URCHIN Verb in Test 01/04/2020 10:27 PM CST

The Traders' Guild has continued to extend their network of contracts among the local urchin populations in the realm's cities. Today, they're happy to announce the latest arrangement: urchin guides. Being familiar with an area's hidden paths, trails, and numerous popular locations, they are expertly suited to leading folks around to their chosen destinations.

The Guild is excited for this new partnership and looks forward to continued work with these capable workers in the future, for the benefit of both!

On the OOC side, the new URCHIN verb (and its associated guides) are available for testing in DR:Test. A table selling a contract is available at Crossing Town Green North.

These are another planned component of Login Rewards when that's all ready to go (slowly getting there!). They function similar to the DIR system in that they get you from point A to point B, but they do so instantly without visiting each room in between. They are province-based, rather than restricted to Crossing and Riverhaven, but they have a (greatly) condensed list of destinations. Primarily we focused on guild halls(*), major services and "other towns". The destinations for each province are centered around a primary town -- Crossing for Zoluren, Riverhaven for Therengia, Shard for Ilithi, Ratha for Qi, and Hibarnhvidar for Forfedhdar. If those primary towns couldn't cover a particular guild or other included service, we used a nearby town that could.

(*) - Due to the secretive nature of the Thief and Necromancer guilds, they are intentionally not included in the list of destinations. Additionally, most of the guildhalls lead you to the streets outside the guild rather than to the GL directly, to avoid bypassing guild-only restrictions.

Once you redeem a contract, see the URCHIN verb for further use. Let me know if you have any questions or run into any problems!

Full release is TBD, but I wanted to give folks a shot at testing and feedback before we hit that point.
