Today, I wanted to let everyone know how thankful I am to have my DR friends.
Sure - I may only see most of you once or twice a year and I may have never even met a handful of you - but you mean a lot to me.
You are the people who make my time in DR better.
You are the people who pepper my AIM with lol-tastic conversations.
So, to all my old friends I thank you for sticking with me this year. You know who you are.
And to my new friends, especially - thank you for getting to know me, and letting me get to know you. You also know who you are.
Thank you.
player of Ysselt
Join us in sharing information!
Re: Thank You.
11/27/2008 11:43 PM CST
You are a good one Jes. Happy Post-Thanks Day.
Re: Thank You.
11/28/2008 03:48 AM CST
Awww, we <3 you too, Jes.
Climbing List:
Swimming List:
And while I am evil, I try to avoid being just plain mean.
Climbing List:
Swimming List:
And while I am evil, I try to avoid being just plain mean.
Re: Thank You.
11/28/2008 01:09 PM CST
None of my characters have never really interacted with you in my years playing, but I know you are a good soul and a fun one and if you were not around, DR would be at a loss. So thank you as well.
And thanks to all DR players good and evil, you all make this world a fun one to retreat from the real world. I personly care about each and every one of you and wish you the best.
And thanks to all DR players good and evil, you all make this world a fun one to retreat from the real world. I personly care about each and every one of you and wish you the best.
Re: Thank You.
12/04/2008 05:19 PM CST
I'm always late to these things... it's good to be your friend, too! And thanks to all my DR friends.
player of the one and only Ebil One, Bambina
player of the one and only Ebil One, Bambina
Re: Thank You.
12/05/2008 04:45 AM CST
Jhime is a bit over 5 years old now. I never thought I'd still be playing, or end up this involved in the DR community when I signed up way back when. A lot of amazing experiences and people have come from it though.
<3 to all of you.
a black panther comes flying into view! it hits the ground, bouncing once before sliding to a stop.
A black panther is stunned!
<3 to all of you.
a black panther comes flying into view! it hits the ground, bouncing once before sliding to a stop.
A black panther is stunned!
Re: Thank You.
12/10/2008 02:12 PM CST
Jes is snuggleriffic and spectaculicious.
Jhime's cool too.
Satfiki wipes a bit of Rmel's spittle from her arm.
Jhime's cool too.
Satfiki wipes a bit of Rmel's spittle from her arm.
Re: Thank You.
12/10/2008 02:50 PM CST
wrote a song about, wanna hear it? here it go!
:oP Ragran
Idon Raider
____We, the disenfranchised men and women of Elanthia do, by the publishing of this accord, cast off the oppressive yoke of all law and nations and choose for ourselves a path of loyalty unto ourselves
:oP Ragran
Idon Raider
____We, the disenfranchised men and women of Elanthia do, by the publishing of this accord, cast off the oppressive yoke of all law and nations and choose for ourselves a path of loyalty unto ourselves