Re: BOHLERA2 11/23/2009 10:29 PM CST
>>Darths skills for his level and at that time were damn good.

I remember at the time thinking the same thing. Darth was pretty solid. Of course I didn't know the specifics of his skills and how well he fared against other guilds.

Might be different for today's combat since so much has changed. I miss the times when the Barb guild was full with spars happening almost every night. :(

Vinjince Rexem'lor
Re: BOHLERA2 11/23/2009 10:59 PM CST
<<<I actually didn't start giving you hell until you let your ignorance and (incredibly ill placed) ego show. Other than that I was trying to prevent you from spawning bad habits in people.

I can do it right now so I am. I'll concede the fact that I probably wont be able to at higher levels... I still think I might be able to though.

heres the proof

You are currently using 0% of your evasion skill.
You are currently using 100% of your weapon parry skill.
You are currently using 81% of your shield block skill.
You are attacking with 100% of your offensive skill.

Last Combat Maneuver: Parry
You've gained a new rank in maneuvering in leather armor.
* Moving well, a blood wolf claws at you. You block with a crocodile-skin buckler.
[You're solidly balanced with opponent in strong position.]
* Attacking well, a blood wolf pounces, gnashing hungrily at you. You block with a crocodile-skin buckler.
[You're solidly balanced with opponent in superior position.]
* Moving well, a blood wolf pounces, gnashing hungrily at you. You block with a crocodile-skin buckler.
[You're solidly balanced with opponent dominating.]
You assess your combat situation...

You (solidly balanced) are facing a blood wolf (3) at melee range.
A blood wolf (1: nimbly balanced) is behind you at melee range.
A blood wolf (2: nimbly balanced) is behind you at melee range.
A blood wolf (3: incredibly balanced) is facing you at melee range.
A blood wolf (4: incredibly balanced) is flanking you at melee range.

(You are also defending against a blood wolf.)
* Attacking well, a blood wolf pounces, gnashing hungrily at you. You counter the teeth with a scimitar.
[You're solidly balanced with opponent in good position.]
* Moving with grace, a blood wolf pounces, gnashing hungrily at you. You slap away the teeth with a scimitar.
[You're solidly balanced with opponent in good position.]
* Moving strongly, a blood wolf leaps, drool running from its deadly teeth at you. You repulse the teeth with a scimitar.
[You're solidly balanced with opponent in excellent position.]
* Moving well, a blood wolf leaps, drool running from its deadly teeth at you. You block with a crocodile-skin buckler.
[You're solidly balanced with opponent in strong position.]
* Moving well, a blood wolf claws at you. You block with a crocodile-skin buckler.
[You're solidly balanced with opponent dominating.]
* With strength, a blood wolf leaps, drool running from its deadly teeth at you. You block with a crocodile-skin buckler.
[You're solidly balanced with opponent in very strong position.]
* Moving with grace, a blood wolf claws at you. You knock aside the claw with a scimitar.
[You're solidly balanced with opponent in excellent position.]
* Thaesaer was just struck down!
* Saesys was just struck down!
* Moving well, a blood wolf pounces, gnashing hungrily at you. You counter the teeth with a scimitar.
[You're solidly balanced with opponent in good position.]
* Attacking forcefully, a blood wolf claws at you. You block with a crocodile-skin buckler.
[You're solidly balanced and opponent has slight advantage.]
* Moving well, a blood wolf claws at you. You block with a crocodile-skin buckler.
[You're solidly balanced with opponent in good position.]
* Moving with grace, a blood wolf claws at you. You turn aside the claw with a scimitar.
[You're solidly balanced with opponent in excellent position.]
Shield Usage: 107 31% mind lock (34/34) Leather Armor: 97 00% mind lock (34/34)
Light Chain: 95 78% mind lock (34/34) Heavy Chain: 79 95% very riveted (29/34)
Cloth Armor: 81 40% nearly locked (33/34) Bone Armor: 88 90% enthralled (32/34)
Parry Ability: 109 84% mind lock (34/34) Multi Opponent: 106 91% mind lock (34/34)
Re: BOHLERA2 11/23/2009 11:10 PM CST

Reading comprehension FTL. :(

TG, TG, GL, et al.
Also: Moo.
Re: BOHLERA2 11/23/2009 11:34 PM CST
<<Reading comprehension FTL. :(>>

Especially on the comprehension part.

- Simon
Re: BOHLERA2 11/24/2009 02:27 AM CST
<<I remember at the time thinking the same thing. Darth was pretty solid. Of course I didn't know the specifics of his skills and how well he fared against other guilds.

Its good to see you are still around Vinjince. Rakai told me you were still hanging around throwing your clubs.

Its cool that your still around too simon. Congrats on the #1 spot for the barbarion weapons tome.
Re: BOHLERA2 11/24/2009 03:59 AM CST
<<<LOL. Again. Level/Circle on the whole has nothing to do with this, it was brought up in the first place (especially at circle 16) as an indicator of lower ranks(overall not in relation to circle).

you guys are just dumb for real. I have 100 fricking evasion on top of 107 shield/parry so what if your right I'll stance to evasion/shield or parry/evasion big fricking deal... the whole point im trying to make is I can still learn parry with shield RIGHT now in situations where parry and evasion would get me killed. Get a clue people. When I actually do have to start using evasion my multi and parry will be far ahead of the curve because of what Im doing right now.
Re: BOHLERA2 11/24/2009 04:04 AM CST
Might be different for today's combat since so much has changed. *I miss the times when the Barb guild was full with spars happening almost every night. :(

This right here sums up much :(
Re: BOHLERA2 11/24/2009 04:05 AM CST
heres another double post... just to further clarify myself if i was to put my stance to 100 parry 81 evasion or 100 evasion 81 parry.. 4 blood wolves would kill be in seconds if I couldnt berserk.
Re: BOHLERA2 11/24/2009 04:07 AM CST
BOHLERA2, if i am not one of those whopping one other person besides vinjince, i dont believe you.
Re: BOHLERA2 11/24/2009 04:17 AM CST
<<When I actually do have to start using evasion my multi and parry will be far ahead of the curve because of what Im doing right now.

Yeah, this isn't correct no matter how you look at it.

If you're saying that having your parry/shield being equal to or slightly greater than your evasion is 'ahead of the curve...' well I hate to break it to you, but that's the norm. You're not accomplishing anything special here, and others are doing it better because they have an effectively better defense while doing it. (Exceptions occur with much older characters who trained under different combat systems and as a result neglected one defense, usually shield in this case.)

If you're saying that you will have much greater parry/shield than evasion down the line because of your training method... well, that would require training your parry/shield in a higher hunting area than your evasion because of learning caps along with neglecting your evasion to over-train your other defenses. And eventually you're going to have to get your evasion caught up anyway to even be able to handle the higher hunting areas, since parry/shield alone aren't enough to defend with at experience-granting ranks once you reach a certain point. Its inefficient and loses out in the long-term.


Crackling with unspent rage since 386A.V.
Re: BOHLERA2 11/24/2009 04:38 AM CST


Crackling with unspent rage since 386A.V.
Re: BOHLERA2 11/24/2009 04:44 AM CST
<<<If you're saying that having your parry/shield being equal to or slightly greater than your evasion is 'ahead of the curve...' well I hate to break it to you, but that's the norm. You're not accomplishing anything special here, and others are doing it better because they have an effectively better defense while doing it. (Exceptions occur with much older characters who trained under different combat systems and as a result neglected one defense, usually shield in this case.)>>

OMG Im not neglecting NOTHING

jag is 17 days old

16 circle


I can hold 4 bloodwolves with using shield/parry.
which lets me lock parry and multi and than swap to shield/evasion so I can learn evasion. You can miss with frantically killing one or two everytime a third or fourth spawn. Im content with letting my armors, parry and multi lock up alot faster with holding four.

I can not use parry/evasion and hold 4 YET. I DONT fricking know why this is its just the way it is and IM not complaining because I CAN still hold four BUT as soon as I can hold four with parry/evasion I WILL alright! but until than IM using shield/parry so I can utilize a good multi learning hunting area with a decent spawn rate. Holding two to lock parry/evasion is just unacceptable nonsense when i can lock parry, shield, evasion, 6 armors and multi alot faster by using shield/parry and swapping to shield/evasion while holding 4.

Re: BOHLERA2 11/24/2009 04:56 AM CST

your the nerd dude. you've been playing this game all these years and your still soldiering on. Look at you breaking down the rules of a game like your really proud of being a genius of a COMPUTER game. your probably one of those people that would buy a few lines of text for several thousands of dollars that you earn from selling your food stamp money just so you can feel "special" in a game because the real world rejects you.
Re: BOHLERA2 11/24/2009 06:41 AM CST
<<Im not even sure I know who you are but im if you are who i think you are dude you were scared to spar me back than even though you'll never admit it now.

Back then, my character was Slaris. I have never been afraid to spar my text dude. I'd spar you now with my new text dude. I've only been back a month.

It's ridiculously hard to find people around 20th to spar.
Re: BOHLERA2 11/24/2009 06:43 AM CST
<<ochhi watched me from the start of the match. as soon my panther danced rt ended i couldnt hide because the dudes good i mean their team placed second afterall. I actually took about three hits. Darth was 44th in a tourneyment class capped at 50th and YOU guys asked me to fill in at the last minute so you would have the four people.

Yes and no. Our plan was for me to lead and you to roar. I led. You stood there and Occhi took you out. I took out 2 others, and whatever that thief was we had (forgot his name) got one. That was an under 40th group, and we all knew Occhi was over -- GM's didn't do anything about it or didn't know. That event was right after the Poshly/Christian fights in Arthe dale. There was no way I was in a 40th group then because I specifically remember circling that day to get extra reflex (it was a plan!).
Re: BOHLERA2 11/24/2009 11:03 AM CST
>>I can not use parry/evasion and hold 4 YET. I DONT fricking know why this is its just the way it is

My guess is when you stance evasion/parry, your multi-armor penalty negates your evasion to the point of you getting hammered on....that's just my guess. Try using just your highest armor with evasion/parry?

Vote DR as TOP MUD:
Re: BOHLERA2 11/24/2009 01:31 PM CST
<<<<My guess is when you stance evasion/parry, your multi-armor penalty negates your evasion to the point of you getting hammered on....that's just my guess. Try using just your highest armor with evasion/parry?

good guess but no your wrong sorry try again. I swap between capped forged (HC) full chain shirt, capped forged (lc) chain shirt, (550 stones total), (stealth) cloth shirt....

with capped cowl, gloves, and greaves/ bone mask, bone gauntlets, and bone greaves for accessories.

While using the full chain shirt with any combination gives me no emcumberance. Any other armor combination gives me lightly encumbered. ALL combinations I use are at minimal to insignificantly hindering already with most at insignificantly.

I lock all my armors in less than 5 minutes and switch to LC and leathers (insignificantly hindered) until everything drains.

my guess is soloman is right you need 120 parry, evasion and multi to hold 4 blood wolves while stanced with parry and evasion.
Re: BOHLERA2 11/24/2009 01:39 PM CST
<<Yes and no. Our plan was for me to lead and you to roar. I led. You stood there and Occhi took you out. I took out 2 others, and whatever that thief was we had (forgot his name) got one. That was an under 40th group, and we all knew Occhi was over -- GM's didn't do anything about it or didn't know. That event was right after the Poshly/Christian fights in Arthe dale. There was no way I was in a 40th group then because I specifically remember circling that day to get extra reflex (it was a plan!).

You were slaris or Sladdron? I still dont remember who you were and no it wasnt a under 40th circle bracket. Occhi had been over 40th for over 2 years by that time. Darthanyo had been 42nd for over a year sitting inactive again. I had barely reactivating him again about 2 months before the kaith kirm. This is what went down though I did cost us that match because I didnt roar kaith. I got took out within the first 30 seconds because the entire other team targeted me first. I got IPed and kaith rushed by two barbarians while you guys did nothing. But whatever think or claim whatever you want. You got taken out about 20 seconds after me though.
Re: BOHLERA2 11/24/2009 01:55 PM CST
>>ALL combinations I use are at minimal to insignificantly hindering already with most at insignificantly.

Someone chime in on this one, because I am not totally sure on it.....Does the multi-armor penalties show up in the hinderance?

>>I lock all my armors in less than 5 minutes and switch to LC and leathers (insignificantly hindered) until everything drains.

Shield blocking and parrying are hands down the best way to train armors.

Vote DR as TOP MUD:
Re: BOHLERA2 11/24/2009 01:56 PM CST
<<my guess is soloman is right you need 120 parry, evasion and multi to hold 4 blood wolves while stanced with parry and evasion.>>

Not my experience, that's all I'll say on that. Do whatever works for you though.

<<KK stuff>>

Organize another one and have a grudge match or something. Those tournaments were before my time in DR but it seems like a solid idea for a good time to me.

I find it odd that you can be surrounded by both a mantle of flame and blades of ice.

Shush, it's magic.. suspend your disbelief
Re: BOHLERA2 11/24/2009 02:02 PM CST
<<You were slaris or Sladdron? I still dont remember who you were and no it wasnt a under 40th circle bracket.

Slaris. I was not 40th at the time.
Re: BOHLERA2 11/24/2009 02:58 PM CST
If you are carrying all these armors and 14 different weapons at 16th circ I would imagine you have encumberance, which will also effect your evasion as you are already slow at that low circle. Everyone that has said evasion is HUGE at higher ranks/lvl fighting is exactly right. I can stance evasion/shield and hunt over lvl but if I throw parry into the mix I get hammered and thats with parry as my highest defense. Parry shield may work for you with kiddie stuff but you are going to get slaughtered later on.

just for comparison to your reasoning
Shield 363
MO 323
LC 394
Evasion 375
Parry 380

Re: BOHLERA2 11/24/2009 05:48 PM CST
<<<Someone chime in on this one, because I am not totally sure on it.....Does the multi-armor penalties show up in the hinderance?

at any given time im only using two armors...

As armors lock I start swapping back and forth lbetween shirts for (lc, hc, cloth)

as laethers or bone lock i swap back and forth between gloves, head gear, leg protection (for bone and leathers)

<<If you are carrying all these armors and 14 different weapons at 16th circ I would imagine you have encumberance,

I have 28 strength 22 stamina which has cut down my encumberance a bunch. Im already knowing I'll need to get my mentals to 30's before 40th circle.

As for the 14 weapons I train every skill that doesnt have any weight to it. Brawling and offhand. I also have a forged 26 stone mace, 44 stone mattock, 4 (20 stone) hunting spears from arthe dale for HT/pike, 1 rock for LT, 28 stone bastard sword, 18 stone scimitar, 15 stone katar, 40 stone short-hafted halberd from therens keep, MY primary weapon LX and one crappy as hell 30 stone lightened bo stick from el'bains shop.
Re: BOHLERA2 11/24/2009 06:20 PM CST
so you're carrying 6 sets of armor and 14 weapons that added up equals a 7th set of armor in weight and can't figure out why evasion isn't working better then parry?
Re: BOHLERA2 11/24/2009 06:37 PM CST
At 16th circle with 28 str 22 stam, what exactly is your reflex? If you've neglected that it will be yet another thing hindering your evasion.

I find it odd that you can be surrounded by both a mantle of flame and blades of ice.

Shush, it's magic.. suspend your disbelief
Re: BOHLERA2 11/24/2009 07:06 PM CST
>If you are carrying all these armors and 14 different weapons at 16th circ I would imagine you have encumberance, which will also effect your evasion as you are already slow at that low circle. Everyone that has said evasion is HUGE at higher ranks/lvl fighting is exactly right. I can stance evasion/shield and hunt over lvl but if I throw parry into the mix I get hammered and thats with parry as my highest defense. Parry shield may work for you with kiddie stuff but you are going to get slaughtered later on.

This, pretty much. Do whatever works at low circles, just know that parry/stance does not remain viable.

And since we're justifying our statements with exp pastes... Total Ranks: 36249
Re: BOHLERA2 11/24/2009 09:20 PM CST
thanks for tips guys

I'm not having any problems learning anything because of my encumberance. I have a light encumberance and no encumberance when I wear my full chain suit. I almost have enough parry for 30th and enough multi for 40th. My evasion is not far behind my parry and thats only because I wanted to get all my armors ahead of my evasion due to the new no static hinderance for armors crap that was added. I'm keeping my reflex equal to the critters I hunt. I raise it as I see critters start having more reflex than me. My plan is to get min RT's with all my weapons so I can keep all 14 skills moving easier in swarm areas. After that I'll get mentals up to par and after that I will start using all the extra tdps from training everything to start building a pvp oriented build.

Strength : 28 Reflex : 14
Agility : 22 Charisma : 12
Discipline : 16 Wisdom : 12
Intelligence : 12 Stamina : 22

Your circle: 17
Total ranks in weapons: 1392
Total ranks in armor: 602
Total ranks in magic: 0
Total ranks in survival: 782
Total ranks in lore: 233
Total ranks gained: 3058
Total TDPs gained from ranks: 608

what is that 40% of my tdps have come from everything Im training. I would do the numbers for 16 weapons skills, 6 armors for 40th/60th circle but that would probably just piss more people off as well.
Re: BOHLERA2 11/24/2009 10:29 PM CST
>>what is that 40% of my tdps have come from everything Im training. I would do the numbers for 16 weapons skills, 6 armors for 40th/60th circle but that would probably just piss more people off as well.

Hint: Nobody cares how many things you're training, or how many TDPs you'll have because of it. They do care when you are encouraging people to develop bad habits with their stance.

Keep on trucking and stay in school.
Re: BOHLERA2 11/30/2009 11:13 AM CST
>>Oldrun thinking, "Any empaths or clerics available for a dead Jaguarz inside Theren gate please?"

Time to switch stances? :)

Vote DR as TOP MUD:
Re: BOHLERA2 11/30/2009 02:41 PM CST
>Time to switch stances? :)

Ive already started to get hit while holding 3 - 4 marauders so yes im already starting to use shield/evasion and parry/evasion more.

and I got hit by a earthquake tremor effect because someone was afk scripting ht. As I entered the room the critter set off a area effect ability. :( the person didnt see me dead for about 5 minutes as well lol
Re: BOHLERA2 12/03/2009 09:16 AM CST
>Tell you what why dont you roll up another barbarian and in... lets say 2 months we will spar with our lowbies just to see whos better at training barbarians. That seems like a more fair contest.

I'm really late to this, but this is a challenge I'd be willing to take on.
Re: BOHLERA2 12/03/2009 10:04 AM CST
Oh, do it Rmel, yes if only to shut him up already.

Re: BOHLERA2 12/03/2009 10:05 AM CST
<Tell you what why dont you roll up another barbarian and in... lets say 2 months we will spar with our lowbies just to see (whos better at training) barbarians. That seems like a more fair contest.>

>I'm really late to this, but this is a challenge I'd be willing to take on.

alright I'll put 250 plats up for the winner of this contest and everyones welcome to play.

few rules though since I'll be putting the money up.

1. No afk scripting. I will check suspect geni users constantly and If you dont respond to me or anyone else in the contest in game you forfeit and lose. This is a bet about whos better at training not whos scripts are better. We can goto TF (where afk scriptors and 90% of geni users belong IMO) and get another bet going for that one if you want. Oh and no tag team training with partners like alot people seem to be doing nowadays.

2. Everyone gets to watch everyone else reroll to be sure everyone is starting from scratch. jaguarz is already to far along for me to start over with him though so i'll have to make a new barbarian as well.

3. We will need to decide if we will allow stacking our newbs or not. What I mean by this is us outfitting them with capped everything from weapons, armor, and money. Doesnt really matter to me though I just dont want no whining from you or anyone else when you see my newb running around with 200 plats worth of gear from the start.

4. The contest will last 30 days.
Re: BOHLERA2 12/03/2009 10:08 AM CST
>>I will check suspect geni users constantly and If you dont respond to me or anyone else in the contest in game you forfeit and lose. This is a bet about whos better at training not whos scripts are better. We can goto TF (where afk scriptors and 90% of geni users belong IMO)

LOL at all the genie hate. Did Genie steal your lunch money or something?

TG, TG, GL, et al.
Also: Moo.
Re: BOHLERA2 12/03/2009 10:13 AM CST
So because some of us use Genie to maximize our training, we belong in TF? I'd put my money on Rmel without a question between you two.
Re: BOHLERA2 12/03/2009 10:37 AM CST
I use Stormfront anyway.

No way in hell I'm rerolling Rmel.

Yes, I'd outfit my noob with whatever gear I feel is necessary.

By tag-team training, I assume you mean having someone else train the noob when I'm not playing? No worries there; nobody has my passwords but me.

You do realize that this ultimately only proves who has more time to train, correct?
Re: BOHLERA2 12/03/2009 11:09 AM CST
<<You do realize that this ultimately only proves who has more time to train, correct?

You (collectively) realize this ultimately only proves nothing at all.
Re: BOHLERA2 12/03/2009 11:21 AM CST
>> You (collectively) realize this ultimately only proves nothing at all.

Yada yada. Text means nothing so ultimately we are wasting our lives anyways. Oh, we all die too so ultimately nothing is worth anything ever.
Re: BOHLERA2 12/03/2009 11:38 AM CST
<<Yada yada. Text means nothing so ultimately we are wasting our lives anyways.>>

Logic is not allowed.


"Ultimately, we're all dead men. Sadly, we cannot choose how but, what we can decide is how we meet that end, in order that we are remembered, as men." - Proximo from Gladiator

^~~ Playing a text-based game, haha!

- Simon
Re: BOHLERA2 12/03/2009 12:41 PM CST
<<I said 90% not 100%.

Poser pro-tip: Always leave yourself a back door so you can backpedal your way out of a statement.


Crackling with unspent rage since 386A.V.