A Big Thank You for Testing 02/02/2012 02:39 PM CST

I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone that participated in the monitored testing in January. It helped me isolate and fix a ton of problems, as well as (I hope) clarify some confusion and concerns some of you had. I am planning to do more monitored testing this coming week, probably Monday 6th and Wednesday 8th starting around 9pm eastern like last time. I'll be trying to pound out the armor issues this weekend, and will let everyone know here and via email once I'm sure of those dates, but they are very likely. I'll also be around most of the night Tuesday 7th, most likely, but probably trying to squish any issues found on the 6th so I probably won't be quite as attentive.

Over this coming weekend, I'll be making a series of posts to the boards regarding the combat updates. I'll be doing these in small bite-sized chunks so that everyone knows exactly what to expect. I'll be posting these for everyone in the game, just as a preview, but please do read them if you have time and let me know if anything doesn't seem clear enough. I really want to make sure there is no confusion once this stuff goes live.

- GM Dartenian

Though my soul may set in darkness it will rise in perfect light. I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night! - Sarah Williams