I thought I'd post, since so many people seem to be unaware of the fact..
There are TWO sets of stairs out of the resurrection creche... the one 4 clockwise from the altar is MUCH easier than the one 4 widdershins (which everyone seems to use.)
From the top of the clockwise set it's 4 more clockwise to the doors. I am able to climb them immediately after a depart.. worst case, I've had to wait a few seconds, or a few seconds to climb down the outer temple stairs. Assuming you didn't depart from someplace remote, like deep in genis, you should be back at your grave/ward within 1-2 minutes.
Take note of it, modify whatever "getting out" scripts ya may have, pass the information to all your friends and ease your troubles after departing :)
Yours in faith,
~Brother Oszidwam, the original Temple Guide.