The Crossing
The Crossing
New Thread
having trouble making shop purchase
- (2 replies)
created by - THOMPANG
Town Green Water Source
- (5 replies)
created by - VERITHEIA
Can't fish at Alfren's Ferry.
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created by - GODKING
for sale
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created by - GG66GG
Harvey the gelapod and the Town Green Pond room description
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created by - FLINT-TIPPED
ivy-covered gateway
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created by - FLINT-TIPPED
city meeting hall on Clanthew Boulevard
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created by - THIRESDR
General Store
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created by - THAYET
The Orphanage East of Crossing
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created by - SYRAKEN
Climbing the Observatory
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created by - FLINT-TIPPED
Stone Clan Mining?
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created by - DRSCOTT
Drakes, and the climbing rock
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created by - ASHAMAN1
Updating Milgrym's?
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created by - DRSCOTT
Increase pawn limit at Crossing Pawn shop
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created by - LHALLFIN
Looking For Log: Zoo
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created by - CARAAMON
Aesthene's Close Justice
- (17 replies)
created by - STELLARMAGUS
Triage meeting Friday @ 6 PM EST
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created by - SKYDELPH
::Post Moved::
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created by - DR-ANNWYL
Petition positions!
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created by - BLUTURTL1428
Raven's Court
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created by - MOCKERJB
Empath Moda: the petition!
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created by - BLUTURTL1428
Strand Communal Center, Herb Garden
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created by - DRTYPRIOR
Aesthene's Close
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created by - RAIST
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created by - THWAPP
Segoltha script
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created by - CLEARLEAF
Vishlan's Wares
- (7 replies)
created by - GHEIFORT
Warmie Guild Justice?
- (5 replies)
Leather Repair
- (13 replies)
created by - GRIM45
GM Person: Stuck in Temple
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created by - ZIMPLYBEST
Guard buggy messaging
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Ravens court
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created by - DISCOTEQ21
New towers
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created by - SHNURUI
White Therengian Rose by lich gate?
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created by - POWERHAUS
X looks like...
- (4 replies)
created by - RAIST
Raven's Court
- (49 replies)
created by - REDETH
Looking for some freinds
- (9 replies)
created by - CMUNSTER80
Crossing Bank Spars for Charity/Speed Dating Event
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created by - WOODHAMR3
How do i get to the observatory
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created by - EADRIN
Ilaya Taipa
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created by - PORTOFILO
Map of Crossing's Market Plaza
- (1 reply)
created by - ISHARON
New Thread
The Crossing