It was requested that this be re-posted, and since it's a re-post of a re-post of re-posted ideas, I figured I'd put it here so it wouldn't get lost. Enjoy. <g>
Category Bards -- The Bard's Conservatory (14)
Topic Enchantes, a matter of Bardic magic (6)
Message Summary of proposed Enchantes (1835)
On May 7, 2000 at 12:01
Ok, since it seems from time to time some of the same ideas keep popping up, figured it might help some folks to see what folks before them had proposed for new enchantes (not modifications to existing ones). This will start at post 1333, so it's basically everything we've proposed since the new year started. I'll list the enchante name if possible, a summary of some sorts, the post # where it was proposed so you can read the original for yourself if you desire, and the name of the person who proposed it if I know.
Listing of PROPOSED enchantes:
"The Tarnished Harp" (1341) - Sircha
3rd circle string enchante - drains skills from critters and adds some percentage of them to the Bard's party.
"Rapture" (1342) - Sircha
5th circle vocal enchante - aids the Bard in negotiating prices by boosting charisma.
"Realm of the Vulture/Aldauth" (1343) - Sircha
13th circle vocal enchante - adds time to a deader's auto departure limit while the Bard sings.
"The Golden Dragon" (1345) - Sircha
16th circle vocal enchante - sung by the student to the teacher to increase the teacher's teaching skill.
"Rally Cry" (1346) - Sircha
Vocal enchante - sung by the Bard to fully restore the vitality of all adventurers in a room at the cost of the Bard's entire mana reserve.
"The Silver Flute" (1347) - Sircha
22nd circle wind enchante - reduces the armor hinderance of all listeners.
"Wren's Soul" (1348) - Sircha
34th circle vocal enchante - strengthens the instrument bonds of all listening Bards.
"Bard's Fury" (1349) - Sircha
70th circle vocal enchante - allows any listening Bard over 40th circle to play any enchante without an instrument.
"Auras of Tone" (1350) - Sircha
58th circle vocal enchante - allows the chanting Bard to see guild auras/tones around other adventurers.
"Wings of the Phoenix" (1357) - Kortny
Vocal enchante - creates a magical shield allowing a Bard to deflect targeted electrical, fire, or aether spells.
"Storyteller's Thoughts" (1360) - Atwun
Cross instrument enchante - allows a Bard in one place to put what is happening into music which can be tapped into and relayed to others not present by means of a Bard playing the same enchante on a bonded instrument.
"Distant Echoes" (1367) - Sircha
20thish circle vocal enchante - Allows a Bard to bounce yells through multiple rooms based on circle.
"Broken Cutlass" (1368) - Sircha
Vocal enchante - allows the singing Bard to shatter the weapons of all critters in the room at the cost of minor internal injuries.
"Kiss of Meraud" (1407) - Paerr
Wind enchante - combines rejuvenation and favor orb abilities allowing the performing Bard to drain mindstates from the Bard's group and transfer them to a dead adventurer in the from of memory restoration.
"Winds of Asketi" (1412) - Augus
Wind enchante - allows the Bard to summon strong winds with multiple effects including: vortexing away loose items; evasion penalties to anyone not in the performing Bard's group; evasion bonus to those in the performing Bard's group; penalty to all ranged weapon usage.
"Symphony of the Seasons" (1415) - Wrister
Cross instrument enchante - 4 seasonal enchantes played on different instruments - each has a seasonal bonus (fatigue restoration, reduce poison effectiveness, increase foraging ability, etc.) and a seasonally corresponding bonus and penalty to certain spell books or skill sets.
"Drunken Screamer" (1417) - Jaguari
Vocal enchante - This chant distorts all other sounds, making communication, spell preparation, and music impossible.
"Wings of the Phoenix" (1418) - Kortny
Vocal enchante - This chant allows a doomed Bard to sacrifice his or her life in exchange for an elemental storm powerful enough to slay anything in the room of equal or lesser strength compared to the Bard. The cost is the Bard's life and reduced auto-departure time.
"Eluned's Whisper" (1421) - Augus
Wind enchante - allows the playing Bardic student to increase the teacher's teaching ability.
"Botolf's Veil" (1441) - Carnath
Vocal enchante - multiple singers allowed - encourages critters to attack other critters instead of adventurers based on the Bard's musical skill levels.
Ok, this is spiralling out of control, so on to another post.
Category Bards -- The Bard's Conservatory (14)
Topic Enchantes, a matter of Bardic magic (6)
Message Summary of Proposed Enchantes - part 2 (1836)
On May 7, 2000 at 12:01
"Merfolk's Legacy" (1447) - Sircha
Vocal enchante - allows all listeners to temporarily grow gills and breathe underwater.
"Aether Wolves" (1448) - Sircha
Vocal enchante - causes everyone in a room to howl, summoning a number of guardian wolves based on the number of folks howling. The performing Bard can then ask each wolf to guard an adventurer or attack a critter.
"Bard Blue Sphere" (1450) - Sircha
Vocal enchante - causes an unbreakable sphere to form around a favor orb, lasting one minute per circle of the singer.
"Golden Trumpet" (1451) - Sircha
Vocal enchante - Similar to Eillie's Cry but sends an visual message of an area from a living Bard to all Bards within range.
"The Chimes" (1452) - Sircha
70th + circle wind/vocal enchante - allows a Bard to create a portal to the Performance Hall in the Crossing Bard guild from anywhere in the realms.
Unnamed (1469) - Natole
An enchante that allows spellcasters to utilize a higher percentage of held mana from adventurers who use a different mana type.
"Weaving of Jealousy" (1481) - Sircha
40th + vocal enchante - Allows the chanting Bard to steal an ability or skill level from another adventurer.
"Piercing Whistle" (1483) - Piextra
Ability or Wind/Vocal enchante - allows a Bard to whistle piercingly, shocking any stunned adventurers and allowing them to instantly shake off their stuns.
"Shriek of ***" (1487) - Talero
Vocal enchante - Allows a Bard to shriek at creature, potentially stunning and injuring the listener.
"Ghostly Enchante" (1491) - Sircha
Vocal enchante - Binds undead creatures into a web of non-violence, allowing them to neither attack or be attacked at full strength. Stackable if more than one Bard sings.
"Siren's Barrier" (1503) - Sircha
Percussion enchante - Forms a barrier of sound and storm blocking access to an area from one direction as long as the enchante is continued. The storm effects will destroy the percussion instrument being used over time.
"Geis of Restrainment" (1507) - Draconita
Vocal enchante - prevents the targetted adventurer from assaulting any adventurer.
"Aether Disruption" (1525) - Dewsong
Vocal enchante - Disrupts the aethereal pathways around the performing Bard's group, reducing the effectiveness of all targeted magic spells cast at or by the Bard's group.
"Resonance" (1541) - Sircha
Vocal enchante - allows the Bard to resonate musical tones causing harm to objects not stored in containers outside of the Bard's group. Causes armor to grow hot and cause damage to wearers, glass or ceramic items to break, and objects on the ground to burst into flame and vanish.
"Chorus" (1543) - Dusker
19th circle vocal enchante - allows a Bard to chorus with an enchante-performing Bard to increase magical effects.
"Wall of Sound" (1543) - Dusker
Vocal enchante - Creates a wall of sound around the performing Bard's group preventing enchante effects from the outside to affect the group or from the inside to affect those not in the group.
"Bard's Blessing" (1560) - Sircha
Vocal enchante requiring booze - Allows a Bard to pour magical energy into liquor then pour the liquor over an adventurer providing a temporary circle boost at the cost of all the Bard's magical ability for a half hour.
"Nissa's Embrace" (1574) - Sunny
Vocal enchante - allows a Bard to join with another adventurer and share vitality, fatigue, and spirit, effectively halving damage to one by sharing the effects.
"Katamba Shadow" (1577) - Kortny
Wind enchante - allows a Bard to shield a room from locating and scrying magic, familiars, or companions.
Unnamed (1587) - Sircha
Vocal enchante - Triggered when the Bard is stunned, this enchante reflects a portion of the stunee's stun back on the stunner.
"Wings of the Phoenix" (1600) - Sircha
Wind enchante - multiple effects: protects all empaths from offensive spells, reduces spell effects cast at the Bard's group, increases commune ability for Clerics.
"Berengaria's Creatures" (1604) - Sircha
String enchante - Calms frightened familiars and companions.
"Huldah's Whisper" (1607) - Sircha
String enchante - causes the performing Bard to vanish into hiding unseen.
"Eluned's Wave" (1624) - Sircha
Enchante - causes a rainbow to form revealing the distance or location of an adventurer by the size, brightness, and direction of the rainbow.
"Peri'el's Smile" (1626) - Sircha
Vocal enchante - causes prismatic sparks to glance off the performing Bard's weapon on a successful parry with the effect of arc light on attacking critters. (This one was scattered on form, so I combined the ideas. Some of these are hard to summarize.)
Category Bards -- The Bard's Conservatory (14)
Topic Enchantes, a matter of Bardic magic (6)
Message Summary of Proposed Enchantes - Part 3 (1837)
On May 7, 2000 at 12:01
"Rainbow Shield" (1630) - Sircha
Vocal enchante - Bends light around the Bard in an arc, preventing illusions, invisible or refractive infractions against the Bard's pockets, and reflects locates and scrys.
"Harawep's Disharmony" (1634) - Sircha
Vocal enchante - Disrupts all spells in a room currently in effect.
"Lemicus' Laughter" (1638) - Dewsong
Instrument enchante - Bonus to Wisdom and Intelligence.
"Divyaush's Hammer" (1639) - Dewsong
Vocal enchante - Bonus to Strength and Stamina for combat and forging.
"Eylhaar's Vigil" (1640) - Dewsong
Instrument enchante - Halves the memory loss rate of all dead adventurers in the room.
"Song of Forgetfullness" (1655) - Sircha
Vocal enchante - Makes all spellcasters to lose their concentration for any spell they are currently preparing to cast.
"Chadatru's Dance" (1664) - Paerr
Teens or 20s circle vocal enchante - Reduces the hinderance of anyone in the performing Bard's group. Can go below normal guild minimums.
"Trothfang's Shriek" (1683) - Sircha
40th circle vocal enchante - modified version of Demriss' Resolve that can throw affected creatures into other rooms.
"Gypsy Reel" (1683) - Sircha
Wind enchante - Allows anyone to dance as if on a dance floor in the room with the performing Bard.
"Snide Remark" (1688) - Atwun
Vocal non-cycling enchante - insults a creature and engrages it in order to cause it to attack more frequently, choose the Bard as its melee target, or prevent it from running. Breaks the effects of any calming magic.
"Meraud's Curse" (1706) - Paerr
Mid 40s circle vocal enchante - Drains the target of all mana at the temporary cost of the Bard's musical and playacting abilities.
"Bardic Scream" (1707) - Paerr
Vocal enchante - Causes the targetted creature to go deaf and speechless on first pulse, vitality drain and head injuries on second pulse, stunning and more damage on third pulse, and does one last burst of damage and hurls the creature from the room on the fourth pulse.
"Sonic Barrier" (1714) - Draconita
Vocal enchante - creates a solid barrier of sound around the Bard's group, preventing physical attacks on those behind the barrier and preventing area effect traps set off inside the barrier from affecting those outside the barrier.
"Wings of the Phoenix" (1715) - Draconita
Enchante - Rings the Bard's group with flames, causing damage to anyone attacking the Bard or members of the group.
"Silence of the Hams" (1716) - Atwun
Vocal enchante - Blocks verbal or sound based attacks or spells.
"Dergati's Whisper" (1731) - Sircha
Vocal enchante - Causes sinus pressure to all listeners not in the Bard's group. Causes loss of concentration points, spell preparations, and a penalty to survival skills.
"Bard Strike" (1739/1740) - Sircha
Enchante - Transforms the Bard's instrument into a weapon of the Bard's choice or allows the Bard to stow an instrument while still in roundtime from playing.
Unnamed (1757) - Mezidreck?
Vocal enchante - summons a mystical horse to convey the Bard around.
"Strings of Vibrance" (1785) - Sircha
String and Percussion enchante - Stronger variation of Nexus which allows the Bard's group to detect all available mana of any type in an area.
"Chant of Enchantes" (1788) - Sircha
Vocal enchante - allows other enchante playing Bards to link and causes the effects of their enchantes to influence all adjoining rooms.
"Wind Song" (No, not the perfume!) (1813) - Kortny
Wind enchante - allows the Bard to control the winds moving storms away from the area so that instruments aren't damaged from playing outdoors. Also protects from storm related effects (e.g. green lightning bolts).
"Lemicus' Laughter" (1815) - Shermun
Wind enchante - Protection from precipitation for the Bard's instrument, Bard's group protected from elements, weather improvement over several pulses, eventually Bard can control winds to facilitate travel by ship.
"Screech" (1819) - Unknown non-Bard
Vocal enchante - A high pitched screech aimed at a target that causes disorientation and internal head bleeding.
Unnamed (1820) - Nystarn
Vocal enchante - allows the Bard to attune a held weapon so that it returns to the Bard's hands if they are slain, can also be sung while dead to cause a dropped item to resonate like a sonic trap if it is picked up. The cost is a decrease in time before autodeparting.
"Song of Creation" (1822) - Piextra
42nd circle Enchante - Allows the Bard to aid in the creation process by giving a bonus to anyone forging, tanning, or creating.
Ok, hope this provides a nice reference point for anyone looking for posts based on what they do, or anyone who wants to see what kind of enchantes we've been requesting. Anyone who doesn't like my summary of their idea, please feel free to repost in its entirety and get it back fresh in everyone's mind.