Keeping the lag down.
10/07/2010 05:09 PM CDT
It seems odd that things still lay on the ground, especially on River road west in Riverhaven. As far back as I can remember, things on the ground have seemed to cause all sorts of 'problems' ie lag, crashes, etc.So things were added to the was the famous 'trashman spell' given to the rangers.Got a room filled with unwanted items?? call for a tras...err Ranger to use their wonderful spell.
Next was adding Trash bins, crates, holes in trees and other devices to drop unwanted items in. Now we have hired janitors, given the Tras..err R angers another trash removal spell..Itsa a twista It's a twista!!! Auntie Em!!!!!
Since the infamous mana storms, some of the favorite sit,heal, chat and pick yer box areas where changed. We noticed in Riverhaven that this did effect out town greatly. The crate outside the Hospital seems to be a good idea, since we pop boxes there and if ya loose a body part , you are close to help.
Now alot of healing and comraderie happens at the Dry Goods Store, which people leave trash at (which lags the game) when a usless bucket sits at the East Gate of Riverhaven. Maybe there is a great purpose to not move that bucket over to the DGS where it's needed.
Inquiring minds would like to know.
Darkskye, ODS Speaker
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing".
Re: Keeping the lag down.
10/12/2010 05:52 PM CDT
As I posted in the Theren folder, let me know where they are!
GM Alvy
GM Alvy
Re: Keeping the lag down.
10/12/2010 07:14 PM CDT
Oleveir says, "One must be careful around the angry ODS women."
Oleveir says, "One must be careful around the angry ODS women."