Messaging question 09/24/2015 09:45 PM CDT
Every time I put away my celestial charts I get the folling message: "Something about some vellum celestial charts tickles at your unconscious recollection."

I thought this message was a reminder to register an item or had something to do with registration, but I've registered them, unregistered them, and re-registered them and it doesn't go away. None of my other registered divination tools (or any items for that matter) give this message? If it's not item registration related then what is it?

Elanthipedia -
Epedia Admins -
Re: Messaging question 09/24/2015 10:02 PM CDT
That item indicates the item has a recall I believe
Re: Messaging question 09/24/2015 10:07 PM CDT
<<That item indicates the item has a recall I believe

OMG the message finally went away! Thank you!

Elanthipedia -
Epedia Admins -