Expertise not being grandfathered.
11/23/2012 12:31 PM CST
Has this been reported or is it a bug with Olywdd's spreadsheet?
You have enough Expertise for Circle 0 and need 954 (954) ranks for circle 156
Kertig Heart Magdar Bluefletch, Bit Player of M'Riss
Re: Expertise not being grandfathered.
11/23/2012 01:36 PM CST
I don't think expertise is rolled into 3.0 yet since it has no functionality.
When in doubt,
When in doubt,
Re: Expertise not being grandfathered.
11/24/2012 12:25 AM CST
I'm almost done with the last few graphical spell charts, probably be up tomorrow afternoon/night.
I blame moon mages and clerics for having so many darn spells.
You've reached the uninformative help match I haven't written yet.
I blame moon mages and clerics for having so many darn spells.
You've reached the uninformative help match I haven't written yet.
Re: Expertise not being grandfathered.
11/24/2012 01:02 AM CST
thanks. flowcharts look awesome.
An arisen dummy zombie bellows, "You will all be ssslaughtered!"
An arisen dummy zombie bellows, "You will all be ssslaughtered!"