Where are my things? 04/16/2021 03:02 AM CDT
Ok, I got nabbed in the rakash town Siksraja. Never been in this situation so ok, I paid my debt in Theren and now am looking for the place where I can get my things before they poof. Where do I go, the rakash town, or Theren and where in either case?

Please help...I'm naked and it's snowing.

Zinaca and her baby wolf, Lucky who has fur and I'm envious
Re: Where are my things? 04/16/2021 03:46 AM CDT
The jailhouse in Siksraja is a room titled "Cietums, Dim Entrance." Your things should be there. It's a stone building between the market area and the pier to their southwest. If you're using Genie, it's room number #133 on the Siksraja map.

Alternatively, from the room that hosts the entrance to tree snakes, "go path" southwest west north west southwest "go stone building"
Re: Where are my things? 04/22/2021 09:40 PM CDT
Thank you so much for the help! You saved me running all over Theren. I don't know Theren as much as I used to. So thanks a bunch

Zinaca and her baby wolf, Lucky 21