RP Dance Info 07/30/2011 08:42 AM CDT
So up until now, I've simply been geting dance and berserk info from Phii's site, since it's been much easier. However, I'd really like to actually go through the process of finding the dance instructors myself, IC.

The problem is, I've always been fairly terrible with syntax, and I CANNOT figure out what to ask to get started on the path of finding a new dance or berserk. Asking Mo about dance or berserk simply has not gotten me anywhere.

So - what should I be asking the guildleaders about next time I'm eligible for a new dance or zerk, to get started finding it?
Re: RP Dance Info 07/30/2011 09:30 AM CDT
>>So - what should I be asking the guildleaders about next time I'm eligible for a new dance or zerk, to get started finding it?

I personally don't know of any IC indicators to say "go here for Panther Dance" or "go here for Steel Berserk."

What I do is check Phii's site to indicate where to begin, and then figure it out. Really glad I did this for Panther Dance, the quest area is really, really cool.


WARNING: 50%* chance of this post being sarcastic**.

*Informal exit poll.
**Rebate not valid in FL, AL, and MA.
Re: RP Dance Info 07/30/2011 09:43 AM CDT
Ask Rushleel in the bar.

Syntax I believe is: Ask Rushleel about (insert) dance.

Individuals, families, countries, continents are destroyed at the heavy hand of Vinjince.

-GM Abasha