transport turtle request 01/05/2020 11:55 AM CST
Since it does look like there's some changes afoot with making travel a bit more inclusive (ie. the planned URCHIN system), I'd like to make a request that the moon-mage activated turtle system between Theren & Throne City be converted from the current "moon-mage activated" to instead mirror the moongate between Ratha & Taisgath Island, which only requires a moon be in the sky to automatically open & stay open.

I realize this is would be another bit of poo in the Moon Mage punch bowl (sorry Moonies!), but I suspect this transport method just doesn't get much use any longer and could use a QoL update.

~*~ Kythryn ~*~
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut." - Ernest Hemingway