Stealing in Hara'Jaa Enclave 12/19/2014 06:11 PM CST
Being that there is a justice system in Hara (the whipping post) is there a reason why you can't steal in any of the shops here? Any chance that can be looked into and perhaps turned on so that I can pilfer from the pilferers?


Salute a drowned sailor? You ought to brush up on your protocol, Kasto.
Re: Stealing in Hara'Jaa Enclave 04/25/2015 02:15 AM CDT
If it IS a justice system (JUSTICE does not register a justice system in the Enclave) it's only triggered by attacking corsairs I think. The Enclave is the only place I can think of where all the city services provided are unaffected by Necro and Teleo corruption, and I think this needs to stay like that.

Since it seems to be a custom justice mechanic, if shop stealing is put in please don't make it normal town justice system, and the penalty for theft from the Baron's stores should be something along the lines of losing all on-person money and then being drowned. To death. The Baron does not tolerate anyone messing with his wealth accumulation.

[The Enclave, Raenaden Jegu] (in front of the Forset)

You're fairly certain this area is lawless and unsafe.

And that's how it should stay!
