Item Registration Issue 08/17/2012 04:33 PM CDT

We tracked down a bug today in how the item registration mechanics record information about SOME of your items. In these cases, there may not be a full record on file. The bug was fixed earlier this afternoon. Judging solely by the items registered in the past 2 weeks, most of them look ok. However, some of you may want to re-register certain items to make sure a proper record is available. To the best of my knowledge, these are the affected items:

1) Anything crafted in the new crafting systems (tools, weapons, armor, all of it).
2) Swapable weapons such bastard swords (new or old, crafted or not).

There may be specially scripted items out there in addition to the above, but my scan of recent registrations didn't turn up anything of that nature.

To go along with this cautionary note, I've updated the registration NPC with a way to check a particular item to see if there's a chance its record was incomplete. To check your item, hold it in your right hand and ASK {NPC} ABOUT RECORD. As long as it was registered by you, he'll tell you if it you should re-register it or not.

This is live everywhere.

SGM Zadraes
Logistics Lead
Premium Lead
Trader Guild Advocate