the code."
}Raesh says, "But my focus right now is on mechanical changes, not fluff tools. Bards have had a lot of fluff tools over the years."
}Raesh says, "And it's easier to make due without sufficent RP tools than without sufficent mechanically useful abilities."

}Raesh says, "Let me just put this out there."
}Raesh says, "Despite the fact that almost every time someone asks me about the plans for Bards it seems like I'm out to remove the music and performance from Bards."
}Raesh says, "I'm really not."
}Raesh says, "That's fine, it's valid, it's encouraged."
}Raesh says, "But the main goal right now is to end up with a guild that is mechanically fun and functional."
}Raesh says, "It shouldn't change how you RP."
}Raesh says, "But that's part of why we're making Heritages too."
}Raesh says, "It's to give us some hooks into the lore."
}Raesh says, "Give people different directions to take their characters, act as a lore tie in for why certain abilities exist."
}Raesh says, "Essentially -- my goal is this."
}Raesh says, "A Bard can be a musician. A Bard can be a clown or a buffoon or an entertainer."
}Raesh says, "A Bard can be a drunk."
}Raesh says, "All of these are viable, time honored, traditions."
}Raesh says, "I got nothing against them. You want to RP that way? More power to you."
}Raesh says, "However they are not the defining traits behind being a Bard."
}Raesh says, "That make sense to everyone? I figure of everything I've said that's the most likely to be controversial."

}Lupdels asks, "So, if they are not the defining traits, what are?"
}Raesh says, "Good question."
}Raesh says, "The answer to that is two part."
}Raesh says, "The first part is that a Bard is a protector of society. This can manifest in many ways."
}Raesh says, "But without society and culture, a Bard is nothing."
}Raesh says, "You can't have a hermit Bard. You could be a hermit writer or something, but not a Bard."
}Raesh says, "Essentially to every Bard there is something that they feel needs to be protected, or shared, or created for the betterment of people."
}Raesh says, "Who those people are depends from Bard to Bard, depending on their society."
}Raesh says, "It could be art, or history, or a message."
}Raesh says, "It could be more direct, protecting them from the dark forces out there wanting to squish your town like a bug."
}Raesh says, "So there's that, and I don't believe I phrased that particullarly well since it was on the fly, but hopefully it made sense."
}Raesh says, "As for the second part of the answer -- Keep an eye on the forums in the relatively near future."
}Raesh says, "I'm going to be putting up some IC writings from each Heritage."
}Raesh says, "To help explain what they stand for a little bit more."
}Raesh says, "And by "Near future" I mean "next few weeks most likely" not "Tonight."

}Jerodan asks, "Wait, on the hermit thing, what about the Lore Keepers. That's essentially what they did to protect history and knowledge. And what if others felt that such would be best protected by hiding it away? They'd still be Bards then right?"
}Raesh says, "There are some Bards who might disagree philosophically."
}Raesh says, "And by "might" I mean "do."
}Raesh says, "But that's not what I meant really."
}Raesh says, "They were doing something for society there, they were preserving knowledge."
}Raesh says, "From an outside attack."
}Raesh says, "I'm saying if someone goes into the woods and writes the next Elanthian epic."
}Raesh says, "But they never let anyone read it."
}Raesh says, "And they die and a shark eats their notes (Why a shark? Why not!)."
}Raesh says, "They aren't a Bard. They're just a writer."
}Raesh says, "My whole point though [is] that if you take a Bard out of their society."
}Raesh says, "So they can no longer influence it."
}Raesh says, "They are not longer a Bard."
}Raesh says, "And for those wondering."
}Raesh says, "If this all seems like new information."
}Raesh says, "That's because it basically is."
}Raesh says, "It's not like we found some old documentation somewhere."
}Raesh says, "And were like "Hey, you guys missed it."
}Raesh says, "Some of this is a retcon."
}Raesh says, "But it has to be done to make the guild into a cohesive thing."
