You hum to yourself.
A fur-clad Dwarven guard bellows, "The Dragon Priests are attacking Raven's Point! Seal the gear gate, and prepare for attack!"
>go gate
The maze of interlocking cogs and sprockets set into the face of the massive gear gate grind to a stuttering halt as it slides to a fully open position with a creaking THUD.
A fur-clad Dwarven guard bellows, "The gear gate is open, second guard take up a defensive position and stand ready!"
A fur-clad Dwarven guard bellows, "Raven's Point is under siege by the Dragon Priests! The gear gate is sealed, and no one may pass until the threat has been driven from within the walls of the outpost!"
The translucent sphere around [your friend] suddenly pops like a soap bubble.
>go gate
A fur-clad Dwarven guard bellows, "Raven's Point is under siege by the Dragon Priests! The gear gate is sealed, and no one may pass until the threat has been driven from within the walls of the outpost!"
>scratch [myself]
You scratch your head.
[Your friend] asks, "Interesting, feel like defending?"
>wie sword
You slip a heavy steel bastard sword set with a lustrous dragon's blood amber pommel out of your nightsilk back harness.
You say, "Yes."
[Your friend] slings an Elven forester's bow off from over her shoulder.
[Your friend] loads her forester's bow with a midnight black arrow.
[Your friend] laughs at you!
A fur-clad Dwarven guard bellows, "Pass now, or be left to the mercy of the Dragon Priests!"
>yell Yeah... we tried.
You belt out, "Yeah... we tried."
You snort, loudly.
The point is that the gate was open and we were unable to enter.
Re: .... what?
04/03/2007 10:32 AM CDT
Looks like the seige/invasion script takes precedence over the gate script.
Are those attacks pretty random, or do they seem predictable? I kinda want to see it once just to see it.
XXXX signs, "I got a huge wedgie but I'm embarassed to pick it"
XXXX says, "Whos mark is this? Your sabre is a little awkward, but usable."
Are those attacks pretty random, or do they seem predictable? I kinda want to see it once just to see it.
XXXX signs, "I got a huge wedgie but I'm embarassed to pick it"
XXXX says, "Whos mark is this? Your sabre is a little awkward, but usable."
Re: .... what?
04/03/2007 12:33 PM CDT
>"Raven's Point is under siege by the Dragon Priests!
When the town is under attack by the assassins, the gate is locked down immediately.
A snow goblin reaches down and gently pets your corpse, then quickly looks about to make sure no one noticed.
When the town is under attack by the assassins, the gate is locked down immediately.
A snow goblin reaches down and gently pets your corpse, then quickly looks about to make sure no one noticed.
Re: .... what?
04/03/2007 01:22 PM CDT
>When the town is under attack by the assassins, the gate is locked down immediately.
Exactly... but it wasn't. The gate was open. I know the mechanics of the invasion (and I love them, by the way -- that why my character was so hasty to agree to defend Raven's Point). I guess what I'm trying to get at is that the two mechanics should not occur at one time. If the gate it opening, the invasion mechanics should wait until the gate is closed. Or, it should check to see if the gate is open and add messaging for the gate slamming closed.
On a related note... do the assassins in the invasion flex at all? My Ranger friend claims that she was able to spot them while searching in a previous invasion, but was unable to do so this time. Also, she says she was able to keep hidden and snipe them before, whereas she was immediately spotted and killed this time.
Exactly... but it wasn't. The gate was open. I know the mechanics of the invasion (and I love them, by the way -- that why my character was so hasty to agree to defend Raven's Point). I guess what I'm trying to get at is that the two mechanics should not occur at one time. If the gate it opening, the invasion mechanics should wait until the gate is closed. Or, it should check to see if the gate is open and add messaging for the gate slamming closed.
On a related note... do the assassins in the invasion flex at all? My Ranger friend claims that she was able to spot them while searching in a previous invasion, but was unable to do so this time. Also, she says she was able to keep hidden and snipe them before, whereas she was immediately spotted and killed this time.