War in Therengia 09/08/2017 08:48 PM CDT

Four nobles have been assassinated by Orc Viggu and his Red Bear Clan. Below is a conversation Between the Head Provincial Guard Dragaus and Lt Klurn Odarien of the Theren Guard.

Dragaus says, "Evenin."
You say, "Sorry i was daydreaming."
Dragaus asks, "Is that what that was?"
You say, "Ebening to you Sir."
You ask, "I take it you are workin overtime?"
Dragaus says, "I've been running patrols, we've got quite a few visitors in today."
You say, "I can guess why with all the Lords of the Houses walking."
Dragaus says, "Yes, it's been pretty somber around here today."
You ask, "Who's killin em?"
Dragaus says, "Orcs."
Dragaus says, "The bastards."
You ask, "Viggu's?"
Dragaus says, "There was an invasion both here and down in Lang last evening."
Dragaus says, "Apparently they made it some of the Houses."
You ask, "How are they getting to the nobles?"
You ask, "Jubair involved again?"
Dragaus says, "No..."
Dragaus says, "This hasn't got anything to do with Jubair."
Dragaus says, "But I'm guessing it's another play by Viggu."
You say, "Rumors are abound with folks sayin the necros are involved."
Dragaus says, "Not according to what overheard during part of their meeting."
Dragaus says, "The House's military branches suffered some pretty serious losses too."
You say, "I was preparing a missive to send to The Three on Aesry if we needed to seek sanctuary for the nobles."
Dragaus says, "Which is apparently how they were able to get to some of the families."
You ask, "Should i send it?"
Dragaus says, "Klurn, I haven't heard hide nor hair of the Three since they went into hiding during the Outcast war."
Dragaus says, "That was ages ago."
You say, "Well i need access to that damn door in his lair."
Dragaus says, "Chadatru only knows where they are now, or if they're even still alive."
You say, "I dunno what else to do to protect the nobles."
Dragaus says, "Yes...we've gotta find a way in there."
You say, "I tried to blow it with naptha but there are wards on it."
Dragaus says, "As many of us as there are, there still wasn't enough."
Dragaus says, "It seems this was well planned and they had to exploit weaknesses."
Dragaus asks, "Is that right?"
You ask, "Send word to Stone Clan? Maybe they can get us past that door?"
You say, "I did .... about 100 vials."
Dragaus says, "I'm not sure at this point, but I do know that Marshal Amlach was drafting a plan."
You say, "'set the fuse and ran but all i heard was a tiny pop."
Dragaus asks, "I'm just a soldier....what he says goes, yanno?"
Dragaus asks, "That's a shame...was the powder wet?"
You say, "I am holding war games tomorrow afternoon."
Dragaus asks, "Are you?"
Dragaus asks, "Where's that going to be?"
Dragaus asks, "And what time?"
You say, "Nope the fire would not take on the door."
Dragaus says, "Interesting."
Dragaus asks you, "But worth a shot, eh?"
You say, "Tomorrow about sundown."
Dragaus asks, "Where are you having the war games?"
Dragaus asks, "Or is the plan to try and get in there again?"
You say, "We'll start at the gate."
You say, "Set groups and plan stargedies and prolly assault the old manor."
Dragaus says, "I just want to make sure that with the visiting Lords that the guardsmen are still on alert and not spread too thin."
Dragaus says, "Good plan."
You say, "We are upping patrols."
Dragaus says, "Excellent."
Dragaus says, "At least until the Lords head back to their estates."
Dragaus says, "I still can't help but think how well planned this was."
You say, "'also keeping an eye on the mayor's house, The Trigomas residence."
Dragaus says, "They hit Langenfirth and Theren as a diversion..."
You say, "Viggu has help i bet."
Dragaus says, "Nice work."
Dragaus says, "Yeah, hard to imagine that he doesn't."
You say, "That moon mage of Jubair's came to mind but guess not."
Dragaus says, "But with our last talks with Jubair, there wasn't any.....bad negotiations there."
You say, "Jubair is a Slaver and a liar."
Dragaus says, "But that's been some time now, and last I knew he'd moved into the deep desert of the Velaka."
You ask, "The Gypsy's quiet?"
Dragaus says, "Well that was back when he kidnapped the merchants daughter in Riverhaven."
Dragaus says, "Far as I've seen."
You ask, "The Black Goblin's that helped Viggu as well?"
Dragaus asks, "And ironic that we haven't seen much of the ole King, eh?"
Dragaus says, "Perhaps but they haven't been seen since their attack on Riverhaven."
Dragaus says, "Not sure, but something's afoot."
You say, "Queen Morganae is also quiet."
You say, "As is King Raenilar."
Dragaus says, "I'm hoping that the Marshal will present something solid and we can end him and his orcs once and for all."
Dragaus says, "Evenin, Sturm."
Sturm says, "Greetings m'lord."
Dragaus says, "We were just talking about the orcs and...well.."
You say, "Wel we need orders from the Hand or the Baron."
Dragaus asks Sturm, "You heard about the Lords last night, eh?"
Sturm says, "Aye..I have."
Dragaus says, "Bad news all the way around."
You ask, "Was 2 or 3?"
Sturm says, "I heard two for sure."
Dragaus says to Sturm, "We've got visitors in, as you may have guessed by now."
Dragaus says, "Three Lords."
You say, "Plus the one a month ago."
Dragaus says, "Caranry, Halaran, and Solysi."
You say, "P could sence the rest awaken tonight."
You say, "I."
Dragaus says, "Aye but Lady Alianhra wasn't isn't the greatest health...so there's nothing suspect there."
You ask, "A coincidence?"
Dragaus says, "We've got ten visiting Lords today."
Dragaus says, "And the rest of the Keep's guardsmen are nailed to that area of the Keep."
You say, "Geez."
You ask, "Dunith is here?"
Dragaus says, "Aye...and, I'm actually glad he didn't bring the Lady."
Sturm asks, "Inside the Keep?"
Dragaus says, "It's not safe here."
You say, "Lady Athleisa must be in a fit."
Dragaus says, "Aye..."
You say, "The Baron and her Father are targets."
Dragaus asks Sturm, "Rat lover?"
Sturm says to Dragaus, "It's Therengian."
You say, "I need to get a strike force deep into the Lair."
Dragaus says, "If they can get to the Lords, they can get to most anyone as long as they're outside these walls."
Sturm says, "Had to keep it."
Dragaus says to Sturm, "I like it..."
You say, "All the Lesser Lords so far."
Dragaus says, "Between the baronial guardsmen, the Theren Guard and the Northern Watch...there's not much concern for them once they're inside the Keep..."
Dragaus says, "That's the Morzindaen."
You say, "This is an Act of War."
Dragaus says, "Yanno...the Lords who fill the coffers."
Dragaus says, "I'd say so."
You say, "Viggu has drawn a line now."
Dragaus says, "Agreed."
Sturm asks, "Viggu is behind this?"
You say, "Whether he is the brains.... i have my doubts."
Dragaus says to Sturm, "I was just mentioning it to Klurn...the Marshal mentioned drafting a plan to get into Viggu's lair...."
Dragaus says, "I don't know....the diversion was pretty well spread out enough to get to the Lords."
Dragaus says, "Pretty hard to refute that."
You say, "Let us know and my Strategic Strike Force will spearhead an assault."
Dragaus says, "Well that's the Marshal's job...I just do what I'm told."
You say, "I will recruit some swords i trust as well."
You say, "I'll walk Viggu myself if i get a chance."
Dragaus says to you, "Just be careful who you recruit....you know how the Baron is about mercenaries."
Dragaus says, "I have no doubt, Klurn."
Dragaus says, "If I don't get a chance to beat you to it."
Dragaus says, "Or Sturm here."
Sturm says, "I would love to help if it only means offering my shield."
You say, "I was youger when we last met Viggu."
You say, "I am stronger now."
You say, "As is the Guard."
Dragaus says to you, "You were younger when you last met anyone, Klurn."
Dragaus says, "Old man."
You say, "I missed out on helpin kill Alret... i won't on Viggu."
Dragaus says, "Eh...I shouldn't say that, I'll blink and be old one day too."
Dragaus asks, "Yeah, I'd have loved to be part of that assalt, eh?"
You say, "You been around a few years too."
Dragaus says to you, "Not as long as you though."
You say, "Alret stasted my sword once but he was stealthy."
Dragaus says, "I was just coming off the front lines when you were taking care of business here."
You say, "I won't let happen to the baron what happened to the Lady ferdahl."
Dragaus says, "Yeah, that wasn't pretty at all."
Dragaus says, "And..."
You say, "I was there when she was killed."
You say, "We were tricked into heading back to Aesry."
Dragaus says, "I don't mind saying I still don't trust those damn Outcasts."
You say, "I fought Raenilar too."
You say, "Mean fella."
Dragaus says, "But...I'm nothing if not loyal to His Grace."
Dragaus says, "So..."
You say, "Weilds two swords at once."
Dragaus says, "So does Lady Athelisa."
Dragaus says, "Falchions, if I recall."
You ask, "Aye or ilteshes?"
You say, "I forget."
Dragaus says, "I'm sure she had an interesting upbringing, being from House Ananthor..."
Dragaus asks, "Can you imagine having Lord Dunith as a father?"
Sturm says, "I'll leave you two to it, going to resume my patrol."
You ask, "She weilds two swords?"
Dragaus says, "She does."
Dragaus says, "I've polished them for her, and her armor."
You ask, "A paladin without a shield or does she wear it on her arm?"
Dragaus asks, "You going to be around tomorrow, Sturm?"
Sturm says, "Am thinking yes."
Dragaus asks, "For his war games?"
Dragaus says, "Might be nice to have more on the alert just in case you see anything odd."
You ask, "Yanno there is a pantry in the Manor?"
Dragaus says to Sturm, "I appreciate it."
Dragaus says, "Now bowing...I'm just a soldier."
You say, "I once saw an orc disappear into a closet there and a hidden door close."
Dragaus asks, "Did you check out the area?"
You say, "I could never get it open."
Dragaus says, "I wonder..."
You say, "Had to be."
Dragaus asks, "Well when the troops found the underground tunnels, that could be why they don't use it anymore?"
Dragaus says, "I wasn't aware of that."
You say, "I had dropped two dozen Orc Broadswords outside that door in the Lair and Viggu took offence."
Dragaus says, "I can't imagine why."
Dragaus asks you, "How's the wife, by the way?"
Dragaus says, "I haven't seen her about Theren proper in some time now."
You say, "She's still retired and forging near Dirge."
Dragaus says, "Ahh....poor thing...."
You say, "We have a cabin near Sorrow's reach."
Dragaus says, "We're going to have to get a forge here...no one should be forced to stay in Dirge."
You say, "She loves it."
Dragaus exclaims, "She loves it?!"
Dragaus asks, "How could anyone love Dirge?"
You say, "Loves the forge anyways."
Dragaus says, "You must help her get back to Theren, clearly she's losing her mind."
You say, "It's outside of dirge."
Dragaus says, "Ahh well that's not so bad."
You say, "Lava forge she calls it."
Dragaus says, "But it would still be nice to get a forge back right here in town."
Dragaus says, "Oh! I'm familiar with that area."
Dragaus says, "But with all the clankin' going on around here...it's unheard of not to have a forge here."
You say, "Bit nicer area than dirge."
Dragaus says, "But..."
Dragaus says, "Listen...if you see or hear from any of the brigades..."
You ask, "First we deal with the Lair and Viggu?"
You say, "I am in touch with Ternith."
Dragaus says, "Please pass the word about the Lords, and those visiting...I want to see folks alert..."
Dragaus says, "He's doing a good job too."
Dragaus says, "I just don't want to lose any more folks than we have to."
You say, "Spoke with Speaker Kaelie of the Black Fox in Zoluren."
Dragaus says, "I don't even know the body counts for the House military men...it can't be good."
Dragaus asks, "Oh?"
You say, "She has offered the help of her Order."
Dragaus says, "Ahh."
You say, "She was Guard once."
Dragaus says, "That's interesting, given they're homeland is Leth Deriel."
Dragaus asks, "Was she?"
You say, "Aye she was."
Dragaus says, "Hmm I never knew that."
You say, "Devish si about as well."
Dragaus says, "I haven't seen him around in some time."
You say, "But it's cramped in that Lair."
Dragaus says to you, "I'm serious too...I need you to pass the word....these are troubling times and I'm counting on you to make sure folks are aware and alert."
You say, "A small contingent might be best."
Dragaus asks you, "I can only be so many places in a day, yanno?"
You say, "I will make sure they know."
You say, "Keep ya head attached."
You say, "War is near."
Dragaus says, "I can sense it."
Dragaus says, "And it's more my hope that it's a slaugter."
You say, "One sided."
You say, "Ours."
Dragaus says, "All the brigades jumping in and just smearing him from one end of the lair to the other."
Dragaus says, "Exactly."
You say, "We need Viggu gone for good."
Dragaus says, "Well...I need to get back to the Council Chambers..."
Dragaus says, "Want to make sure the guards are taking care of things."
You say, "Aye and if needed i'll be about the next couple days alot."
Dragaus says, "I appreciate you sticking around, Klurn."
You say, "My duty."
Dragaus says, "I may see you tomorrow."
Dragaus says, "Enjoy."