Dark red pants with writhing shadows encircling the hems
These pants are supposed to do one of 2 things randomly whenever pulled. But they are not working. Are they guild specific?
Re: Dark red pants with writhing shadows encircling the hems
02/04/2018 09:29 AM CST
>>Dark red pants with writhing shadows encircling the hems
>>These pants are supposed to do one of 2 things randomly whenever pulled. But they are not working. Are they guild specific?
Nope, not guild specific at all.
These only have one atmo message, not two. You activate/deactivate the atmo ability by PULLing them when worn. While it's in active mode, it will then randomly message periodically, however, the atmo on these is not very frequent.
You can also change the color on the pants by RUBbing them when worn.
>>These pants are supposed to do one of 2 things randomly whenever pulled. But they are not working. Are they guild specific?
Nope, not guild specific at all.
These only have one atmo message, not two. You activate/deactivate the atmo ability by PULLing them when worn. While it's in active mode, it will then randomly message periodically, however, the atmo on these is not very frequent.
You can also change the color on the pants by RUBbing them when worn.
Re: Dark red pants with writhing shadows encircling the hems
02/04/2018 11:15 PM CST
thanks for the info
Re: Dark red pants with writhing shadows encircling the hems
02/05/2018 09:42 AM CST
>study pants
You believe that while worn, you can RUB the pants to change its color, and PULL pants would cause it to do the following at random:
>pull pant
As you tug on your pants it stops shimmering. (OFF)
>pull pant
As you tug on your pants it begins to shimmer beautifully. (ON)
(What you would see, in atmo window)
The shadows encircling the hems of your pants writhe, and for the briefest of moments the image of a stylized figure drawing forth a small, sharp-edged object is seen within the shifting greys and blacks before they meld back into the larger amorphous darkness once more.
(What others would see, in atmo window)
The shadows encircling the hems of Frantz's pants writhe, and for the briefest of moments the image of a stylized figure drawing forth a small, sharp-edged object is seen within the shifting greys and blacks before they meld back into the larger amorphous darkness once more.
(RUB changes base color to these possiblities)
Recalling similar items, you believe the following random colors are possible via RUB: white, blue, green, yellow, brown, tan, grey, violet, bright red, dark red, teal, green, orange, purple, rose-colored, dark blue, sky blue, forest green, leaf green, lavender, bone white, royal blue, silver, golden, striped, black.
atmo righ/lefthand does not work on these. Just above options.
>atmo righthand
The black pants is not an item created with the item atmosphere messaging system.
Hope this helps a bit on them - the atmo messaging is approximately 12~15 mins between.