Societies 01/24/2014 02:10 PM CST
How are societies coming along in different locations? I know a lot of GMs have plates full with 3.1, but it would be nice to go home and do society work there.

Can someone volunteer to 'oversee construction'(ooc design the areas) for adding the buildings? And would that help speed up the process?

Biasedly, enchanting once it's released will be my biggest desire, but engineering is a close second. I could care less about alchemy and outfitting but hey, i'll champion those as well if it gets us established on Qi.
Re: Societies 01/24/2014 08:35 PM CST
<<Can someone volunteer to 'oversee construction'(ooc design the areas) for adding the buildings? And would that help speed up the process?>>

I think ALAE is working on them possibly?

<<If I can't cast thunderclap, you can't summon the dark lord of the abyss to devour the flesh of the innocent>>
Re: Societies 01/25/2014 09:43 AM CST

>>I think ALAE is working on them possibly?

That still exists?
Re: Societies 01/25/2014 10:08 AM CST
>ALAE still exists?

Last I heard, yes. But it wasn't active, and had only a very small group of members. It's certainly not a feature that really deserves to be mentioned as a 'huge plat perk'. As a resource, it's almost never called upon, though a GM was trying to get them to be more active, I believe it's a plat-specific-only type thing, and given plat's microscopic population...
Re: Societies 01/25/2014 11:08 AM CST

Maybe this should be opened up to others subscriptions?
Re: Societies 01/25/2014 12:28 PM CST
ALAE is open to premium subs. I have applied myself but have received no response.
Re: Societies 01/25/2014 12:28 PM CST
> As a resource, it's almost never called upon, though a GM was trying to get them to be more active, I believe it's a plat-specific-only type thing, and given plat's microscopic population..

At some point a GM was intending to bring it to premium. Not sure what came of that.
Re: Societies 01/25/2014 01:31 PM CST
>>That still exists?

ALAE has made at least 3 societies with at least 2 more in QC.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.