Dispelling the IF Cost 04/10/2017 04:44 PM CDT
Can we make it so that if you use Meditate Dispel and you have nothing affecting you to dispel that you don't take the IF hit? Same with Staunch. If that's a no go then how about a reduced cost like 1/4 to 1/2 the IF hit if there's nothing to dispel or staunch? These two meditations need to be more viable. They are close but not quite there yet.

Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!

Barbarian Guild Suggestions
Re: Dispelling the IF Cost 04/11/2017 09:03 AM CDT

I agree with this. Their dispel should be fixed and have a contest to dispel magic. Also their buffs should be fixed so they can be dispelled by things such as rend, dispel, and ward break etc.. the same way they can dispel magic.
Re: Dispelling the IF Cost 04/12/2017 05:36 AM CDT
>>I agree with this. Their dispel should be fixed and have a contest to dispel magic. Also their buffs should be fixed so they can be dispelled by things such as rend, dispel, and ward break etc.. the same way they can dispel magic.<<

Begone, magic-using impostor!

"Brace yourselves, Squanto is going to bleh blah fart fart bleh.." -the player of the character formerly known as Pureblade
Re: Dispelling the IF Cost 04/12/2017 09:18 AM CDT
>>I agree with this. Their dispel should be fixed and have a contest to dispel magic. Also their buffs should be fixed so they can be dispelled by things such as rend, dispel, and ward break etc.. the same way they can dispel magic.<<

>Begone, magic-using impostor!

^This. Barbarians can ONLY dispel magic that is on them. We cannot dispel magical affects on other characters. Big difference.

Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!

Barbarian Guild Suggestions
Re: Dispelling the IF Cost 04/12/2017 09:31 AM CDT

>>^This. Barbarians can ONLY dispel magic that is on them. We cannot dispel magical affects on other characters. Big difference.

I agree, its different. Just like rend is different cause it dispels multiple things, and ward break is different cause it dispels ONLY wards. Its almost like different spells and abilities have different effects and uses.

That being said, they should all respect one another and have the same checks and balances behind them. So if barbs are dispelling magic, dispel should work on spell-like magical effects.

~An evil magic user
Re: Dispelling the IF Cost 04/12/2017 09:34 AM CDT

>> evil magic user's really nasty and cruel words at us!

This is why we can't have nice things!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Dispelling the IF Cost 04/12/2017 02:57 PM CDT
>>I agree, its different. Just like rend is different cause it dispels multiple things, and ward break is different cause it dispels ONLY wards. Its almost like different spells and abilities have different effects and uses.

>>That being said, they should all respect one another and have the same checks and balances behind them. So if barbs are dispelling magic, dispel should work on spell-like magical effects.

I know you understand my point but for posterity I will elaborate. Unlike Rend (debilitation/utility) and Ward Break (debilitation), which are targeted at another character to remove spells on them (rend can target the caster too), our Meditation Dispel (warding) is NOT a targeted spell and only functions to potentially "clean" the character meditating of any non-Barbarian effects which have been cast on said character. So how exactly are the targeted debilitation spells like the self-dispel warding meditation, and what check would satisfy you as "all respecting one another and have the SAME (emphasis mine) checks and balances to them?"

We don't have TM to check against either.

Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!

Barbarian Guild Suggestions
Re: Dispelling the IF Cost 04/12/2017 03:38 PM CDT

>>I know you understand my point but for posterity I will elaborate. Unlike Rend (debilitation/utility) and Ward Break (debilitation), which are targeted at another character to remove spells on them (rend can target the caster too), our Meditation Dispel (warding) is NOT a targeted spell

These are not targeted spells.

>>and only functions to potentially "clean" the character meditating of any non-Barbarian effects which have been cast on said character

You say "Clean" and I'll say "dispel" cause thats what its called. It's self-cast only but its still a dispel.

>>So how exactly are the targeted debilitation spells like the self-dispel warding meditation, and what check would satisfy you as "all respecting one another and have the SAME (emphasis mine) checks and balances to them?"

Buffs are cast with certain skills and stats affecting their duration and affects. As are debuffs. These should be respected universally regardless of "Flavor" for the player facing unit (what the player sees). The back-end should treat all of these the same for balance's sake. This means there should be skill checks for caster vs castee to dispel spells AND spell-like abilities. If you are dispelling magic, your wards and buffs should be fair game like everyone elses.

>>We don't have TM to check against either.

lol. Whats using TM exactly?
Re: Dispelling the IF Cost 04/12/2017 10:12 PM CDT
>>>>I know you understand my point but for posterity I will elaborate. Unlike Rend (debilitation/utility) and Ward Break (debilitation), which are targeted at another character to remove spells on them (rend can target the caster too), our Meditation Dispel (warding) is NOT a targeted spell

>>These are not targeted spells.

Okay, I'm not a magic user and have never since 1996 played a magic user so all I have to go on is what Elanthipedia says. When it says they are "targeted" I assumed, wrongly it appears, that they are TM based abilities.
Mea culpa about thinking they are "targeted magic" spells. So what?

>>>>and only functions to potentially "clean" the character meditating of any non-Barbarian effects which have been cast on said character

>>You say "Clean" and I'll say "dispel" cause thats what its called. It's self-cast only but its still a dispel.

Yes, it is dispel. It indeed says that in its name. It follows Magic 3.0 rules but it isn't called "magic". I don't see where we differ in this except based on what I stated about it being self-removed. So what? You seem to be promoting an association logical fallacy argument. Since the GMs made Barbarian abilities adhere to Magic 3.0 systems then Barbarian abilities are magic. They aren't magic. They are Barbarian abilities.

>>>>So how exactly are the targeted debilitation spells like the self-dispel warding meditation, and what check would satisfy you as "all respecting one another and have the SAME (emphasis mine) checks and balances to them?"

>>Buffs are cast with certain skills and stats affecting their duration and affects. As are debuffs. These should be respected universally regardless of "Flavor" for the player facing unit (what the player sees). The back-end should treat all of these the same for balance's sake. This means there should be skill checks for caster vs castee to dispel spells AND spell-like abilities. If you are dispelling magic, your wards and buffs should be fair game like everyone elses.

What PROOF do you have that the DISPEL MEDITATION does not follow the same rules as any other warding spell? You appear to be focusing on our abilities being able to be dispelled. Good luck with that.

Additionally, you didn't answer my question. How do you reconcile that spells/abilities that are based on debilitation skill use different calculations than spells/abilities that are based on warding skill. Are you proposing the MEDITATE DISPEL is actually a debilitating spell/ability?

Finally, I thought we were talking about meditations that remove non-Barbarian magic applied to a Barbarian in this thread that I STARTED, not discussing dispelling barbarian abilities via finger wagglers' spells. If you want to discuss that then respectfully I suggest you start your own thread please.

>>>>We don't have TM to check against either.

>>lol. Whats using TM exactly?
I meant calculations using TM skill. Mea culpa above. I don't care that I don't know about finger waggler stuff that much as a barbarian. Thank you for correcting me, but you don't have to be snarky "lol".

Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!

Barbarian Guild Suggestions
Re: Dispelling the IF Cost 04/13/2017 05:41 AM CDT
Dispel is a warding v. <skill of spell being dispelled> contest, that skill usually being debilitation. It comes at an opportunity cost of needing to keep a meditation slot free.

Rend and Ward Break are offensive debilitation spells, you are trying to break buffs/wards on someone else. Dispel is a defensive warding ability, you are trying to remove magic on you. In this way it's much closer to Scream Defiance or Anti-Stun, and not very similar at all to Ward Break or Rend.

The only way Barbarians can (offensively) interact with magic is by possibly interrupting a spell being prepared. That function isn't unique to Barbarians. Mages can tank a Barbarian's inner fire (and possibly drop a lot of their buffs) by blasting through Serenity, and protect against roars with roar cloaks, a somewhat common festival item.

Removing a debuff on yourself is not at all comparable, or equitable, to being able to use Ward Break to interrupt Serenity meditation (what I assume you had in mind). The equitable design would also be allowing Barbarians to use roars to remove mage wards/buffs, and I don't think you want to let us do that.
Re: Dispelling the IF Cost 04/13/2017 05:52 AM CDT
>>Removing a debuff on yourself is not at all comparable, or equitable, to being able to use Ward Break to interrupt Serenity meditation (what I assume you had in mind). The equitable design would also be allowing Barbarians to use roars to remove mage wards/buffs, and I don't think you want to let us do that.<<

lol I was just about to reply that, but saw you already did. Dispel just removes magic on one's self, not others. This thematically makes sense with barbarians' hatred of magic.

"Brace yourselves, Squanto is going to bleh blah fart fart bleh.." -the player of the character formerly known as Pureblade
Re: Dispelling the IF Cost 04/13/2017 08:30 AM CDT

>>Removing a debuff on yourself is not at all comparable, or equitable, to being able to use Ward Break to interrupt Serenity meditation (what I assume you had in mind). The equitable design would also be allowing Barbarians to use roars to remove mage wards/buffs, and I don't think you want to let us do that.

You'd be wrong. With appropriate checks, balances, and cooldowns I believe dispels should be more of a "thing" all around. My goal isnt for magic to be all powerful, its for abilities on all ends to have similar functionality. Being immune to all magic shouldnt be a thing, nor should being immune to all physical damage (something certain casters can do until the pending ward rewrite). Its broken gameplay. Broken ward stacking on the magic end is going away. It needs to be done away with on all ends and let stats and skills be the determining factor. Not broken old systems.
Re: Dispelling the IF Cost 04/13/2017 08:38 AM CDT
>It comes at an opportunity cost of needing to keep a meditation slot free.

Point of clarification, neither meditations Dispel nor Staunch require a free meditation slot to use anymore. You may have three meditations running and still use both of these as they don't count towards the three maximum limit.

Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!

Barbarian Guild Suggestions
Re: Dispelling the IF Cost 04/14/2017 11:09 PM CDT
>You'd be wrong. With appropriate checks, balances, and cooldowns I believe dispels should be more of a "thing" all around. My goal isnt for magic to be all powerful, its for abilities on all ends to have similar functionality. Being immune to all magic shouldnt be a thing, nor should being immune to all physical damage (something certain casters can do until the pending ward rewrite). Its broken gameplay. Broken ward stacking on the magic end is going away. It needs to be done away with on all ends and let stats and skills be the determining factor. Not broken old systems.

I can't speak to how they work at 1750 tert ranks, but at circle 120 I'm nowhere close to magical immunity with my wards. Unless you have some combat logs from TF, I'm not sure where that notion is coming from.

Barbarian wards are among the most powerful in the game, as they thematically should be, but there's nothing unbalanced about them that I've seen.

If they need to be down-tweaked at the very high end, I imagine the aforementioned barrier review will fix that problem.
Re: Dispelling the IF Cost 04/15/2017 01:13 AM CDT

>>I can't speak to how they work at 1750 tert ranks, but at circle 120 I'm nowhere close to magical immunity with my wards. Unless you have some combat logs from TF, I'm not sure where that notion is coming from.

I dont play TF nor do I have 1750 ranks in a skill, nor do any of the barbarians ive tested with.

>>Barbarian wards are among the most powerful in the game, as they thematically should be, but there's nothing unbalanced about them that I've seen.

That you've seen, being the key words. I know you arent arguing that, but they do give virtual immunity to spells being cast at them. I know you dont believe that to be true, but it does eventually happen. I'm not sure quite at what point it happens but there appears to be no check involved once a barb reaches a certain point. I cant cast through barbarians with significantly less stats and hundreds of less ranks than I have in pretty much every skill.

>>If they need to be down-tweaked at the very high end, I imagine the aforementioned barrier review will fix that problem.

I'm not so sure since mums the word on the full breakdown, but I dont want to see it forgotten.

This thread here is essentially asking for the dispel ability for barbarians to not cost IF if there is nothing to dispel, which is essentially asking for someone to have the ability to spam their dispel ability without penalty until they have a spell cast on them. That sounds pretty imbalanced to me.
Re: Dispelling the IF Cost 04/15/2017 05:08 AM CDT
>That you've seen, being the key words. I know you arent arguing that, but they do give virtual immunity to spells being cast at them.

>I know you dont believe that to be true, but it does eventually happen.

I've tested our wards extensively with a 100+ Cleric, Moon Mage, and am gonna test with a Warrior Mage soon whenever we can find the time. I'll be happy to share the results when they're available. As a single point of reference, a circle 98 Cleric as able to land Soul Sickness on me through both Turtle and Serenity.

Was the immobilize long? No. Did he need to prep higher and longer than normal? Of course. But someone ~20 circles below me landing a non-capped cast on me through two barriers does not strike me as magical immunity.

>I'm not sure quite at what point it happens but there appears to be no check involved once a barb reaches a certain point. I cant cast through barbarians with significantly less stats and hundreds of less ranks than I have in pretty much every skill.

With respect friend, the more I read, the more I'm convinced you tried to PvP a Barb one or two times by snap-casting min mana spells at them, and then when the spell backfired, you assumed they were magically immune. Our wards go through the same contests as any other wards in the game. The strength of our wards is determined by our magic skills, like any other guild in the game.

When casting against a high-level Barbarian, you are almost assuredly contesting both a strong potency barrier (Turtle) and a strong integrity barrier (Serenity), and a targeted spell would also have to get through Toad. Landing your disablers is completely possible, but you need to go into the fight knowing you will need to prep higher and possibly prep longer than the snap-casting using macros or triggers that most PvP involves.

And what's wrong with that? When I'm throwing a HT at a Cleric, it needs to contest an evasion buff, a shield buff, a ranged weapon debuff, and then it gets a percentage of damage reduced by MPP before it finally spits out actual damage.

The major problem with non-Barbarian potency/integrity barriers is that they have a theme of being battle spells, which means they don't see much use because of low duration. Asking for, I don't know, Soldier's Prayer and Lay Ward to become standard buffs with 20+ minute durations sounds reasonable to me. The fact that other guilds have niche or unused barriers is not a Barbarian design problem.
Re: Dispelling the IF Cost 04/15/2017 10:33 AM CDT
>>This thread here is essentially asking for the dispel ability for barbarians to not cost IF if there is nothing to dispel, which is essentially asking for someone to have the ability to spam their dispel ability without penalty until they have a spell cast on them. That sounds pretty imbalanced to me.

If you had led with this I would have said, "now there's a good point I hadn't thought of." It is a good point. That's why I also put in the part about maybe making it cost 1/4 to 1/2 less than if magic is actually dispelled. Right now, as far as I'm aware, the only way for us to know what spells are on us is to use MEDITATE POWER, which has a roundtime and costs points to gain, if one isn't using the SF or Wizard front end. Even with the Active Spells window open it only updates every so often.

So let me state the problem I'm trying to solve so we can have a better discussion and potential solutions. I want to better know when I have non-Barbarian magic on my character so that I know better when to use Dispel to try to get rid of it. Right now there is no good way so I went with the suggestion of being able to spam MEDITATE DISPEL which already has a downside of a four second RT (for me) and costs IF whether cleansing or not.

Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!

Barbarian Guild Suggestions
Re: Dispelling the IF Cost 04/15/2017 06:51 PM CDT

>>With respect friend, the more I read, the more I'm convinced you tried to PvP a Barb one or two times by snap-casting min mana spells at them, and then when the spell backfired, you assumed they were magically immune. Our wards go through the same contests as any other wards in the game. The strength of our wards is determined by our magic skills, like any other guild in the game.

You are wrong. And I promise you I've PVP'd more than you can imagine.

>>When casting against a high-level Barbarian, you are almost assuredly contesting both a strong potency barrier (Turtle) and a strong integrity barrier (Serenity), and a targeted spell would also have to get through Toad. Landing your disablers is completely possible, but you need to go into the fight knowing you will need to prep higher and possibly prep longer than the snap-casting using macros or triggers that most PvP involves.

I can prep my spells at the maximum possible cast and still not go through when casting on a barbarian of significantly lesser skill (Hundreds of ranks in every measurable skill, however the barbarian is still 150th which is my point. I believe once a barbarian reaches a certain point skill does not matter). I can provide logs to any gamemasters who request it although I am loathe to provide my own ranks or others ranks on the forums.

>>And what's wrong with that? When I'm throwing a HT at a Cleric, it needs to contest an evasion buff, a shield buff, a ranged weapon debuff, and then it gets a percentage of damage reduced by MPP before it finally spits out actual damage.

Nothing at all. I agree with you that it should work this way if this was how it worked, but I'm saying it does not. I dont think you are big enough yet to see the break point.

>>The major problem with non-Barbarian potency/integrity barriers is that they have a theme of being battle spells, which means they don't see much use because of low duration. Asking for, I don't know, Soldier's Prayer and Lay Ward to become standard buffs with 20+ minute durations sounds reasonable to me. The fact that other guilds have niche or unused barriers is not a Barbarian design problem.

I dont think this has much to do with the real issue though so I wont comment cause it could cause more of a tangent.
Re: Dispelling the IF Cost 04/16/2017 03:32 AM CDT
>Nothing at all. I agree with you that it should work this way if this was how it worked, but I'm saying it does not. I dont think you are big enough yet to see the break point.

Like I said, ~120 Barbarian. I have tested with magic primary guilds of similar circle and pushing 1k in relevant magic skills. If there's a relevant break point I'm not seeing yet it has to be pretty darn high at the top end of skill.

I'd be very interested in any combat logs (and relevant magic points, and Barbarian magic skills also if possible) you might have, more data points are always good. I can understand if you're not comfortable posting personal character information on the forums, if you want to email them to my play.net address I could promise not to share them, and only use them as relevant data in assessing possible barrier strength.
Re: Dispelling the IF Cost 04/16/2017 06:32 AM CDT
It all sounds made up.

"Brace yourselves, Squanto is going to bleh blah fart fart bleh.." -the player of the character formerly known as Pureblade