Is there any good place to train climbing at 400 ranks near Boar Clan? I've tried most of the items listed on the Climbing page on Elanthiepdia, but they're all too easy or too hard for good training.
TG, TG, GL, et al.
"Disagreement with the fundamental plan at this point is akin to supporting Richard III vs the Tudors."
Re: Climbing Training near Boar Clan
04/19/2012 01:24 PM CDT
I'd bet the trees in Black Apes, but you would need decent escaping for the mud and either enough defenses to handle the apes or invisibility.
You can always run back to Illithi and train in the Undergondola area (practicing on the branch is working quiet well for me at 470)
You can always run back to Illithi and train in the Undergondola area (practicing on the branch is working quiet well for me at 470)
Re: Climbing Training near Boar Clan
04/19/2012 07:00 PM CDT
I hunt around Boar Clan and run to Ilithi to train climbing.. the undergondola is just too perfect for it to pass up.
There are a bunch of smaller climbs on the Shard side of the undergondola that you can run along that add up quick, along with the bigger climbs that get you to the other side which will train for a long time once you're able.
There are a bunch of smaller climbs on the Shard side of the undergondola that you can run along that add up quick, along with the bigger climbs that get you to the other side which will train for a long time once you're able.