Metaspells and Global Preview 10/26/2012 11:28 AM CDT
Does the global preview make it impossible to test metaspells since we can't actually learn the metaspell? I tried casting Flush Poisons without being poisoned, and it just said I'm not poisoned rather than sticking on me with some duration. I can't tell if it's because Adaptive Curing just doesn't work, or it's not taking effect because I don't technically know Adaptive Curing.

-Life Sustainer Karthor
Re: Metaspells and Global Preview 10/26/2012 11:39 AM CDT
>>I tried casting Flush Poisons without being poisoned, and it just said I'm not poisoned rather than sticking on me with some duration.

I think you sometimes need to directly cast meta spells—not all of them link up to the original spell itself. Did you try casting it (I think the initials are ADC)?

When in doubt,