Forging 07/06/2007 07:19 AM CDT
It's my understanding that you need to know all weapons (edged for example) to one day be able to forge a decent edged weapon. What exactly can be forged? Can you also forge pikes and halberds? What else am I missing, anything? So far I'm training LE, ME, HE, 2HE, LB, MB, HB and 2HB. Should I be training other types to?

Re: Forging 07/06/2007 07:31 AM CDT
Type POUND HELP, it'll tell you everything that can be forged.


Venic smiles as he sticks his copper bead in one nostril, covers the other one, and exhales forcefully, shooting the bead directly at Drevid!
Re: Forging 07/06/2007 07:42 AM CDT
broadsword, rapier, maul, short sword, morning star, hand axe, carving knife, dagger, cutlass, scimitar, hunting sword, longsword, battle axe, greatsword, war hammer, war club, mace, flanged mace, flail, war mattock, foil, halberd, pike, kris, stiletto, falcata, baselard, sabre, bastard sword, claymore, two-handed sword, katar, misericorde, spear, javelin, lance, dart, throwing dagger.

Ok, so by the look of it I need to also train.. halberds, pikes, spears, thrown weapons (all kinds?)........ if I'm not missing anything. My goal is to one day be able to forge any kind of weapon.
Re: Forging 07/06/2007 11:05 AM CDT
>>Ok, so by the look of it I need to also train.. halberds, pikes, spears, thrown weapons (all kinds?)........ if I'm not missing anything. My goal is to one day be able to forge any kind of weapon.

For the current incarnation of Forging, that is correct. If you want to forge it all, you have to train it all. I wouldn't worry about throwns though as they are not a forgeable class right now. The current market belongs to edged weapons.

Blunts while I don't know how, I hope they get some serious loving in Forging 2.0. The only benefit they offer now is lowered weight, but that obviously reduces their attack type...impact.

Don't forget to train Mech whenever possible.
Re: Forging 07/06/2007 12:32 PM CDT
I take it while you can forge a swappable HE/2HE bastard sword, you can't forge a swappable HB/2HB...
Re: Forging 07/06/2007 01:51 PM CDT
>I take it while you can forge a swappable HE/2HE bastard sword, you can't forge a swappable HB/2HB...

Yup. Sure would be nice though.
Re: Forging 07/06/2007 04:25 PM CDT
VERY nice.

Axillus - Halfling Warrior Mage
>You charge your steel-toed footwrap at a musk hog.
Forging/Working Mech Lore 07/22/2007 08:41 AM CDT
First off, what's the best way for a barbarian to work mech lore? I've been scraping skins thinking that's the best way but where most my skills are now passing the 30s, my mech lore is a mere 13 ranks. Since I hear you need a LOT of mech lore to forge.. I'm begining to worry I'm falling behind. Is there a better way to work it?

Also, at what point can you begin to forge and except to make weapons better than the average shop? I know - I have a looong way to go but I'm trying to get an idea. Thanks.
Re: Forging/Working Mech Lore 07/22/2007 08:44 AM CDT
Pyramids, braiding grasses and vines, origami, making bows and arrows, put iron bars on the forge and pound them into weapons.

I am sure there are a few other ways


Venic smiles as he sticks his copper bead in one nostril, covers the other one, and exhales forcefully, shooting the bead directly at Drevid!
Re: Forging/Working Mech Lore 07/22/2007 08:46 AM CDT
<<Also, at what point can you begin to forge and except to make weapons better than the average shop? I know - I have a looong way to go but I'm trying to get an idea. Thanks.

If you're making blades then try and keep them all even if possible. I would guess around 250 in each blade and like 150 mech and you'll make better then store bought. If I am wrong someone will correct me.


Venic smiles as he sticks his copper bead in one nostril, covers the other one, and exhales forcefully, shooting the bead directly at Drevid!
Re: Forging/Working Mech Lore 07/22/2007 08:49 AM CDT
Braiding grass is a great way to get those first 50-100? ranks, anyway it works great when low ranked

Jaedren says, "Alas, no Khri Ronco (Set it and forget it!). Woe."
Re: Forging/Working Mech Lore 07/22/2007 09:23 AM CDT
I've been able to get better than storebought scims since I had around 180-200 in ME, 100 each in the other three and around 110 or so in mech. 250 in each blade and you should be able to start grinding, and getting more than one or two grinds in, I've been told.

War Hawk Maulem~

Read the Barbarian Seven!
Re: Forging/Working Mech Lore 07/22/2007 10:59 AM CDT
>> I've been able to get better than storebought scims since I had around 180-200 in ME, 100 each in the other three and around 110 or so in mech. 250 in each blade and you should be able to start grinding, and getting more than one or two grinds in, I've been told.

Grinding? Ok, never forged before and a long way from forging for my first time.. so haven't a clue what you mean but I assume it's part of a more.. advanced process of forging maybe?
Re: Forging/Working Mech Lore 07/22/2007 11:37 AM CDT
yeah, its an additional step. after you make the ingot, then pound the blade, you can take the blade to another room where you GRIND blade to impact,slice, etc.>

<<If nothing else, maybe some Magic Using guilds will now feel the joys of "You cannot steal here.", at least for a while.--Solomon>>
Re: Forging/Working Mech Lore 07/22/2007 11:39 AM CDT
It's the final part of the forging process.

You make the mix, the pour it into the ingot mold to let it cool.

Get the cooled ingot, put it on the forge to heat it up.

Once it's a few minutes past white hot you put it on the anvil to pound into whatever weapon you want.

Once you've pounded it into the weapon, you can take the unfinished blade to the grindstone and grind it to add more slice/puncture/balance/hitting power.

Then you hilt it and you have a weapon.

2) Just because you don't LIKE Prydaen that play up the whole "I'm a Kitty Cat and I Dance Dance Dance" thing, doesn't mean they need to stop doing it.
Re: Forging/Working Mech Lore 07/22/2007 11:47 AM CDT
The grinding part is what makes barbarian made weapons great. It's where we have the most advantage.

Don't complain about all my ranks. I play a different instance than U!!! And no I won't share my scripts with U, afk scripting in prime to gain experience is against policy, unlike The Fallen.
Forging Issues 08/04/2007 08:37 AM CDT
POUND HELP needs to be fixed. I've been training LB, MB, HB, 2HB, LE, ME, HE, 2HE and Halberds.. and I've only found out LB can't be forged? Next to each weapon diplayed when typing POUND HELP the type of the weapon should be in parenthesis. If you've not worked with a weapon, it's highly unlikely you'd know what type it is.. yet it seems that it is assumed you already know?

As for LB, if you can't forge it (or any other type of weapon for that matter) can I assume it it not included as a factor when forging any blunt?
Re: Forging Issues 08/04/2007 09:01 AM CDT
>>As for LB, if you can't forge it (or any other type of weapon for that matter) can I assume it it not included as a factor when forging any blunt?

No. It is included in your blunt average when forging other blunts. However it is just one small part of your forging factor, so neglecting it won't hurt too much as long as everything else is fine.

Re: Forging Issues 08/04/2007 09:44 AM CDT
Ooook... well I'm gonna train it anyways. Anybody know why LB wasn't included and if that will be changed... ever? Any others not included that I might be training that I'm not aware of?
Re: Forging Issues 08/04/2007 11:25 AM CDT
There will be a forging rewrite that changes thing quite a bit. Check out the forging topic under -

GM Oolan Jeel had quite a bit to say at the con including there being more weapons and extended templates.

Forging Factor 03/20/2008 03:23 PM CDT
Anyone know what your forging factor should be to begin forging, and what it needs to be to be able to cap weapons?
Re: Forging Factor 03/20/2008 04:51 PM CDT
<<Anyone know what your forging factor should be to begin forging, and what it needs to be to be able to cap weapons?

315 to get mod slice katars


Cylons... why debugging matters.

Venic smiles as he sticks his copper bead in one nostril, covers the other one, and exhales forcefully, shooting the bead directly at Drevid!
Re: Forging Factor 03/20/2008 05:02 PM CDT
Also don't forget that each weapon template has its own difficulty. With 350FF in blades you can cap steel broadswords, but it would take ~500ish to cap steel bastard swords. This is for barbarians as well.

Has anyone really tried to use analyze to identify which templates are easy and which are hard? I've found claymores to be easier than greatswords, and broadswords to be easier than basties. No clue where the other templates fall. I'd be extremely happy if someone could post a list. - The DragonRealms Platinum Community Website. Be sure to vote DragonRealms as your #1 MUD!
Re: Forging Factor 03/20/2008 05:06 PM CDT
Anyone know exactly how that works? Is it just an average of all your weapons and your mech?
Re: Forging Factor 03/20/2008 08:21 PM CDT
<<Anyone know exactly how that works? Is it just an average of all your weapons and your mech?

FF = 60% of the weapon you are making + 30% of the average of the other three weapons in that grouping + 10% mech


Cylons... why debugging matters.

Venic smiles as he sticks his copper bead in one nostril, covers the other one, and exhales forcefully, shooting the bead directly at Drevid!
Re: Forging Factor 03/21/2008 07:54 AM CDT
>Anyone know what your forging factor should be to begin forging, and what it needs to be to be able to cap weapons?

I think a good starting point is around 120-150 ff. The problem with forging at low levels is low stats unless you have a ton of stamina. Be sure to use the bucket of water at the crucibles to replenish fatigue.

No one really likes Prydaens, because lets face it, they are really just Elves in a fur suit.
Re: Forging Factor 03/21/2008 09:00 AM CDT
Or for the lazy:

Aveda's Field Guide-
Re: Forging Factor 03/21/2008 08:10 PM CDT
too much work .... google Stephinroth's Forge Factor Script

If you want to be okay with a weapon and use a bunch of magic too, be a Warrior Mage. If you want to own the world with your you weapon and take a good deal of what the world throws at you while laughing in the face of magic, be a Barbarian.
Re: Forging Factor 03/22/2008 02:33 PM CDT
personally i started playin in the forge around 120FF and gave up due to a lot of breakage until i was closer to the 200 mech and FF range and could start to grind and get less breakage. it really sucks to spend a couple hours mixing, cooling, heating to have your weapon/armor break on the last or second to last pound. i'd say around 250 FF for heavy slice 34 stone scims. 280 FF and still cant get BC slice on 35 stone claymores with 12 edge grinds.
Re: Forging Factor 03/22/2008 08:29 PM CDT
Hmm, well breaking seems to be more rooted in the number of pounds then anything else. Every additional pound seems to have a larger chance to break. Like the first pound is 1%, second pound it is 2%, tenth pound is 10% or something like that (made up numbers).

Increasing your strength past certain milestones reduces the number of pounds it takes to complete an item, and thereby reduces the chance for breaking. This is in addition to, or working with whatever mech does to reduce breaking.

>>280 FF and still cant get BC slice on 35 stone claymores with 12 edge grinds.

Are you using a 2.5% steel mix, or overdusting? The larger swords have so much construction you can probably afford to dump the 20-something dust in at the end needed to up the slice. Though I'm still not convinced it is worth it. Losing a bunch of impact and suitability for some slice never made sense to me. - The DragonRealms Platinum Community Website. Be sure to vote DragonRealms as your #1 MUD!
Re: Forging Factor 03/22/2008 09:52 PM CDT
<<Are you using a 2.5% steel mix, or overdusting? The larger swords have so much construction you can probably afford to dump the 20-something dust in at the end needed to up the slice. Though I'm still not convinced it is worth it. Losing a bunch of impact and suitability for some slice never made sense to me.>>

yeah I don't overdust, guess i'm kinda purist like that. I only use as much dust as necessary to make steel. I like to keep construction as high as possible, to me thats how i gauge my progress. I try to keep my ingots in that hard/very rigid or somewhat flex/very light range when making the 3.0 density stuff. my 35 stone comes out as l/s/f d/r well const. and compares as the same slice as vibs forged BC 34 stone but mine has better construction and a little more suited to extra power. Until i started to make decent forged weapons and could grind I never really understood the range of the appraisals. I always knew it was a range and severe could equal BC but after making a good many blades I have a better understanding, as well as understanding a bit more on advertsing. Now I just need one of the big market forgers to give me all their grinding standards at various weights so I can gauge my progess on when I'm making capped for market value.
Trying to learn the ol' Forging talent. 06/10/2010 10:49 AM CDT
Hello. I'm not quite at a place where I can effectively forge anything worthwhile lol, but I am trying to learn the process so that hopefully one day I can.

Now while most of the more specific math is not lost to me there's a few things I've seen in a few mixes that I didn't quite understand.

For example I saw a recipe call for putting in 4 full dusts. Mixing once, then putting in 3 full dust and mixing twice. Now what is the difference between doing that then just putting all seven in and mixing 3 times?

Also I've noticed it calling for me to mix even when there's only one item in there. Say, put zinc slug in, let it melt mix it, put another slug in etc etc. Why do I need to mix that first slug?

Thanks in advance for any help anyone can give me. Just trying to figure out all these little nuances so that I can try and create some effective recipes on my own.
Re: Trying to learn the ol' Forging talent. 06/10/2010 11:05 AM CDT
If you mix together the molten metal and the first four full dusts they will have different properties. Each combination produces a change in the final properties of the ingot/wire/plate. You'd be adding three dusts to say molten nickel-alloy at say 26 stone weight and 11 slug volume instead of adding the a 14 stone weight and 14 slug volume to an 18 stone weight and 3 slug volume. You'll expand the mix more without adding more weight. It's one way of lightening mixes.

For the other, the reason you mix one slug in at a time is compression. There are times you'll want to add weight without adding any volume. It happens when you mix an odd number of slugs. A bar plus a slug is 11 slugs and would cause compression.

Basically forging now is weird.
Re: Trying to learn the ol' Forging talent. 06/10/2010 01:17 PM CDT
You can only have 5 things in the crucible at once so with that 4 mix, there was probably something else in there. After mixing once there would be 2 things in there the combined molten charcoal and the molten X. This means there is only space for 3 more things, the 3 dust that are added next.

Mix twice.. First mix will cause the 4 molten charcoals (the 3 you just put in and the 1 that was there from before) to combine into 1 molten charcoal, the second mix will cause the molten charcoal to combine with the molten X.

Note as they are full dusts (2 volume each) so the final volume of charcoal will be 14. If X is an even volume, no compression, if it is an odd volume, you will lose 1 slug volume to compression.

Kertig Heart Magdar Bluefletch, Legendary Barbarian of M'Riss
Forging oddness 02/23/2011 10:54 AM CST
A couple of my mixes that I used in the past are not coming out right anymore. I'm not sure why, I ruled out everything on my side. :)

Anyone else notice anything different? For me a few items are coming out one grind off of what they used to be.

Forged Weapons:
Re: Forging oddness 02/23/2011 03:29 PM CST
I've also noticed an odd thing such as mixes coming out different weights.

Player of Drevid and Jhaval

Cylons... why debugging matters.
Life is tough, but it's tougher when you're stupid. --John Wayne
Re: Forging oddness 09/24/2011 10:13 PM CDT
Wow, that's all gibberish to me, good to see that smithing finally did something! LOL

Actually ever play again, I'd be more curious about the smithing than anything else. Freak that I am.

Veldehar Snow-Elven, feeling more ancient all the time