Reminder: High frequency edits during festivals 10/28/2016 09:53 AM CDT
I'm reposting this since it's been awhile and the fest is soon to start. Please feel free to IM me at DRZamara to report wiki outages.

If you are a wiki editor in any sense you can help with the wiki's stability. Here's how:

Fests and editing: Fests are a busy time for both readers and editors of the wiki, especially during "prime hours." If you're using a script to collect item or shop data and upload it in bulk, give the wiki a few minutes before each time you upload data where possible. If you can, wait until we're outside of prime hours (about 5 PM - 10 PM EST) to do a large amount of edits.

I know some of you will read this and go, "But GAMERGIRL151, if people don't immediately upload fest items, how will I know what to buy! That defeats the point of the wiki if we can't edit it!" I'm not saying don't edit it. In fact, I encourage everyone to edit it. What I'm asking is that if you know it's a busy time, you try to keep the editing to a paced amount. We also share space on the server with GemStone's wiki, and they also have their own fests and similar issues.

General editing: When you edit the wiki, please try to do your edits in as few edits as possible. What I mean by this is, when you need to create a new or change an existing page try to limit how many revisions you need to do in order to do so. Editing and saving pages takes up far more memory and bandwidth on the server than just viewing it. Please make use of the review feature before saving your pages. If you find a mistake or two and need to go back and edit, that's fine it'd going to happen. However, if you're having to edit the same page 8 or 10 times in a short period of time please consider holding off on submitting your changes until you do more reviewing. If you're afraid of losing your work, consider doing your work in notepad or a text editor to preserve it.

Files: If you're uploading pictures for your character, organization, or otherwise personal use on the wiki please try to keep them reasonably sized and limited in number. So far we haven't had to make a hard rule on how many personal images and materials users are allowed on the wiki, or limit the file sizes beyond what the file submission already lets you do.

Please let me know if you have any questions, or need help with editing. Thank you for reading and contributing.

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.