Timers and Cost 08/15/2012 11:20 PM CDT
After losing a haralun throwing club to the janitor, and being in Plat and not having a GM to help until the item is just gone, I decided to register a ton of items.

Here's the issue. There's no sign to tell you how much it costs. You go in, without the money to register (5 gold, really?), and then have to hit the bank. You go back, and guess what? There's a timer on going into the registration office? To put it politely, this seems stupid in an extremely stupid way. Can we have a sign that shows the cost, or remove the timer?

Or how about a registration system like GSIV?

- Tyr, player of

SEND[Wilidore] Dude! You beat DR!
Re: Timers and Cost 08/16/2012 01:23 PM CDT
I agree that a sign and a reduction on the timer would be helpful. The price is listed under News 2 17, but it's weird there is no sign there in game.

You've reached the uninformative help match I haven't written yet.
Re: Timers and Cost 08/17/2012 04:33 PM CDT
>Can we have a sign that shows the cost


SGM Zadraes
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