Gweths on Wizard 12/06/2016 09:07 PM CST
I agree with Meigs. I've been playing with Wizard a very long time and just want to relax. I'd really appreciate it if you'd tell us if there's any hope that we will be able to get thoughts in the window or is it just a lost cause. The way things stand now, I basically have no gweth.
Re: Gweths on Wizard 12/07/2016 06:06 AM CST
Isn't Wizard the officially no longer supported or updated client? I thought Simutronics moved to only supporting Stormfront as a client years ago.
Re: Gweths on Wizard 12/07/2016 07:15 AM CST
But what about eScape!?

Monster Elec

You hear the distant echo of a savage Horde snarling in barbaric disapproval of your deeds.
Re: Gweths on Wizard 12/07/2016 10:09 AM CST
>>Isn't Wizard the officially no longer supported or updated client? I thought Simutronics moved to only supporting Stormfront as a client years ago.

While that is our formal stance, I'm personally spending some time trying to see if I can do an elegant solution. If all else fails, the answer is we're not going to update Wizard. But I haven't ran out of things to try DR-side yet.

I've been a touch busy IRL the past few weeks, but I should be snowed in tomorrow and might be able to get back to stamping out the last gwethbugs.

"Perinthia's astronomers are faced with a difficult choice. Either they must admit that all their calculations were wrong ... or else they must reveal that the order of the gods is reflected exactly in the city of monsters." - Italo Calvino
Re: Gweths on Wizard 12/07/2016 08:32 PM CST
>Isn't Wizard the officially no longer supported or updated client?

I thought this too, but that doesn't seem to be reflected on the website so I shrugged and figured maybe they're brave/insane enough to still be officially supporting it.

"Warrior Mages don't bother covering up their disasters.

They're proud of them."
Re: Gweths on Wizard 12/08/2016 06:26 AM CST
>>I thought this too, but that doesn't seem to be reflected on the website so I shrugged and figured maybe they're brave/insane enough to still be officially supporting it.

The website is grossly out of date, and not to be trusted.

"Game balance is sobbing over in the corner as it considers the ramifications of AoE Blufmor Garaen. Your spell slots send their condolences." - GM Raesh
Re: Gweths on Wizard 12/12/2016 09:26 AM CST

I basically have always used Wizard and curious if i am going to need to get used to something else, what should i go to that thoughts window works on? how big of an adjustment is going to be for an old relic that hates change?
Re: Gweths on Wizard 12/12/2016 09:31 AM CST
Genie and Stormfront are both great. I prefer Genie for the Automapper and because it has much better scripting capability.

Either will be an adjustment in the sense that they have features - such as windows for conversation, experience, etc - that the Wizard doesn't have (or that I don't remember it happening, anyway). But the way you play the game isn't any different and everything new is an improvement.

Re: Gweths on Wizard 12/12/2016 09:34 AM CST

Re: Gweths on Wizard 12/12/2016 12:38 PM CST
I recall being able to import my hilights? Hilights are the only feature I use, though, so I can't speak to the ease of transitioning sound triggers, macros, or scripts.

"Warrior Mages don't bother covering up their disasters.

They're proud of them."
Re: Gweths on Wizard 12/13/2016 03:42 PM CST
Wizard runs really hot and can burn up a computer. Id definitely switch to genie.

Don't forget to vote for dragonrealms:
Re: Gweths on Wizard 12/13/2016 08:22 PM CST

No matter what front end you choose, Lich is there for you :)
Re: Gweths on Wizard 12/14/2016 05:12 PM CST
I should try lich there was a problem when I tried to download it, but I think its been worked out.

Don't forget to vote for dragonrealms: