Confused. 02/02/2012 02:08 AM CST
So tonight, I went into Zombie Stompers, and for some reason my stances were set at zero. I managed to zerk stone to break the stuns and escaped. Not 2 minutes after I started this zerk it ended and shoved me into a HORRIBLE stun, dropping my IF to, "Surrounding your reflection is a bright aura of beautiful flames extending a quarter of your height above you."

Why? Any reason in particular?
Re: Confused. 02/02/2012 02:20 AM CST
>Why? Any reason in particular?

The state a berserk leaves you in is determined by your Inner Fire at the end of the berserk. Each stun you broke saped some Inner Fire, as well as the starting cost of the berserk and (I think) a periodic cost.

Thus, you got a horrible stun because you had nearly no IF at the end.

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