I was spamming retreat to sit and start a mediation quick, and it kept failing saying I was engaged, but I wasn't. Yet somehow I got to the point where it said I didn't have enough IF?
So my assumption is, you can't start a meditation even at missile range? So it was failing to start because of that. Meanwhile, each time I was trying to start it must of been sapping IF until I had none, getting the no IF message?
log follows:
You retreat back to pole range.
You retreat from combat.
>med tenacity
You sit down.
You must be unengaged and free of mind to properly reinforce your physical resistance.
You stand back up.
You are already as far away as you can get!
You are already as far away as you can get!
>med tenacity
You sit down.
You must be unengaged and free of mind to properly reinforce your physical resistance.
You stand back up.
You are already as far away as you can get!
You are already as far away as you can get!
>med tenacity
You sit down.
You must be unengaged and free of mind to properly reinforce your physical resistance.
You stand back up.
You are already as far away as you can get!
You are already as far away as you can get!
>med tenacity
You sit down.
Your inner fire lacks the strength to empower such a potent mental activity.
Forged Weapons:
Re: Mediations sapping IF when you can't start them?
01/20/2013 12:31 AM CST
Meditations sap IF if you interrupt the the preparation in any way (such as, the initial roundtime is up and you try to stand before the meditation has completed preparation).
As a quality-of-life improvement, it would probably be better if the meditation drained IF only when it completes the ritual, as opposed to initial start-up. It's a bit of a kick in the pants to start an expensive meditation like Serenity or Focus and then forgetfully try to stand after the RT is over, only to have your IF drained without actually activating the ability.
As a quality-of-life improvement, it would probably be better if the meditation drained IF only when it completes the ritual, as opposed to initial start-up. It's a bit of a kick in the pants to start an expensive meditation like Serenity or Focus and then forgetfully try to stand after the RT is over, only to have your IF drained without actually activating the ability.
Re: Mediations sapping IF when you can't start them?
01/20/2013 12:34 AM CST
Oh, to offer an actual solution: you can't really start them in combat, it just gets interrupted when something advances on you.
User serpent's hiss to scare critters away. As soon as the feat that allows area roaring is released, it will probably be possible to use area Wail to immobilize critters long enough for you to retreat and start a meditation without actually leaving combat (and possibly giving up your room if you're hunting dillos or intercessors), which would be very nice..
User serpent's hiss to scare critters away. As soon as the feat that allows area roaring is released, it will probably be possible to use area Wail to immobilize critters long enough for you to retreat and start a meditation without actually leaving combat (and possibly giving up your room if you're hunting dillos or intercessors), which would be very nice..
Re: Mediations sapping IF when you can't start them?
01/20/2013 12:51 AM CST
>>it will probably be possible to use area Wail to immobilize critters long enough for you to retreat and start a meditation without actually leaving combat
Thing is, that wouldn't work either, because missile range is considered in combat. The
>>User serpent's hiss to scare critters away
That sounds like it would work, as long as this doesn't happen
>>you can't really start them in combat, it just gets interrupted when something advances on you.
Forged Weapons:
Thing is, that wouldn't work either, because missile range is considered in combat. The
>>User serpent's hiss to scare critters away
That sounds like it would work, as long as this doesn't happen
>>you can't really start them in combat, it just gets interrupted when something advances on you.
Forged Weapons:
Re: Mediations sapping IF when you can't start them?
01/20/2013 01:34 AM CST
Yeah it is a pain, but meditations require you to be undisturbed. It is just one of their limitations required to acheive the desired potency. I'll take a look and see what can be done to prevent stupid moments from tanking your IF.
Better chakrel and an upcoming maneuver will also allow the use of meditations with fewer restrictions.
"I have no data yet. It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories instead of theories to suit facts."
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes
Better chakrel and an upcoming maneuver will also allow the use of meditations with fewer restrictions.
"I have no data yet. It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories instead of theories to suit facts."
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes