06/12/2017 06:46 AM CDT
I'd like to see rituals for barbarians. Not magik hokus pokus stuff, but rather, things like sand painting that would inspire a hunter for a lengthy time. Another might be caring for a pyre for a length of time to strengthen an existing meditation, or building a cairn of stones to train this and that. Yet another could be piling bones or such. These actions in turn would provide a lengthy boost to something or another, depending. I know it sounds like an uber meditation but I'm thinking an even longer effect from a more difficult action. These effects could be utilized to boost certain areas of a character's experience.
These are late night thoughts so forgive me ...X
Re: Rituals
06/12/2017 10:31 AM CDT
Totems please. I wanna use the desecrated remains of my foes as a warning to the others.
Re: Rituals
06/12/2017 02:45 PM CDT
>>Totems please. I wanna use the desecrated remains of my foes as a warning to the others.<<
I can see it now:
You finish constructing your gore totem from the removed eyes and ears of the many fallen foes that you have slain. Those that remain alive can not tear their eyes from your gruesome creation. (perception debuff)
You finish constructing your gore totem from the bloody entrails and spinal cords of the many fallen foes you have slain. Those that remain alive visibly shudder at your fearsome creation. (debuff to roar resistance stats)
You finish constructing your gore totem from the amputated arms and legs of the many fallen foes that you have slain. Those that remain alive seem less determined to engage you after viewing your terrible creation.( -OR, -DR debuff)
So, yes please!
I can see it now:
You finish constructing your gore totem from the removed eyes and ears of the many fallen foes that you have slain. Those that remain alive can not tear their eyes from your gruesome creation. (perception debuff)
You finish constructing your gore totem from the bloody entrails and spinal cords of the many fallen foes you have slain. Those that remain alive visibly shudder at your fearsome creation. (debuff to roar resistance stats)
You finish constructing your gore totem from the amputated arms and legs of the many fallen foes that you have slain. Those that remain alive seem less determined to engage you after viewing your terrible creation.( -OR, -DR debuff)
So, yes please!