Info Update: The Hedgewizard 10/04/2016 01:27 PM CDT
Just a quick informational note since it (legitimately) keeps coming up when discussions about quality of life on Ratha are being discussed:

Without dropping exact details, I have a proposal submitted that would dramatically improve the lives those who live in proximity to this old codger.

If the proposal gets approved, I'll fill you in on what changes with him when the changes go live, but for now please rest assured I'm doing what I can to address the situation. :)

GameMaster Nohn Essential
AGM -- Events Team -- Provincial Events Lead: Qi'Reshalia -- INTERIM Premium Guru.
Re: Info Update: The Hedgewizard 10/04/2016 02:29 PM CDT
Hopefully he is accused of being a necromancer and burned at the stake. Event would include pile of wood to throw on the fire and fresh toads to throw at him that explode on impact.
Re: Info Update: The Hedgewizard 10/04/2016 02:57 PM CDT
I'd rather he just start selling fully operational lumpy green runestones and the Frog spell on scroll. Feral sorcery for the masses!

Re: Info Update: The Hedgewizard 10/04/2016 04:23 PM CDT
I hope it's a randomly moving S'Kra princess on the first tier that will kiss you if she sees you in frog form.

Don't forget to vote:
Re: Info Update: The Hedgewizard 10/04/2016 07:22 PM CDT
>I'd rather he just start selling fully operational lumpy green runestones and the Frog spell on scroll. Feral sorcery for the masses!

That would be toad-ally awesome.
Re: Info Update: The Hedgewizard 10/04/2016 09:10 PM CDT

>> I'd rather he just start selling fully operational lumpy green runestones and the Frog spell on scroll. Feral sorcery for the masses!

> That would be toad-ally awesome.

How about, if you have an empty scroll slot, he teaches you the spell while you're a frog. You can then cast the spell to stop being a frog. Barbarians and thieves would just be immune to it. It would give everyone a reason to travel to the islands in a non-transferable way.
Re: Info Update: The Hedgewizard 10/04/2016 11:09 PM CDT
I was mostly (96%) joking. Feral sorcery is supposedly mostly uncontrolled explosions that only result in the desired magical effect if the mage casting it is completely unhinged and lucky/skilled enough to pull it off.

When you're a frog you aren't a mage. You don't have any spell slots.

If you were a frog mage and cast 4 frequency feral sorcery it's likely you'd just explode in a green gooey mess with all sorts of colorful lightning involved (and maybe a negative afterimage).

Re: Info Update: The Hedgewizard 10/04/2016 11:36 PM CDT
The Toad spell was originally conceived as Feral Magic, in the 2.0 definition of the spellbook.

I re-purposed the name of the spellbook for an entirely different concept, which may have not been wise, but here we are.

"Perinthia's astronomers are faced with a difficult choice. Either they must admit that all their calculations were wrong ... or else they must reveal that the order of the gods is reflected exactly in the city of monsters." - Italo Calvino
Re: Info Update: The Hedgewizard 10/17/2016 03:42 PM CDT

How about we (as in not us peons, but the GM's) create a new guild of Druid Shapeshifters and expand on this idea :). Just saying...
Re: Info Update: The Hedgewizard 10/17/2016 03:53 PM CDT
I've always been curious/interested in the idea of a new guild in Dragonrealms, though I guess that's a discussion for another time. Not sure there's an obvious niche where one would fit.
Re: Info Update: The Hedgewizard 10/17/2016 06:10 PM CDT

For what it's worth, I think the number of guilds is too high. Development is already having a rough time keeping them moving. Instead, I'd like to see guilds expanded into new niches. Feral magic would make a great ranger sorcery, for example. It could be an extension off the shapeshifting they already do.
Re: Info Update: The Hedgewizard 10/17/2016 07:51 PM CDT
>For what it's worth, I think the number of guilds is too high. Development is already having a rough time keeping them moving. Instead, I'd like to see guilds expanded into new niches. Feral magic would make a great ranger sorcery, for example. It could be an extension off the shapeshifting they already do.

Rather than number of guilds, I'd say it's some combination of legacy systems (iirc from past off-handed GM comments coding for DR presents unique challenges), having to constantly reinvent core systems to keep up with ever-growing scales of power/skills, and current development priority featuring maximizing monetization of DR.

I agree with you on the rest. Any hypothetical new guild I can think of could has already had their role partially fulfilled by current guilds. Mystical martial artist Monks guild? Barbarians. Feral-magic and nature-loving Druids guild with animal companions? Rangers. Mystical/tribal totem-using Shamans that wield elemental power? Barbarians, Moon Mages, or Warrior Mages depending on the slant. Dark Knights? Just allow for dark-aspect Paladins. Golem-using Summoners? Either Empaths or Necromancers for the combat pet part, Warrior Mages for the lore.
Re: Info Update: The Hedgewizard ::Thread Over:: 10/17/2016 08:01 PM CDT

This one is way off topic, and now over.

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