I'm assuming I'm not the only who's found, and tried charging, the Giant Cambrinth Orb about half way up the south west stairs of the High Altar/Seating Area... I was just wondering if anybody got it to actually DO something, or knows "why" it's there? Has anybody had any luck figuring out what the heck the brass panel on the Console in Defense Control does on the High Priestess' floor? If it does anything? Has anybody else even found the durned thing?
Oh, I love the size and detail of this Temple by the way... but my characters are going to have massive legs from moving up and down all those stairs.... stairs stairs everywhere.... ugh.
Re: Giant Cambrinth Orb
06/14/2002 11:22 AM CDT
The present assumption is that the orb has to do with powering the beacon at the top of the temple. No one's been able to do anything with it besides charge it.
Re: Giant Cambrinth Orb
06/14/2002 05:06 PM CDT
Speaking of which, did you guys manage to charge it completely?
Re: Giant Cambrinth Orb
06/15/2002 09:33 AM CDT
A number of war mages had an 'orb-charging party' there. I believe they did manage to charge it up all the way- but it sure took a lot of mana!
Re: Giant Cambrinth Orb
10/09/2002 12:52 AM CDT
During the war with Sorrow, when the S'lai had broken through town and we had a bunch of people trapped in the temple... We spent alot of time trying to see if we could get the panel to do something, thinking perhaps it might be useful as a defense mechanism or something. I don't think we ever did figure anything out. We pushed the S'lai back outta town. Was fun though.
Troubadour Raziaar
Troubadour Raziaar
Re: Giant Cambrinth Orb
10/22/2002 05:07 PM CDT
When my Cleric was younger there was a VERY Large orb charging party as well, several Paladins in there with several GoM going on and on non stop, we had bards and everything else pumping the mana up, and the real sad part is that nothing happened :)
Player of Kyloth
If I remember correctly, there is another orb that charges at the same time the other orb does.
Player of Kyloth
If I remember correctly, there is another orb that charges at the same time the other orb does.