Stuck in the middle... 12/04/2010 02:23 AM CST
Okay, I think I'm finally at some weird in-between point where I can't quite find a critter that I can play with for a decent amount of time. I don't really have a problem with learning rates per se where I am now, but it seems one level up is too much and one level down does nothing but backtraining status.

Right now I hunt swains primarily, but as they don't spawn quickly enough for how fast I kill them, I end up not really getting the best over all learning rates that I had at the beginning. Sprites are good for backtraining weapons that I like to play with and boxes that I like to work on. Hatchlings are just a hair too much right now.

Strength : 23 Reflex : 21
Agility : 21 Charisma : 17
Discipline : 16 Wisdom : 20
Intelligence : 18 Stamina : 23

Parry Ability: 141
Multi Opponent: 139
Medium Edged: 109
Heavy Edged: 132
Twohanded Edged: 133
Brawling: 67
Evasion: 126

Shield Usage: 120
Leather Armor: 70
Light Chain: 130
Heavy Chain: 125

Perception: 102
Lockpicking: 96
Disarm Traps: 92
Skinning: 60

I'm working on the skinning right now in Rock Trolls; I realize that it needs to be better. And the weapons I listed are just kinda my pet projects right now (Brawling mostly; I'm playing with LE, HB and Offhand in sprites but they aren't great enough to bother listing at the moment).

The firecats, atik'ets, and westnaryuans inside the gate of souls are nice but I can't seem to get in without a friend. Something about getting that boulder out the way just doesn't seem to be working for me. In any case, I can pretty much clear them out quickly too, though they do teach well when I'm hunting in there with someone and they are spawning decently.

Now the aside that I've found is that I seem to be hunting a little bit above level. I've found the variable combination(s) of blood/stone/nightmare to be wonderful assets that allow me to hunt critters that I normally wouldn't be able to. Its what allowed me to hunt swains until I just started killing them off quicker than they would gen, and even so, if I don't use berserk stone, then they get some pretty good hits on me vitality wise. I wear combo HC/LC/Leather set with LC shirt, HC gloves, HC helm and leather mask, small arm-worn gargoyle-hide shield.

Now, knowing all that, is there a critter I need to hunt that teaches me without knocking me about without berserk(s)? Do I need to just tough it out with the swains until they cap me and then move on? Any other pointers that I don't know the questions to ask about?

Deadly Deretis Desitus, Soldier of Ratha
Re: Stuck in the middle... 12/04/2010 03:45 AM CST
At those ranks I was starting in bloodvines (past Boar Clan in Forfedhdar). They are an awesome critter, pay well, swarm perfectly, and the area is a good size for the number of people who hunt there. The major downside is that you're hosed for skinning, which I'd highly suggest not ignoring.

That said, I would strongly suggest giving brocket deer a try. You should be able to handle first tier (young) deer without your berserks, and second tier (they don't have an adjective) with them. I would suggest trying to find a spot in second tier, but if that's full, settle for first and wait for someone from the second tier to leave.

The swarms there are outstanding, the only major issue with the area is how small it is for what a great critter the deer are, so space can sometimes be an issue. They can be skinned, so they'll help with that, even though you'll likely completely fail on them for a while yet. I had a similar disparity between combats and skinning at about that point in Og's career, but the gap has gradually shrunk.

I personally wouldn't advise intentionally seeking critters that you shouldn't want to berserk against. They let you fight tougher things, which will teach better. Take advantage of that for all it's worth. Just my take on that part.

"Take chances and see what you can get away with, it only costs you a favor or two if you mess up." -Issus
Re: Stuck in the middle... 12/04/2010 06:41 AM CST
You're in range for silver leucros also, which would help your skinning. You could try creepers and vines also. They're special attack is annoying, but with stone I think you should be ok against them.

I'd try Og's advice about the deer first though since my thief is in elders at the moment and I love hunting there.
Re: Stuck in the middle... 12/04/2010 09:58 AM CST
Young brocket deer. 3 plat per full bundle of skins, and the swarm is amazing...


Clerics are on the sectual radar.

Just to be clear - I didn't do it. Not sure who did, but it wasn't me.

- GM Raesh
Re: Stuck in the middle... 12/04/2010 05:35 PM CST
1st tier snow goblins are awesome. Great spawn. Boxes. Skining. I would.go there.

Vote DR as TOP MUD:
Re: Stuck in the middle... 12/04/2010 08:35 PM CST
See last time I went to snow goblins I got my rear handed to me on a silver platter. Granted that was about 25 ranks ago. I may be able to take them now. As I am on the mainland currently anyway, I may as well check out the deer.

On a side note, looking at Ranik's maps of the deer area and hearing so much about them recently on several different board postings, one would think that the area would be enlarged. That could probably be said of many hunting areas though. Not to negatively criticize the GMs that put so much effort into creating an area, but perhaps if certain area attracts enough attention, new trails could be discovered in these hunting grounds, leading to more rooms. I realize that there is a need to make certain areas "special" or "rare" (though neither of those words seem to quite fit the one I'm looking for).

Though saying that, Prime doesn't have the hundreds to 1000+ people that it used to. MUDs don't have the following that they used to with today's "high speed" games and gaming systems. EQ lead the way in the PC world; WoW has taken EQ's place. Xbox and PS3 have revolutionized gaming consoles. Those of us that continue to play DR and other MUDs like it are a rare breed, few and far between.

Deadly Deretis Desitus, Soldier of Ratha
Re: Stuck in the middle... 12/05/2010 01:03 AM CST
Young red brocket deer are confirmed as amazing for skinning, ME, brawling (and other lower ranked weapons), and my primary weapons.

One caveat. I think I may be in the "soft cap" range for the young deer with my primary weapons. Now at 135 each THE/HE. I'm not sure if the soft cap starts at a lower rank, 130?, since I was already passed that point. And I say a soft cap because while I do learn, it takes significantly longer to reach a locked status. (Yes I know, new experience system does not reward greater experience "pulse" above a certain point. Just noticing a trend in the time it takes to bring said weapons to a locked status.)

Now the regular deer, are amazing for all combatives and primary weapons, though berserking is a must. Dang they can hit hard. Might be a stance thing. I'll have to tinker. Skinning not possible at current rank(63; too easy for young deer even with arranging).

All in all, a great critter for this point in my training. Between the two tiers, enough to bring all necessary skills up to take on hatchlings and move back to the islands.

Thank you!

Deadly Deretis Desitus, Soldier of Ratha
Re: Stuck in the middle... 12/05/2010 08:13 AM CST
You are at the soft cap for young deer. Above 130, my weapon training slowed down significantly, even though defenses are still moving at 160. My skinning is 100 ranks higher than yours and still moves in young deer with arranging, but not without. Skinning is a must IMO, boxes are not. I suggest working skinning before you go much further.


Clerics are on the sectual radar.

Just to be clear - I didn't do it. Not sure who did, but it wasn't me.

- GM Raesh
Re: Stuck in the middle... 12/05/2010 04:50 PM CST
>>Skinning is a must IMO, boxes are not. I suggest working skinning before you go much further.

Just wanted to echo this for emphasis. If you like boxes then do as you like there, but definitely make getting your skinning up one of your priorities.

"Take chances and see what you can get away with, it only costs you a favor or two if you mess up." -Issus