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Re: Discipline tanking my berserk already? 11/30/2009 01:48 PM CST
I didn't try to measure it, but I did notice my barb's inner fire tended to regenerate better when the critter was on a level reasonably close to her instead of being one that she vastly outclassed.

Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
Re: Discipline tanking my berserk already? 11/30/2009 02:05 PM CST
I'm learning great. I'm in caracals training 6 weapon skills including offhand, all between 180-240.

I really hope it's not the discipline, but I can't find another factor that would explain it. Normally I like some mystery in the mechanics, but this discipline vs berserks mechanic seems like something the GMs should give some more direct instruction on. Given that it's the one ability I know of that is negatively impacted by a stat, and that stat is the primary driver for our other set of abilities, it would be nice to know a little more about the interaction, if only to dispel fears such as mine.
Re: Discipline tanking my berserk already? 11/30/2009 02:10 PM CST
Are your defenses much higher than the weapons you're training? Your IF will refill faster on something that's a challenge. If you can sit and dodge them all day they aren't a challenge for you and might be hurting your IF regain from killing.
Re: Discipline tanking my berserk already? 11/30/2009 05:01 PM CST
<<Are you still learning weapons well from the creature you are fighting? I'm not sure how it is calculated in, but IF regen rate is boosted by killing things you learn learn from, I am not sure if learning well = greater boost than just learning, or learning slowly? That information was never devulged to my knowledge.>>

You have the opportunity to regain inner fire actively if you learn in any weapon off that creature, to any extent, with the killing blow.

<<When I enter combat I always berserk stone first (from full IF) and dance a bit to get my defenses moving and to get a good swarm going.>>

Duration is for the most part based on when you initiate the berserk. If you berserk when you are melee, pole or missile range, then the berserk identifies you as "in combat." If you initiate a berserk "out of combat" in which nothing is engaged to you, then your duration will be decreased significantly with any berserk you use.

Having more duration allows you to recover your inner fire either actively via killing as I mentioned above or passively via time, so that you can receive minimal penalties when a berserk ends.

- Simon
Re: Discipline tanking my berserk already? 11/30/2009 08:46 PM CST
From what I understand there is a point where discipline starts to affect your berserks regardless of physical stats. I had heard it was around 30, but I suppose it could very well be 26..I doubt anyone has actually raised disc from 25-35 or so and checked their berserks after each raise in a controlled setting. I am surprised it is as noticeable as you suggest. I will be raising discipline soon (maybe..skeered to now haha) and will attempt to verify when(if) I do.
Re: Discipline tanking my berserk already? 11/30/2009 09:05 PM CST
<<From what I understand there is a point where discipline starts to affect your berserks regardless of physical stats.>>

This fits with my experience and informal testing.

I find it odd that you can be surrounded by both a mantle of flame and blades of ice.

Shush, it's magic.. suspend your disbelief
Re: Discipline tanking my berserk already? 12/01/2009 08:02 AM CST
<<From what I understand there is a point where discipline starts to affect your berserks regardless of physical stats. I had heard it was around 30, but I suppose it could very well be 26..I doubt anyone has actually raised disc from 25-35 or so and checked their berserks after each raise in a controlled setting. I am surprised it is as noticeable as you suggest. I will be raising discipline soon (maybe..skeered to now haha) and will attempt to verify when(if) I do.

That's exactly what I'm afraid of. That goes against the "keep discipline in line with physicals and you won't be impacted" instructions we've received.

It was definitely noticeable for me. It was like... well, a couple of times I've forgotten to put my armor back on after popping boxes. Then when I go back to training and start getting hit harder than usual there's this "what the heck?" moment until I realize that I'm fighting naked. It was like that - a "what the heck?" moment that had me checking to see if I was overburdened, or naked, or if my weapon was damaged. If you've ever experienced that sort of thing then you'll know the feeling.
Re: Discipline tanking my berserk already? 12/01/2009 06:48 PM CST
It might be negated somewhat if you raise physicals above discipline enough. Not sure.
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