I hope this is an appropriate place to post this. The shalswar/dragon priest hunting area by the gear gate to Raven's Point is considered in town for AOE spells.
You gesture.
The mana you were holding contributes to the spell.
A great clap of thunder booms through the area, rattling the teeth in your jaw.
Your actions quickly stir up a ruckus around you, as annoyed citizens quickly move out of the way. One mentions to his friend that he's off to report you for disturbing the peace.
Roundtime: 2 sec.
>pre fr
Since you're not feeding enough power into the spell pattern to make it coherent, you quickly work your way to the minimum required.
That won't affect your current attunement very much.
You trace an arcane sigil in the air, shaping the pattern of the Fire Rain spell.
You pause and release your spell, realizing that casting this spell here may get you arrested for endangering the public.
[If you really need to cast Fire Rain here, PREPARE it again within 30 seconds.]
Something similar happens for using cast area with CL, or so I've heard. Can this be looked at please? This wasn't like this before the new justice was rolled out. Now I'm wanted...I'm not really sure where but somewhere in P5. I assume Raven's Point, just haven't checked.