Howdy folks,
I've written some updates to the gweth system that allow us a little more flexibility than ZOMG GLOBAL, and Next Room Over. Most of these changes are behind the scenes, and should basically work like you are used to. First lets talk about range.
-Colored Albredine Rings are fully global.
-Albredine Crystal Rings are also global.
-Jadeite Gweths have about the same range as before, except for the LTB Jadeite gweths which have the range that Kyanite Gweths had before they went global.
-Kyanite Gweths have a massive range, but not quite global since there are times we want people to feel very far from home, and true global gweth chatter can ruin that. From Crossing I don't think there are any normal areas that won't be in range. Some very remote places like Muspari and Fang Cove will probably not be able to hear each other, though they will be able to hear almost everything else. LTB Kyanite Gweths go just a bit farther out.
Kyanite Gweths also now have a volume control for those of you who don't want them to reach quite so far. You can RAISE or LOWER a worn Kyanite Gweth to change the settings. Do not do this quickly! If you change the volume multiple times within a short period of time the gweth can break. When you hear thoughts from a Kyanite Gweth, it will be faintly if it is some distance from you, or very faintly if it is from the bleeding edge of your range. LOWERing the gweth will remove anyone thinking in the very faintly range of your hearing.
I think that about concludes gweths.
Some other minor work was done with incorporating Thoughtcast into gweths a little bit better. When you send a thoughtcast message to someone, both you and the recipient will be able to THINK to <person> <message> for the next 60 seconds. That will give the receiver an opportunity to respond. It will also let the sender remind the receiver how to respond in case the typical crystal ring messaging isn't familiar enough to them.
I think that's about it. Hope you all enjoy.
ASGM Ricinus
Core, Logistics, Survival
Cleric Advocate
This message was originally posted in Surviving in DragonRealms - Elanthia, Gwethdesuans. To discuss the above, follow the link below.