Small QOL update for donation shelves 07/21/2017 06:39 PM CDT
Every now and then, guild donation shelves get overloaded with things that are not so great. Some of the shelves have been easy to maintain. Others have been complicated by guards telling you you're should save that tuft of grass for someone who needs it.

The guards who stopped you from cleaning the shelf in your own guild have mostly retired. If you're not in your own guild, you will still be shooed away.

There are also gloop buckets by most all the shelves, if you're sure that tuft of grass will not really be needed after all.

If your guild donation bin/chest/shelves were open to all before, there should not be any change.

In strictly OOC terms: Guild shelves that were very fussy will now only check to see if you are a guild member. I think I've hit most of the guild halls, but if you find one that I missed, please stand next to it and submit a BUG report and I'll get it updated ASAP.

Happy donating!

Doing stuff