Expertise bug? 08/22/2015 08:12 PM CDT
My understanding is that the combo from Expertise is based on your current weapon's type. I noticed that the combo does not change if you change your weapon.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Begin combat while unarmed
2. "analyze flame" (it gives an unarmed combo as expected)
3. Wield a weapon
4. "analyze flame" again
Expected: I have a new combo available based on the type of the weapon I equipped in step 3
Actual: I still have the unarmed combo available
Re: Expertise bug? 08/22/2015 09:09 PM CDT
It is based on what weapon you were using when you first analyzed. If you want it to change with another weapon, you need to FACE NEXT, then analyze flame or whatever to get a new combination. The other option is to let it time out... I think that works with expertise combos like it does with tactics combos.

"Brace yourselves, Squanto is going to bleh blah fart fart bleh.." -the player of the character formerly known as Pureblade