As it is now summer for me and I possess a great deal more time, I will begin a project I have been meaning to for a while.
I am going to revive the Togball league. In order to do this horribly time consuming and soul crushing endevor, I'm going to need folks help. At the moment, I'm only looking to put together two teams, the Tiger Clan and Knife Clan teams, which will require having this odd sort of people called players. Due to tradition, the players themselves must be Gor'Tog, but I don't see any reason not to open the other non-field positions to any race.
So if you have an interest in playing, managing or being the ball, feel free to contact me at my play addy.
Caraamon Majerye,
Gor'Tog Barbarian Extrordi...Well somewhat average
Hunta Talna Kortok, built by Gor'Togs, for Gor'Togs