Will Call For Stations 05/13/2007 09:40 AM CDT
I play serval characters but I do not have a way to transfer items between characters in private. I do not want other citizans within the Rhealms to know that my characters are related to each other so "gee would you hold this item for {insert name here}" does not work for me. Finding a place where stuff is not picked up by other players or the dreaded janitor is very difficult.

I would like a store where character a can go in, deposit an item for character b, pay a fee, and then have character b pick up the item, all in a secure manner.

Thank you for your consideration.
Re: Will Call For Stations 05/13/2007 10:38 AM CDT
Character A needs something from Character B. Character A goes into an Inn room. Character B goes into the same Inn room, closes the door. You go back to login page, then Character B drops the item. you now, without quitting, log in with Character A. Should be about a .0001 % chance of someone getting your item before you can.

Axillus - Halfling Warrior Mage
>You charge your steel-toed footwrap at a musk hog.
Re: Will Call For Stations 05/13/2007 10:49 AM CDT
>Character A needs something from Character B. Character A goes into an Inn room. Character B goes into the same Inn room, closes the door. You go back to login page, then Character B drops the item. you now, without quitting, log in with Character A. Should be about a .0001 % chance of someone getting your item before you can.

While this is the best way to do the transfer, you can lose the item and the chance is greater than .0001%, it happened to me a couple times. Now I have more than one account though, so I can transfer whenever I want.