Alright guys - there's a TON of information here, so I'm going to summarize it as best as I can. Feel free to ask any questions and I'll try to answer what I can.
Skills have been updated to use the new combined skill model, as discussed heavily on the forums. If you don't know what the new skills are, I encourage you to check the Experience forum in Abilities, Skills, and Magic. That's got all of the discussion from that.
TDPs are being refactored using the model last discussed on that forum as well.
When you log in, you will be converted to the new system. You should be able to see the new skills in EXP. You'll gain or lose some TDPs, depending on how your skills were set up before.
What To Test
What I'm looking for is for you to test things that performed skill checks. Keep an eye out for anything that's letting you succeed where you don't think you should, fail when you don't think you should, etc.
Right now, the new circle requirements are in, but they're not finalized. Traders in particular will notice that their reqs are WAY higher than previously - They'll be going down from where they are now, as what we had in was very rough. I'll be making a big post about circle reqs on the main guild forums so people can chat about them.
Grandfathering ranks in based on circle is NOT in yet. I've got a task open to do this, but it isn't happening yet.
I'm also looking for anything that happens where the old skill name is referenced. There are some scenarios where this is ok: Certain containers that hold specific kinds of weapons will still only hold those weapons. The weapon classification of 'light edged' and 'medium edged' is not going away - Just the skill that they use. I will be updating appraisal to provide this information. Other places, like in the EXP verb, talking to guildleaders, etc, are places where we do NOT want to see the old skills.
Also look for guild-only skill checks that seem to be giving you no credit for your ranks, or your guild-only skill being called 'empathy' or 'thanatology' when it shouldn't be.
That's mainly it for skills in and of themselves - Test things that grant skills, like juggling, appraising, climbing, swimming, weird little things like that. Skills in particular that may cause issues:
Staff Sling
Quarter Staff
Short Staff
Short Bow
Long Bow
Composite Bow
Animal Lore
What To Do With Bugs
By now, anybody that's emailed me should have gotten their username and password for the bug site. Please visit the bug site (URL is listed in your email) and click 'Add New Bug' in the upper lefthand. Fill out the form as best as you can. Please indicate what you were doing, what character, any weird messaging you received, etc. Save the bug, and staff will take a look at it and comment on it.
Important Note
If you perform an action and don't get any feedback from it, that means that it caused something weird to happen in the game and it's causing a lot of scroll for GMs. Please don't keep doing that action (file a bug for it and move on), and for the love of all that is holy please don't spam it as fast as you can in the hope that it will work. Use a command that's known to work ("look" is a good safe one) to make sure you didn't crash the game, if you're worried about that.
That's it for Skills. I'll be making a post in a sec about Magic as well.
Good luck and thank you SO much for helping us test!
"The ninety and nine are with dreams, content but the hope of the world made new, is the hundredth man who is grimly bent on making those dreams come true." -E.A.P.
Re: Skills 3 Testing Notes
09/01/2011 12:22 PM CDT
How will this work with copying characters from Plat, if the conversion is done at login? IIRC, we have to be copied by a GM while in Plat and then fixed-up in Test.
Re: Skills 3 Testing Notes
09/01/2011 12:25 PM CDT
Related question. Is it possible to use my TF characters to test, or will I have to use my Prime characters?
Waiting for Results..............................................................................................................
Waiting for Results..............................................................................................................
Re: Skills 3 Testing Notes
09/01/2011 01:58 PM CDT
>How will this work with copying characters from Plat, if the conversion is done at login?
Im in the same boat, also any change to get Divult copied over?
mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur
Im in the same boat, also any change to get Divult copied over?
mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur
Re: Skills 3 Testing Notes
09/01/2011 05:00 PM CDT
I'll figure out porting characters from Plat and TF tonight. It'll happen though. It'll likely be a similar system as before, but then you'll have to log out and back in for things to take effect.
"The ninety and nine are with dreams, content but the hope of the world made new, is the hundredth man who is grimly bent on making those dreams come true." -E.A.P.
"The ninety and nine are with dreams, content but the hope of the world made new, is the hundredth man who is grimly bent on making those dreams come true." -E.A.P.
Re: Skills 3 Testing Notes
09/01/2011 05:51 PM CDT
I can access the connection server, but my character list appears to be empty. I know when I checked a day or two ago, Mhaeric was listed there. I assume that my missing Prime characters was because of a reset or something?
Waiting for Results..............................................................................................................
Waiting for Results..............................................................................................................
Re: Skills 3 Testing Notes
09/01/2011 05:54 PM CDT
Thanks for the quick fix!
Waiting for Results..............................................................................................................
Waiting for Results..............................................................................................................
Re: Skills 3 Testing Notes
09/01/2011 05:57 PM CDT
We're in the process of resetting characters in DRT so that they are more current versions of the ones from Prime. Should be done soon!
"The ninety and nine are with dreams, content but the hope of the world made new, is the hundredth man who is grimly bent on making those dreams come true." -E.A.P.
"The ninety and nine are with dreams, content but the hope of the world made new, is the hundredth man who is grimly bent on making those dreams come true." -E.A.P.
Re: Skills 3 Testing Notes
09/01/2011 05:59 PM CDT
Hmmm, I spoke too soon. They're showing up my list, but it won't let me connect. I've tried the website, SGE, and connecting through Genie. Getting error messages I've never seen before.
Waiting for Results..............................................................................................................
Waiting for Results..............................................................................................................
Re: Skills 3 Testing Notes
09/01/2011 06:00 PM CDT
Ah. Okay. Done post spamming. I promise.
Waiting for Results..............................................................................................................
Waiting for Results..............................................................................................................
Re: Skills 3 Testing Notes
09/01/2011 06:05 PM CDT
DRT is back up and ready with your latest Prime chars.
"The ninety and nine are with dreams, content but the hope of the world made new, is the hundredth man who is grimly bent on making those dreams come true." -E.A.P.
"The ninety and nine are with dreams, content but the hope of the world made new, is the hundredth man who is grimly bent on making those dreams come true." -E.A.P.
Re: Skills 3 Testing Notes
09/06/2011 10:24 AM CDT
>>Skills in particular that may cause issues:
Quarter Staff
Er... yeah. So my first foray into the Test Server, and my primary weapon is gone. As in none of my Quarterstaff skill made it into the Staves skill.
Off to ship's rats I go, then!
Killing you softly with his song,
- Stormsinger Shavay
"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"
- Arthur O'Shaughnessy
Quarter Staff
Er... yeah. So my first foray into the Test Server, and my primary weapon is gone. As in none of my Quarterstaff skill made it into the Staves skill.
Off to ship's rats I go, then!
Killing you softly with his song,
- Stormsinger Shavay
"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"
- Arthur O'Shaughnessy
Re: Skills 3 Testing Notes
09/06/2011 10:40 AM CDT
I believe there is currently a bug in test where it's taking the lower skill instead of the higher for skill mergers. That's something Socharis will have to fix, though he's been occupied with other matters this weekend. Fear not, trust in the power and wisdom of the Socharis, etc etc?
"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
Re: Skills 3 Testing Notes
09/06/2011 10:43 AM CDT
>>That's something Socharis will have to fix, though he's been occupied with other matters this weekend.
That would explain why I don't have access to the fancy bug reporting yet then, eh?
I shall trust in the etc.
"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"
- Arthur O'Shaughnessy
That would explain why I don't have access to the fancy bug reporting yet then, eh?
I shall trust in the etc.
"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"
- Arthur O'Shaughnessy
Re: Skills 3 Testing Notes
09/06/2011 06:45 PM CDT
I'm not sure tdps have changed over for me. When I logged in, it looked like I had the same number of tdps I had from the day I was copied over(581). When I type exp I see 58, but if I hit info I have 581.
Re: Skills 3 Testing Notes
09/06/2011 07:26 PM CDT
I know your probably busy Socharis, but did you ever get Plat characters transfered over to test?
>When I type exp I see 58, but if I hit info I have 581.
Ive bugged that exact issue PENDUS, they are definitely not reporting the same info.
mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur
>When I type exp I see 58, but if I hit info I have 581.
Ive bugged that exact issue PENDUS, they are definitely not reporting the same info.
mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur
Re: Skills 3 Testing Notes
09/06/2011 11:27 PM CDT
Anybody that's still awake and feels like helping me test, ping me over email. I'm trying to duplicate the issues people are having with the combinations not working and I'm frankly just not seeing them.
"The ninety and nine are with dreams, content but the hope of the world made new, is the hundredth man who is grimly bent on making those dreams come true." -E.A.P.
"The ninety and nine are with dreams, content but the hope of the world made new, is the hundredth man who is grimly bent on making those dreams come true." -E.A.P.
Re: Skills 3 Testing Notes
09/06/2011 11:42 PM CDT
Thanks Leilond for helping me figure out that in the heat of it all... I forgot to turn on the actual converting mechs. That's pretty neat.
Anyway, next time you log in, your skills should ACTUALLY merge together.
"The ninety and nine are with dreams, content but the hope of the world made new, is the hundredth man who is grimly bent on making those dreams come true." -E.A.P.
Anyway, next time you log in, your skills should ACTUALLY merge together.
"The ninety and nine are with dreams, content but the hope of the world made new, is the hundredth man who is grimly bent on making those dreams come true." -E.A.P.
Re: Skills 3 Testing Notes
09/06/2011 11:46 PM CDT
Hat trick.
I haven't moved plat folks yet - I'll get to it soon, as things start cooling down. I have to be out of my old apartment by midnight tomorrow night, so after that I'll have much more breathing room.
I'll fix INFO to look at TDPs correctly. It'll work.
"The ninety and nine are with dreams, content but the hope of the world made new, is the hundredth man who is grimly bent on making those dreams come true." -E.A.P.
I haven't moved plat folks yet - I'll get to it soon, as things start cooling down. I have to be out of my old apartment by midnight tomorrow night, so after that I'll have much more breathing room.
I'll fix INFO to look at TDPs correctly. It'll work.
"The ninety and nine are with dreams, content but the hope of the world made new, is the hundredth man who is grimly bent on making those dreams come true." -E.A.P.
Re: Skills 3 Testing Notes
09/07/2011 09:00 AM CDT
Weren't the mastery skills an average of your top two in the skills? So like melee mastery would be an average of your top two melee? I thought that's what was said at the con.
Re: Skills 3 Testing Notes
09/07/2011 10:23 AM CDT
Not what I found Pendus. here..
Melee Mastery: 413
Twohanded Edged: 879
Large Edged: 799
So if average of top 2, it would be 839, not 413.
Kertig Heart Magdar Bluefletch, Transcendent Barbarian of M'Riss
Melee Mastery: 413
Twohanded Edged: 879
Large Edged: 799
So if average of top 2, it would be 839, not 413.
Kertig Heart Magdar Bluefletch, Transcendent Barbarian of M'Riss
Re: Skills 3 Testing Notes
09/07/2011 10:26 AM CDT
Not sure how Melee Master or Missile Mastery is being calculated. I only had a little bit above 200 in Melee Mastery and a bit above 400 in Missile Mastery. I currently have both thrown skills above 900.
Re: Skills 3 Testing Notes
09/07/2011 10:28 AM CDT
Oh and my vocal skills went away. I do have 26 in performing. Where did those bits go?
And I have zero in magic skills. Yes, I am a barbarian, but shouldn't I have inner magic and warding or some such?
Kertig Heart Magdar Bluefletch, Transcendent Barbarian of M'Riss
And I have zero in magic skills. Yes, I am a barbarian, but shouldn't I have inner magic and warding or some such?
Kertig Heart Magdar Bluefletch, Transcendent Barbarian of M'Riss
Re: Skills 3 Testing Notes
09/07/2011 11:54 AM CDT
Yeah I know Mags, that's why I was asking. At the con we were told it would be off the top two of each, and it clearly wasn't set that way on test. So trying to see if that's a bug before I report it. :)
Re: Skills 3 Testing Notes
09/07/2011 12:12 PM CDT
>> At the con we were told it would be off the top two of each, and it clearly wasn't set that way on test.
Did he mention if Offhand Weapon counted as one of the "top two" for Missile Mastery? I'm assuming by "top two of each" you're also referring to Missile Mastery.
Did he mention if Offhand Weapon counted as one of the "top two" for Missile Mastery? I'm assuming by "top two of each" you're also referring to Missile Mastery.
Re: Skills 3 Testing Notes
09/07/2011 12:39 PM CDT
I thought top 2 melee for melee mastry and top 2 ranged for missle mastry. Not sure it should include offhand, but should include thrown!
Kertig Heart Magdar Bluefletch, Transcendent Barbarian of M'Riss
Kertig Heart Magdar Bluefletch, Transcendent Barbarian of M'Riss
Re: Skills 3 Testing Notes
09/07/2011 12:45 PM CDT
Ahh thanks for the info. I'd be happy if either Offhand Weapon or Brawling counted towards Melee Mastery :)
Re: Skills 3 Testing Notes
09/07/2011 01:13 PM CDT
At the moment, the Masteries are being calculated as the average of all Melee/Missile weapons post-combination. I'm not positive that's where it will end up (The information I gave at Con was me misremebering what I'd done), but that's the formula I've got plugged in at the moment.
Also at the moment, Vocals are getting completely absorbed rather than combined into Performing for every skill but Bards. After consideration I've come to the conclusion that basically nobody but bards were using vocals as anything except for a TDP sink. The notable exception is Barbarians, but since Vocals is going away as a benefit to roars, I'm comfortable absorbing these ranks into your Lore bonus pool so you can train tactics and blacksmithing/mech faster.
I'll post a bit about the mech split after lunch.
"The ninety and nine are with dreams, content but the hope of the world made new, is the hundredth man who is grimly bent on making those dreams come true." -E.A.P.
Also at the moment, Vocals are getting completely absorbed rather than combined into Performing for every skill but Bards. After consideration I've come to the conclusion that basically nobody but bards were using vocals as anything except for a TDP sink. The notable exception is Barbarians, but since Vocals is going away as a benefit to roars, I'm comfortable absorbing these ranks into your Lore bonus pool so you can train tactics and blacksmithing/mech faster.
I'll post a bit about the mech split after lunch.
"The ninety and nine are with dreams, content but the hope of the world made new, is the hundredth man who is grimly bent on making those dreams come true." -E.A.P.
Re: Skills 3 Testing Notes
09/07/2011 02:50 PM CDT
Are the bonus pools turned on now?
I think melee mastry and missle mastry calculating as the average is a bit off. What you said at the con, being an average of the top 2 would be better or even top 5. and it is all POST conversion. Shouldn't the size of the weapon bonus pool be considered in the average if we are going with post ranks for the average? Ot will it move up FAST as we work weapons and this bonus pool contributes.
And I LOVE the fact that my music skills are going into my lore bonus pool! As a barbarian I was going to ask that it go into our magic bonus pool as I worked it for the roar improvement (and TDP's I am not stupid). But this works too.
Is there a tool to tell us how much is left in each of our bonus pools? I will train different based on the learning bonus or not. Something like RPA check. Maybe BP check?
Kertig Heart Magdar Bluefletch, Transcendent Barbarian of M'Riss
I think melee mastry and missle mastry calculating as the average is a bit off. What you said at the con, being an average of the top 2 would be better or even top 5. and it is all POST conversion. Shouldn't the size of the weapon bonus pool be considered in the average if we are going with post ranks for the average? Ot will it move up FAST as we work weapons and this bonus pool contributes.
And I LOVE the fact that my music skills are going into my lore bonus pool! As a barbarian I was going to ask that it go into our magic bonus pool as I worked it for the roar improvement (and TDP's I am not stupid). But this works too.
Is there a tool to tell us how much is left in each of our bonus pools? I will train different based on the learning bonus or not. Something like RPA check. Maybe BP check?
Kertig Heart Magdar Bluefletch, Transcendent Barbarian of M'Riss
Re: Skills 3 Testing Notes
09/08/2011 11:31 AM CDT
>The notable exception is Barbarians, but since Vocals is going away as a benefit to roars, I'm comfortable absorbing these ranks into your Lore bonus pool so you can train tactics and blacksmithing/mech faster.
Rangers need vocals for one of our beseeches. It was the only reason I trained it and kept on training it in case the improved skill was ever taken into account for the effect.
Rangers need vocals for one of our beseeches. It was the only reason I trained it and kept on training it in case the improved skill was ever taken into account for the effect.
Re: Skills 3 Testing Notes
09/08/2011 11:35 AM CDT
>At the moment, the Masteries are being calculated as the average of all Melee/Missile weapons post-combination. I'm not positive that's where it will end up (The information I gave at Con was me misremebering what I'd done), but that's the formula I've got plugged in at the moment.
I'd be very unhappy with this.
I have several melee weapons I actively train and a couple that I tried out and have never trained again. So because of having several skills in the 0-20 range, my mastery skills will be nowhere near where the rest of my combats are? Likewise with ranged. I actively train two ranged skills, but have a few ranks in two others, so my average is essentially cut in half, making the mastery skills essentially useless to prevent back-training.
I'd be very unhappy with this.
I have several melee weapons I actively train and a couple that I tried out and have never trained again. So because of having several skills in the 0-20 range, my mastery skills will be nowhere near where the rest of my combats are? Likewise with ranged. I actively train two ranged skills, but have a few ranks in two others, so my average is essentially cut in half, making the mastery skills essentially useless to prevent back-training.
Re: Skills 3 Testing Notes
09/08/2011 03:04 PM CDT
>>Rangers need vocals for one of our beseeches.
That's just needed to pass the quest to learn it, isn't it? I don't think Vocals is contested at all when the beseech is used.
Killing you softly with his song,
- Stormsinger Shavay
"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"
- Arthur O'Shaughnessy
That's just needed to pass the quest to learn it, isn't it? I don't think Vocals is contested at all when the beseech is used.
Killing you softly with his song,
- Stormsinger Shavay
"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"
- Arthur O'Shaughnessy
Re: Skills 3 Testing Notes
09/08/2011 04:23 PM CDT
>I have several melee weapons I actively train and a couple that I tried out and have never trained again. So because of having several skills in the 0-20 range, my mastery skills will be nowhere near where the rest of my combats are? Likewise with ranged. I actively train two ranged skills, but have a few ranks in two others, so my average is essentially cut in half, making the mastery skills essentially useless to prevent back-training.
I'm in a very similiar boat.. I only really keep 3 weapons at level, but I'm touched quite a few and my melee mastery was no where near my at level skills.
>I'd be very unhappy with this.
Me too.
"That's what she said."
"...That's what Leilond said."
I'm in a very similiar boat.. I only really keep 3 weapons at level, but I'm touched quite a few and my melee mastery was no where near my at level skills.
>I'd be very unhappy with this.
Me too.
"That's what she said."
"...That's what Leilond said."
Re: Skills 3 Testing Notes
09/08/2011 04:40 PM CDT
From the Trader Guildleader Ansprahv in Crossing
A serf whispers in your ear, "Are you sure you are in the right guild?"
"Well Abison," the Guildleader Ansprahv says, "you need some work on your ex before you can advance to level 117."
"It isn't that you are lacking in any one skill, it's just that you aren't experienced enough overall."
And are all bugs suppose to go here, or I heard of some new website?
A serf whispers in your ear, "Are you sure you are in the right guild?"
"Well Abison," the Guildleader Ansprahv says, "you need some work on your ex before you can advance to level 117."
"It isn't that you are lacking in any one skill, it's just that you aren't experienced enough overall."
And are all bugs suppose to go here, or I heard of some new website?
Re: Skills 3 Testing Notes
09/08/2011 05:33 PM CDT
>>And are all bugs suppose to go here, or I heard of some new website?
Re: Skills 3 Testing Notes
09/08/2011 05:40 PM CDT
<<Also look for guild-only skill checks that seem to be giving you no credit for your ranks, or your guild-only skill being called 'empathy' or 'thanatology' when it shouldn't be>>
not sure if this is related, but when I was copied over from plat it retained the thanatology skill of the character that was copied into, 71. The character that it was supposed to copy has 300 thanatology.
In other things:
using FLEE gave me considerably less rt than before. escaping was combined into evasion? or into a general survival pool?
And thanks for letting us test all this stuff. :-)
Explore the Final Frontier - the unknown calls
not sure if this is related, but when I was copied over from plat it retained the thanatology skill of the character that was copied into, 71. The character that it was supposed to copy has 300 thanatology.
In other things:
using FLEE gave me considerably less rt than before. escaping was combined into evasion? or into a general survival pool?
And thanks for letting us test all this stuff. :-)
Explore the Final Frontier - the unknown calls
Re: Skills 3 Testing Notes
09/08/2011 07:38 PM CDT
Yeah my 573 Thanatology suddenly turned into 145 when I was copied over.
Re: Skills 3 Testing Notes
09/08/2011 08:31 PM CDT
Using the skill verb
skill crossbow doesn't work, though skill light cross and skill heavy cross do and give crossbow.
skill thievery does not work, though skill steal does. That kind of suck as you have to type out stealth.
skill magic gives me arcana, no idea what use for inner magic.
skill hc and skill hybrid gives me hybrid armor which seems to be brigandine.
skill <guild only skill> seems to be defaulting to what your guild only skill. In Abison's case, trading.
Most of the skill <old skill> seem to be correcting giving the new skill.
skill crossbow doesn't work, though skill light cross and skill heavy cross do and give crossbow.
skill thievery does not work, though skill steal does. That kind of suck as you have to type out stealth.
skill magic gives me arcana, no idea what use for inner magic.
skill hc and skill hybrid gives me hybrid armor which seems to be brigandine.
skill <guild only skill> seems to be defaulting to what your guild only skill. In Abison's case, trading.
Most of the skill <old skill> seem to be correcting giving the new skill.
Re: Skills 3 Testing Notes
09/09/2011 07:11 AM CDT
>> Yeah my 573 Thanatology suddenly turned into 145 when I was copied over.
Quoting myself, but I thought it might be important to point out that I also was copied over at 145th circle. So it might be giving Thanatology at 1 per circle instead of what it was before.
Quoting myself, but I thought it might be important to point out that I also was copied over at 145th circle. So it might be giving Thanatology at 1 per circle instead of what it was before.
Re: Skills 3 Testing Notes
09/09/2011 07:31 AM CDT
it just left what my prime necro had originally <71>, it didn't copy mine at 1 per circle. <i'm 89th circle>, and have 300 than. so I'm not sure exactly what its doing.
titles are a little strange too. it took off my thief's pretend title upon 2nd log-in because those skills somehow aren't included or combined or something - but it left up my necro with a religion title upon 2nd login - that requires favors. <she's been forsaken since mid-20s circle thereabouts>.
Explore the Final Frontier - the unknown calls
titles are a little strange too. it took off my thief's pretend title upon 2nd log-in because those skills somehow aren't included or combined or something - but it left up my necro with a religion title upon 2nd login - that requires favors. <she's been forsaken since mid-20s circle thereabouts>.
Explore the Final Frontier - the unknown calls