This is more a suggestion than a complaint, but I couldn't find a relevant category anywhere.
Since first reading about horses in Elanthipedia, I have been surprised that I do not see more of them. I have asked around, and the response is usually one of two, that either someone does not own a horse, or someone does own a horse but typically leaves him or her in the stable. Why?
After extensive experiences of my own, it is my opinion that they are a huge hassle for two major reasons. The first is that they are prone to bolting. While this makes sense at first, there are some huge problems with the actual mechanics of it. Ignoring the fact that some horses do not yet have all the necessary training, let's discuss only fully trained horses. My client has unfortunately crashed 2-3 times now with my horse outside of the stable, which guarantees that my horse will bolt, to take up residence in the "TechTeam Way Station." Furthermore, there are specific rooms in the Rocky Outcrop, for example, where my fully trained horse has frequently bolted even without a client crash, for no apparent reason at all. The problem is, at a normal cost of 2 silver stabling fees, this is an additional 1 gold to open a moongate, for a problem that was not even my fault to begin with. Then add to this the likelihood that a bolt results in all lost gear, and there is no wonder most people do not utilize this great aspect of the game. I have adopted the policy of using a cheap bridle and nothing else, which is another 1.2 gold cost of bolting due to my client's crash. With this alone, I personally have no complaint, as my warhorse earns easily five times that in an hour of hunting. However, considering it isn't uncommon to own multiple items of unique and irreplaceable barding and tack, it can be heartbreaking to crash, then frantically return to find that your horse coming through the moongate is utterly void of gear. I've lost items generously given to me by people having completed duskruin, etc., and thankfully the Gamemasters have always returned the unique pieces. But I don't use those unique pieces anymore because the Gamemasters don't have to return them, and they shouldn't have to. I don't feel they should have to deal with this issue at all. Given the cost of horses, tack, and barding, could it be possible to evaluate if this penalty for a bolt is valid and necessary? Would it be reasonable to consider amending some code here?
I understand that fixing this alone will improve the popularity of horses, and if we don't want these beasts frequenting our streets in game, then maybe we should just leave everything as it is. But if we do want players to have fun with this system in place, then perhaps another suggestion.
Many players don't utilize their horses because they are what is described as "not group friendly." For some very bizarre reason which is largely undefined, a mounted player character cannot lead a group of pedestrian adventurers (or mounted ones for that matter.) The only workaround is to lead a horse and a group while on foot. But then add to this the fact that for whatever reason, when led by a pedestrian, a horse walks about a tenth more slowly than a two-legged being. This seems to me reminiscent of how trader caravans function, so at first it kind of makes sense, until you consider that a single horse is not a caravan. There are multiple systems in place to reflect the running speed of horses, so begs the question, should they really walk so slowly when being led by a player character on foot?
As an aside, in the above scenario in the Rocky Outcrop, I was walking very slowly and carefully. In fact, my new policy is not to change rooms at all until Studying the animal to ensure she is well fed and groomed. So it was totally bewildering to have been leading my horse by the bridle, to change one room and have her slip right through my fingers and back into that TechTeam Way Station. Warrior Mage familiars are sturdier than this, so why is my horse exhibiting such a strong affinity for the aether that she won't stay on Elanthia?
Alright, if you've put up with me for this long, then two final thoughts. I wasn't going to bring this up, but I'm told it's a good idea. I feel that one thing horses should be able to do is carry dead bodies. Bodies are heavy, so much so that paladins are given a magic spell plus a special ability with the specific reason for dealing with dead bodies. Someone who wants to spend 45 + platinum on a horse should be able to assist with this problem when necessary. It would even make sense to make this ability Trader only, or something like that. Along the same line of reasoning, I would like to see proper saddlebags in game. Saddlebags exist, as a shoulder-worn container for a two-legged character. A true saddlebag is storage carried by a horse. If you've made it to the end, then thank you for reading all this, and I would be interested in any thoughts.
Re: problems with horses
06/05/2019 04:56 PM CDT
There was supposed to be a pet-rewrite that was going to allow a horse update, among other things like combat familiars and stuff. There was some progress on it I think (e.g. necro risen were part of it, and all of the current combat pets recently got updated to use the same checks) but I don't think that system has gotten any significant work recently, though. The pessimistic side of me suspects it just ended up becoming the paid-transaction pet system and won't see much work beyond that.
Re: problems with horses
06/05/2019 08:45 PM CDT
I agree totally with the OP. There is a whole system for Rangers to wrangle wild horses but the overarching system doesn't make it worthwhile to spend money on a horse. Get rid of bolting period and make the horses move faster when being led. Add the ability to lead groups whether on horseback or not. We can run super fast along the paths from place to place, make it even whether on horseback or not. Finally, horses in combat, why only paladins? I think that would open up the interest in them and a reason for training them.
Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!
Barbarian Guild Suggestions
Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!
Barbarian Guild Suggestions
Re: problems with horses
06/06/2019 09:45 AM CDT
I totally agree with all your points. Another suggestion would make it so horses let you travel faster. I'm a ranger so I can get anywhere I need to by running trails, that's almost as fast as the travel scripts. IMO riding a horse should allow you to beat even a travel script from point A to point B.
I'd also like it to where you can tether a horse outside a hunting area without losing it, then hunt and come out and unload your skins, boxes, coins, and gems without being in danger of losing the horse. Heck it'd be very nice if you take the horse into a hunting area to put all your loot on a pack horse while in a hunting area.
Re: problems with horses
06/18/2020 05:45 AM CDT
I also agree with everything the OP says here. The bugginess of horses and companions in general really needs to be fixed. It's just not fun to have to deal with a system where you can have permanent losses of equipment/companions/whatever just because you enter a particular type of room or go down a trail or do some random thing that the code just can't handle. And yes, please make it so saddlebags go on your horse so your horse can carry equipment for you. That should be one of the main perks of owning a horse.