[Raven's Point, Training Yard]
The air is filled with the sound of clashing swords as tenderfoot and veteran alike hone their skills on the equipment arranged around the training yard. A massive barracks protrudes from the face of the sheer rock wall, its reinforced structure equipped with several ballistas and onagers. Each one is manned by a group of heavily armored archers and guards. High above, a massive twisted horn rests upon a ledge, used to warn the outpost's citizens to run for cover in time of siege by invading forces.
Obvious paths: west.
l barr
A massive mikkhalbamar gate has been inset into the back rock of the eastern wall, giving access into the barracks cut into the solid rock. Its weathered stone facade is the most guarded location of Raven's Point, having withstood countless brutal invasions by the World Dragon Priests. Named The Raven's Rest, for fairly obvious reasons, heavily armored Dwarven guards patrol the scarred parapets that jut outward from the surface of the black rock.
go gate
[The Raven's Nest, Entry Hall]
Formed from what was once an expansive cave, the room is dominated by glistening stalactites hung with iron-wrought lanterns that dangle downward from the ceiling. Elegant arches carved with worn symbols support the black stone overhead, crossing paths at the pinnacle of the triangular room. Numerous Dwarven soldiers stride purposefully along the polished black stone floor, spreading outward to their unknown destinations. You also see a massive mikkhalbamar gate.
Obvious exits: east.
So when I look at the barracks from outside it says it's called The Raven's Rest, but when I go inside it's called The Raven's Nest. Which is it supposed to be?
~Minstrel Ascot, Song Weaver of M'riss