Okay, come on now. Meditations are the red-headed step child of the Barbarian abilities. Right now people will only take Contemplation, Tenacity, and Serenity because all others are unusable based on the fact you can only have three up at one time and you have to stop all meditations instead of just one at a time.
Please make the following changes to Meditations:
1.) Increase the number of meditations you can have running in line with forms and berserks, five.
2.) Make it so you can stop a specific meditation instead of having to stop them all at the same time.
3.) Make the single use meditations Dispel and Staunch not require an open active meditation "slot" to use.
Otherwise, all meditations beside Contemplation, Tenacity, and Serenity will continue to be obsolete.
I'm the Dwarb. I believe discipline is the way forward for barbarians to rule in combat, though I understand there are many paths including strength and agility followed by many of my guild mates. But I want to be able to focus on meditations over berserks to master my prowess. Right now, that isn't possible because of how our abilities are activated slot wise. I understand that because of the fact that there is not overtime use of IF to use meditations (only a startup cost) that care was given to ensure meditations were in line with other guilds' abilities. But, come on now, with the stuff that is happening with Magic right now, can't you throw us a bone? The majority of our abilities are "cyclic" as they consume IF over time. Almost all other guilds have set it and forget it abilities for the majority of their repertoire while we have to actively manage our IF over time. Kertigen's beard.
Thank you for your attention. We now return you to your regularly scheduled program.
Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!
Re: Make focusing a build on meditations useful...Please
03/29/2016 08:54 PM CDT
I strongly agree with what you're saying Rhadyn, but I do want to say that once I picked up Powermonger and Yogi, my play went from 'try and juggle ANALYZE FLAME and a couple of forms' to 'startup ALL the things and forget it'.
The Barb actually, once you have Powermonger anyway, is the most 'set it and forget it' character I have!
Re: Make focusing a build on meditations useful...Please
03/30/2016 07:51 AM CDT
Powermonger should really come a little earlier in the path. I didn't know it would make such a difference or I woulda geared towards it sooner. At around 50th circle I had the least abilities from flame, now having taken a few of the smaller ones i'm still only sitting at 6, plus need the slots to pay for it once I get the reqs. Gonna be a while.