Gweth oddities 10/11/2016 10:12 PM CDT
Maybe someone can help me diagnose this.

I have two characters. Both are wearing K gweths and no other gweths. Both have their gweths turned up to maximum range. Yet sometimes characterA will hear a thought that characterB does not. I've had it happen while they are standing in the same room, so it's not a distance thing. And there are some thoughts that they both hear, so I know that both have working gweths.

Any ideas?
Re: Gweth oddities 10/12/2016 07:38 AM CDT

Are you using different profiles for each character? More specifically, is character A squelching text associated with character C?
Re: Gweth oddities 10/12/2016 07:46 AM CDT
I only have a couple of squelches, and they don't fit this. And it's not just one or two characters' thoughts that are being blocked. Most of the gweth conversation isn't being heard.
Re: Gweth oddities 10/12/2016 08:48 AM CDT
Does concentration affect listening in any way?
Re: Gweth oddities 10/12/2016 03:28 PM CDT
I have experienced the exact same thing recently. I don't think it can be concentration because the character of mine missing thoughts is much bigger than the other. His gweths are older though? I've checked them multiple times to make sure they are turned on and raised. Have no idea what it could be. I thought about replacing his gweths with new ones to see if that helped.
Re: Gweth oddities 10/12/2016 05:39 PM CDT
It's a significantly larger character who's missing the thoughts, but he does make regular use of a sanowret crystal, so concentration might explain it. I'll run some tests.
Re: Gweth oddities 10/13/2016 03:34 AM CDT
> It's a significantly larger character who's missing the thoughts, but he does make regular use of a sanowret crystal, so concentration might explain it. I'll run some tests.

Nope, it's happening now while I'm at full concentration.
Re: Gweth oddities 10/13/2016 10:42 AM CDT
I'm seeing similar oddness, I chalked it up to losing my mind and a slight distance between active characters.

Re: Gweth oddities 10/13/2016 12:47 PM CDT
>>ILLIENA: Both are wearing K gweths and no other gweths.

In my experience, wearing both jadeite and kyanite gweths is a solution to this problem.

Purely speculative (meaning this is in my head and not verified), but it's extremely common for people to wear both jadeite and kyanite gweths. I haven't ever seen something explaining how thoughts are actually sent out. It is possible that some behind-the-scenes code is responsible for filtering out duplicate thoughts sent on both the chorus and cacophony could be the culprit when you aren't wearing the same gweth combination as the thinker.
Re: Gweth oddities 10/13/2016 02:01 PM CDT
>It is possible that some behind-the-scenes code is responsible for filtering out duplicate thoughts sent on both the chorus and cacophony could be the culprit when you aren't wearing the same gweth combination as the thinker.

Or perhaps even something like the sender is wearing both J & K gweths but the J is first in the inventory so THINK uses only that one gweth to send rather than both?

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Re: Gweth oddities 10/13/2016 02:37 PM CDT
>It is possible that some behind-the-scenes code is responsible for filtering out duplicate thoughts sent on both the chorus and cacophony could be the culprit when you aren't wearing the same gweth combination as the thinker.

> Or perhaps even something like the sender is wearing both J & K gweths but the J is first in the inventory so THINK uses only that one gweth to send rather than both?

Neither of these would explain what's happening. Both characters are wearing only K gweths, but some thoughts are only heard by one of them.
Re: Gweth oddities 10/13/2016 03:37 PM CDT

How old is one compared to the other?

"I, for one, think it's nice to have new folks who are excited and already care enough about the game to offer suggestions. We need more of that." -Solomon

Thanks for being in my corner Solomon, come back soon.
Re: Gweth oddities 10/13/2016 05:24 PM CDT
> How old is one compared to the other?

The character or the gweth?

The character who is having trouble is from 2000, while the character who isn't is from ... 2011? Thereabouts.

As for the gweth that's not working correctly, I can't remember how old it is, but it's best measured in years. The gweth that is working is only a few months old.

I'll grab a fresh gweth and see if that makes a difference.
Re: Gweth oddities 10/13/2016 05:59 PM CDT
>>Ry4npw: In my experience, wearing both jadeite and kyanite gweths is a solution to this problem.

I've experienced this issue despite wearing both kyanite and jadeite gweths.

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!

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armor and shields:
Re: Gweth oddities 10/13/2016 08:31 PM CDT
>>As for the gweth that's not working correctly, I can't remember how old it is, but it's best measured in years. The gweth that is working is only a few months old.

>>I'll grab a fresh gweth and see if that makes a difference.

I had a batch of very old gweths that were nothing but trouble. I assisted about it but got nowhere (the host didn't seem too concerned about the age variance). Everytime I logged in, they were turned off, and had to rub/remove to turn them back on, burning a charge. Eventually just sold the whole lot off.

"Game balance is sobbing over in the corner as it considers the ramifications of AoE Blufmor Garaen. Your spell slots send their condolences." - GM Raesh
Re: Gweth oddities 10/14/2016 06:41 PM CDT
> I'll grab a fresh gweth and see if that makes a difference.

It did not. New gweth, same issue.
Re: Gweth oddities 10/18/2016 05:11 PM CDT
Yep, had the same issue for years. No one ever believed me. If you hear back about why, please please please post here. My brainpan thanks you. :)

I also had a colored albredine network get "stuck" to me once. As in, I removed the ring, tapped it to clear it, then tossed it in a bucket (and waited until it dissolved). But I was still getting messages to that network, and I couldn't wear another colored ring for a different network. I assisted, and got kind of the same "Wait, and hope it goes away...?" response. I just gave up on the brokenness that is the colored albredine rings, and since that group disbanded a few days later, considered it a wash. But I've always wondered if somehow that defunct network is still "stuck" to me, and if so, is it somehow interfering with one of my gweth channels...?

Re: Gweth oddities 10/19/2016 08:53 AM CDT
I have this issue too (about hearing different gweth thoughts on different characters wearing the same gweths)

- Felicini
Re: Gweth oddities 10/21/2016 10:36 PM CDT
Maybe fixing this will be a pleasant side effect of the mentioned gweth rewrite.